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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General


Created by Tassie Olly > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2009
Tassie Olly
TAS, 13 posts
13 Dec 2009 9:26PM
Thumbs Up

I have had my first run and i'm still grinning. It was a blast, i almost baled as the wind was really strong and gusty. The front end is a bit light and the front wheel skids a bit, sometimes alot, when turning but using the sail as well it turns well. Didn't have the nerve to let it really go, next time. It was still plenty fast enough for a first run.

I'm not getting on well with uploading pictures, will try another post.
Cheers for all the advice and the plans. I think i must have shorter legs than most as i have to have the steering foot plates as far back as pos'.
Out for now Tassie Olly

1229 posts
13 Dec 2009 8:26PM
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Congratulations well done!!
You say the front end is light and the front wheel skids in the turns
It would be interesting to know how much weight you have on the front wheel
when you are in sailing trim
Your yacht looks great so does the beach !
Regards Hiko

QLD, 12351 posts
14 Dec 2009 4:24AM
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Really nice job Tassie. The sail set up looks great.

If you tell us where that beach is you might get a few visitors. Cisco

Funny you should say your front wheel is a bit skiddy. I don't see any essential differences between your mini and mine yet I found my yacht a bit skiddy in the rear

Tassie Olly
TAS, 13 posts
14 Dec 2009 8:52AM
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Maybe i'm heavier!
While i was building the whole buggy seamed to be heavy especially when you include me sitting in it, but it turns out to be really nipy, as you say the back will slide as well on a sharp turn. Can't wait to go again.
That was Greens Beach in Tassie a really good spot, i have not been along all of it but i would say at least 1km if not longer and 2 to 300 meters wide a bit bumpy close to the water. The other Beach i want to try is Bakers Beach, next one along, is even longer but have not been there.
There was one other blow cart there but did not speak to him/her as it was too far away. The locals were very interested, got my 15 min's of fame!

SA, 1622 posts
14 Dec 2009 8:45AM
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Great stuff Tassie, it looks great!!

Perhaps as a test put a piece of foam behind your back to move you forward a bit and see if that fixes the steering being too light.

(Oh and before everyone else says it, Don't forget the helmet! )

j murray
SA, 947 posts
14 Dec 2009 8:51AM
Thumbs Up

Looks great Tassie, And from the feel of your post

you are rewarded, that's the ultimate well done

VIC, 1066 posts
14 Dec 2009 2:48PM
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Very nice looking example of a mini there Tassie. Hope you have a lot of fun with it. Good to see there are now two Lefroy minis in the south east corner of the country, that I know of anyway.

As a side note, try not to run over and kill the beach cricketers as I see you've done. Not great publicity

QLD, 12351 posts
14 Dec 2009 9:21PM
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Your powers of observation are quite astounding Lachlan. I did see the body lying just below the dune and the cricket wickets but I had no idea that the body belonged to a person who had been K.O'ed by a Lake Lefroy Mini Explorer Land Yacht.

I hope the rest of the cricket team and the grieving family understand what an honour it is to exit this world in such a fashion as an encounter with such a remarkable land yacht as the L.L.M.E.L.Y. is.

Tassie Olly
TAS, 13 posts
15 Dec 2009 9:58AM
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Thanks for the thumbs up guys.
I will try that foam on the back Hills it might be enough to make all the differance.

WA, 5921 posts
16 Dec 2009 6:36PM
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from the photos all looks right, maybe your trying to turn too hard. some battens in the sail would help, and some more outhaul tension to flatten the sail.
i would be trying it with a " landyacht " sail first before doing any kind of modifications.
Otherwise congratulations on a ripper yacht and a view of a good looking beach
sost it in the landyacht register......pleaseeeeeeeeee......

Tassie Olly
TAS, 13 posts
21 Dec 2009 1:11PM
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Had another bash this week end with lighter winds, not so gusty. Much better had a good chance to play with it. Yup turning slower and not so tight does reduce or cut out front slide, but i also found that if you fly at close to top wack and turn sharp you can slide the back wheels aswell!!! i'm glad the fallshaw wheels have good tred i never expected to be doing dougnuts in a land yacht

WA, 5921 posts
21 Dec 2009 6:29PM
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Gotta get rid of those knobbly tyres, they would be slowing you down heaps! ribbed or smooth is best on sand. keep your eyes out for some 4ply light duty ribbed( roundd profile) for the rear and a 2ply ribbed for the front


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Finished!" started by Tassie Olly