Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

kingston 2015

Created by beachball57 > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2015
SA, 538 posts
19 Jan 2015 12:55PM
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Anyone thinking about heading to kingston over the long weekend and is not sure where to turn to get onto the clay pan there will be orange safety flag type bunting on both the gate where you turn and along the fence line to make it easy for anyone that hasn't been there before. So just look for the orange saftey flags and you'll be on the right track?

SA, 538 posts
19 Jan 2015 10:28PM
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Kingston clay pans as of sunday 19th January

VIC, 1066 posts
20 Jan 2015 9:40AM
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See you Thursday. The clay's looking great!

VIC, 1066 posts
29 Jan 2015 1:56PM
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Play on the Clay 2015 was a great success. Slight issues with light overnight rainfall but great sailing weather for all of the five days we were there. Always have a heavy heart packing up and leaving such a great venue.

We camped at the clay/salt pan (Paranki lagoon) from Thurs-Mon. Sailed Thurs arvo, Friday, Saturday, Sunday with 10-20 kt winds most of the time, fading off during the evening most days. The lake surface was a little damp and slippery, and made sailing more than a little exciting at times. Had a great time meeting up with the Adelaide and South Australian Blokart Club guys (Tony, Greg, Chris, Mark) as well as others in the Kite buggy group. Top speeds were around 60-65kmh, although some were a little lax carrying their GPS units so who really knows.

VIC, 1066 posts
29 Jan 2015 2:05PM
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Iron Chook felt much safer this year after the addition of a seat and seatbelt. Top speed clocked was a touch over 70kmh, but due to the slippery lake surface it was hard keeping her on the ground. Next modification will be a wooden rear axle to soak up some of the wind gusts, and hopefully make the yacht a bit less likely to lift a wheel quite so quickly. Some front suspension might also help her tack a little easier as at times the front wheel had a tendency to bounce/skip during these turns. The mini's couldn't come close to catching the Iron Chook when she got going in a good wind Her ability to point into the wind was also great. Very happy!

VIC, 1066 posts
29 Jan 2015 3:17PM
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A little bit more footage. This time showing our luxurious accommodation site. This was the first time my sister has ever sailed a landyacht, soon after she was doing laps around me in the training yacht (boom-less sail and very slow).

VIC, 1066 posts
31 Jan 2015 1:18AM
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VIC, 1066 posts
6 Feb 2015 12:12AM
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Slowly getting the data off cameras...

VIC, 1066 posts
4 Mar 2015 2:57PM
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Last piece of video I put together for the event. This one is Blokart/5.6mini centric (so excuse the thumbnail, you'll see it was just an unlucky screen grab by YouTube).


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"kingston 2015" started by beachball57