Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

sandgropers 2015/16 season

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2015
WA, 1659 posts
31 Oct 2015 9:10PM
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Not long to the start of next season, we have a big program set out for the year, Visitors and new members welcome, yachts available to try or buy.


ROCKINGHAM Sailing / Event Calendar 2015/2016

Nov 29 Lake opening? Parks and Wildlife TBC Social sail

Dec 6 Busy Bee if lake open TBA

Dec 12 Fundraiser BBQ Bunnings Rockingham

Dec 13 Backup day for Busy Bee

Dec 16 Twilight sailing (Wednesday)

Dec 20 Class 5 and 5.6 mini scratch

Dec 27 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Dec 28 Mini only scratch day Blokarters invited

Jan 3 Class 5 and 5.6 scratch Club Championship

Jan 10 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Jan 17 Class 5 and 5.6 mini scratch Memorial trophy

Jan 23-25 Major combined landsailing event organized by Perth Blokarts

Jan 31 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Feb 7 Class 5 and 5.6 mini scratch Club Championship

Feb 10 Twilight sail (Wednesday)

Feb 14 Class 5 and Club 88 , handicap

Feb 21 Class 5 and 5.6 mini scratch Club Championship

Feb 28 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Mar 5-7 Long weekend social trip Leeman Caravan Park. Sailing at Lake Indoon if the surface is suitable.

Mar 9 Twilight sail (Wednesday)

Mar 13 Class 5 and 5.6 mini scratch. Club Championship

Mar 20 Class 5 and 5.6 mini handicap

Mar 26 Easter Saturday mini event with blokarters format TBA

Mar 28 Easter Sunday Class 5 event

Apr 3 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Apr 10 Class 5 and mini 5.6 scratch

April 13 Twilight sail (Wednesday) Blokarters invited

Apr 17 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Apr 24 Class 5 and mini scratch Anzac Day long weekend

May 1 Class 5 and Club 88 handicap

Jun 12 TBA AGM, Presentation of trophies

Sep 24-26 Long Weekend at Lake Lefroy Kambalda WA Open State Title Event

December 10 (TBC) Bunnings Rockingham Fundraiser On days marked as Club Championship, scores count for the Club Champion trophy, All other days, scores count for the Consistency trophy. Class5/Club 88 handicap results will be extracted from all consistency days.

WA, 1659 posts
2 Nov 2015 2:37PM
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Should be able to see this sign from Safety Bay road near entrance to Lake walyungup

WA, 700 posts
5 Nov 2015 8:28AM
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Lake opening confirmed for 27 November. Look forward to seeing everybody on the 29th !

WA, 1659 posts
1 Dec 2015 11:17AM
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We are finally back on the lake, It was not a comp day just a get together and a chance to try out our yachts,

Rons new yacht

WA, 1659 posts
14 Dec 2015 11:32PM
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12/13 December
Had a great fund raising sausage at Bunnings on Saturday, Fun day but a lot of hard work,Thanks everryone who attended to help.
Sunday was an open day with a few visitors having a go in the cub yachts, The two seater was on the lake again. Thanks to Adam and co.
Next Sunday will be our first race day for the season.

Few pics that i managed to get during the day

WA, 1659 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:44AM
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Been a bit slack, had a lot on lately.
We have had a great opening to the season, Everyone is starting to fly, There are a few more 5.6 mini now in the field which is a great outcome. We now have some club yachts for sale that were purchased and refurnished during the off season.

Last Class5/5.6 mini day was the Memorial Trophy day which I was very happy to win (and lucky) after a hard fraught day with Ewin and Jay.

Few pics of the mini fleet. and a vid from aus230

WA, 5921 posts
1 Feb 2016 7:14PM
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the passenger in the 2 seater looked terrified. can i suggest fitting a sash belt over the outside shoulder. we fitted them to our 3 seater and the passengers were able to relax and enjoy the sail

WA, 1659 posts
10 Feb 2016 5:11PM
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Last weekend was a club championship day, steady winds and some great racing, Jay won the day with some very consistent racing in the class5 races.
The mini races were won by Ron


WA, 1659 posts
14 Feb 2016 8:13PM
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Results from today's Club88/clas5 handicap


WA, 1659 posts
24 Feb 2016 9:20AM
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It was a great days racing on the 3rd club championship day with steady light winds all afternoon, which made the sailing a little tricky at times, great to see the 5.6 fleet increasing, and a great turnout of class5 yachts.

Class5 results

5.6 mini results

WA, 5921 posts
24 Feb 2016 1:52PM
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what the **** is the large pink object and the double boom ! on phils machine. he certainly gets me shaking me head in anguish each week

WA, 42 posts
15 Mar 2016 10:03PM
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Sunday the 13 March the Class 5 and 5.6 Mini's fourth and final Club Championship race weekend was held. The conditions where very testing to say the least with very light East to ESE winds ranging from 0 to 8 knots with the Class 5's only completing two races and the Mini's managing three. The results are as follows:

Class 5 Results:

5.6 Mini Results:

WA, 42 posts
20 Mar 2016 6:55PM
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The results from today's Class 5 and Club 88 Handicap races:

WA, 1659 posts
20 Mar 2016 7:37PM
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Thanks for your help Jason, glad you guys had a great day. See you all at the regatta next weekend
vic aus230

WA, 42 posts
20 Mar 2016 8:25PM
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It's my pleasure Vic. I'm looking forward to a great regatta next weekend let's hope the weather gods play their part

WA, 42 posts
3 Apr 2016 7:09PM
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It was a great day to hold the Class 5 and Club 88 Handicap races. The wind was light and fickle at times ranging from 5 - 8 knots from the E/SE tending more S as the day went on. There were 9 Club 88's competing with plenty of spectators enjoying the days sailing. Some photos from todays sailing can be enjoy by clicking on the below link:
The results are as follows:

WA, 42 posts
4 Apr 2016 11:33AM
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Yesterday was the seventh of nine programmed Class 5 and Club 88 Handicap races for the season. With only two more Handicap race weekends to go the progressive scores to date are as follows:

WA, 101 posts
5 Apr 2016 6:13PM
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Horward is most certainly the "Mr Consistent" of the club, no doubt about it.
glad he doesn't have a mini............yet

WA, 42 posts
10 Apr 2016 9:36PM
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What an awesome days racing today was for the Class 5, Club 88 and Mini's scratch races. The wind was a nice and steady 10 - 15 knots from the E with gusts up to 20 knots throughout the day. There were 10 Class 5/Club 88's and 6 Mini's competing with several spectators enjoying the sailing and a special guest coming along to take some drone footage.

Some photos from todays sailing can be enjoy by clicking on the below link:

The results are as follows:

WA, 1659 posts
12 Apr 2016 6:42AM
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Great place to wake up to after a great days racing,

Early morning Lake Walyungup. Rockingham. Western Australia

WA, 700 posts
12 Apr 2016 3:29PM
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And a bit of footage


WA, 42 posts
17 Apr 2016 4:29PM
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It wasn't the best day for racing today thanks to mother nature. The first two races went off without a hitch and then after a short break and a bite to eat the second group started and so did the rain. We managed to complete three races prior to the down pour and the cancellation of the fourth and remainder races for the day. The wind was light to medium and fluky at times ranging from 5 - 12 knots from the NNW/NW. There were only 6 Club 88's competing today with the weather scaring a few away.

The results are as follows:

WA, 42 posts
20 Apr 2016 5:25PM
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We have been notified from the Department of Parks and Wildlife that the lake will be closed from next Tuesday 26 Apr 2016. This decision has been made due to the wet conditions over the last couple of weeks and the access track has started to suffer some minor damage. We hope to see you all there on Sunday for some great racing and a general catch up.

WA, 42 posts
24 Apr 2016 8:07PM
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With the Lake officially closing on Tuesday 26 Apr 2016 today marked the last race weekend of the season. The light 0-8 knot N/NNW winds where very testing and fluky at times making you have to constantly think of what was coming next. There were 13 Class 5/Club 88's and 7 Mini's competing with several spectators enjoying the sailing and a special guest taking some drone footage. Everyone enjoyed a chat and get together at the end of the day to celebrate another fantastic season.

The results are as follows:

Class 5 and Club 88 Results:

5.6 Mini Results:

WA, 1659 posts
2 May 2016 8:11PM
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One of the last class5 races for the 2015-16 season, It was a great year thanks to everyone.

WA, 42 posts
2 May 2016 9:10PM
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What a close race with some great footage Vic. I'll post the video I did of the 5.6 Minis. I have some ideas to discuss with you as well

WA, 42 posts
2 May 2016 9:29PM
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5.6 Minis Scratch Race 24 Apr 2016

Too enjoy HD quality be sure to click on the settings cog and select 720 HD.

WA, 1659 posts
8 Jun 2016 10:28PM
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AGM this Sunday 12 June at 3pm. Vernon Arms Tavern on Old
Mandurah Rd , New members welcome.

WA, 42 posts
13 Jun 2016 9:48PM
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What a great turn out at the AGM/Presentation last night. Congratulations goes out to all the trophy recipients and also the rest of the members, supporters and volunteers for making the season such a success. I'm sure a good night was had by all and we will look forward to seeing you all again next season for a bigger and better one.

WA, 42 posts
19 Jun 2016 3:10PM
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The 2015/16 Sandgropers Year that was.

WA, 1659 posts
14 Aug 2016 8:47AM
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Another class5 5 to join the fleet for next season, Built by Dean, Has my sail on it at the moment to set it up.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"sandgropers 2015/16 season" started by aus230