Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Gibberjoes latest road trip

Created by gibberjoe > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2014
SA, 956 posts
29 Mar 2014 9:46PM
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map sheet of Australia with some
600odd maps that are somewhat better than the old school atlas
I wouldn't move without the 20 or so applicable to my intended trip

Where i will be starting at Port Augusta south Australia. to me the detail
is very important. I also carry the particular road maps for this journey

PT Augasta is said to be the cross roads of Australia as most people will traverse

thru the port going east - west or north-south. Was nearly chosen as the site for

the National capitial [Canberra], its the gateway to "The center" and has a wonderful

National Australian Native Garden, Our most predominant rail links pass thru here too

SA, 956 posts
29 Mar 2014 10:12PM
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Yes time is getting very close to "GO" so setting up site here. A friend will be posting for me as

that is the easiest way to set it up. My associated comment will be for those people mainly overseas who don't know

a lot about Australia, a bit similar to the Americans post on Ivanpath and what to do around that area.

If it offends you ...simply don't read...if you can do better , then why haven,t you, don't let a half dozen tinnes do your critic.

succeed or fail only time will tell. But whatever it will be a hell of a trip. Some 2.500 ks and 4 mths endurance. So that would

be at least 20ks per day for 120 days, or 150 days at 16.6kpd, so good breezes will push things along and quite days will

bring out the UkUleleys.....Looking at the BOM for the last few years and now with the met eye the wind will favour me

166 posts
30 Mar 2014 4:30AM
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What's on your mind? gibberjoe. You can tell me? I'm intrigued.

SA, 956 posts
30 Mar 2014 8:26AM
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Justo, i knew you would be intrigued, but just of now i cannot reveal more than one can see at the moment,

all in good time. An interesting story has intrigue, and surprise, and a touch of madness " outside the box"

166 posts
31 Mar 2014 2:32AM
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ok I can understand

SA, 956 posts
4 Apr 2014 11:44AM
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high viz road gear......a must for any landyachty

I think my dress maker had some fun here

that's one problem out of the way...........

SA, 32 posts
4 Apr 2014 12:41PM
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SA, 32 posts
10 Apr 2014 7:03PM
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do you have any water wings joe

SA, 956 posts
10 Apr 2014 7:52PM
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i do indeed ricko, i anticipated heaVY RAINS SO I CARRY ENOUGH TUBES TO FLOAT A RIVER, that being the hard thing

at least the ground will have some compaction while there is moisture around it has been so dry that it had turned to bulldust,

Had brecky with a few intelligent friends today including my artist, and she unveiled the sail paint job "WOW" it's great, i took the first photo

in the pub dinning room, of the main and jib "WOW, WOW". Do you think i can get the camera to down load to the computer, something

has been upset in the cameras programming and i have just spent 5 hours of frustration trying, bugger, bugger, bugger, no luck.

So next available photos may come next week after rain clears, sail art has to be sealed, cant be done with moisture around

VIC, 1066 posts
10 Apr 2014 9:57PM
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Best of luck Joe. Looking forward to seeing the sail pics and some adventure images.

I trust you'll go easy on yourself during the trip, and you get a good breeze to push you along.

I just had a truck breakdown last week while spotlighting; only a 15km walk back to camp at 4am but it was enough for me that day

SA, 956 posts
14 Apr 2014 1:15PM
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first look...Artist at work....Barbara Palmer

here we see the stock men who bought the cattle down on routes i will traverse

now days the cattle/stock come in road trains, where once 1500 miles took a few mths

now days 24 hrs. A lot of the stockmen were our aboriginal people, great horse people

who knew the lay of the land. Many are dead, bones rotting somewhere, forgotten by most, but not all.

And the Boss Drover, a hard man, who had the task of getting the mob to market, in good condition

SA, 956 posts
14 Apr 2014 1:23PM
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thanks Barbara, big full dress show tomorrow with local paper, The Bunyip, Gawler

That's the jib John Flynn on camel, Flynn of the inland, one instigator of The Australian Inland Mission

The flying Doctor network with it's mantle of safety. Flynn saw the need for medical stations or bush hospitals,

and managed to achieve, the setting up of many throughout Australia. Places where a broken limb can be fixed,

a mother can give birth , or a child with problems can receive help, and later school of the air for education

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
14 Apr 2014 1:03PM
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I reckon if the sails survive the trip they would charity auction for a good price!

SA, 956 posts
14 Apr 2014 4:03PM
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they'll survive so will the bidding TP1

the works name or title is " And leisurely the cattle pass " from the poem by

A, B. Paterson "Banjo", " With the cattle ", verse 8 line 3, read the poem it is a great one!

remiss of me to not mention....this artwork has been painted both sides of the sails, mirror image

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
14 Apr 2014 5:00PM
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OK i'll start the bidding $1.00!

166 posts
15 Apr 2014 12:38AM
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You're an artist giberjoe.
You're doing something great. From here my sincere support.

WA, 5921 posts
15 Apr 2014 6:18PM
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Select to expand quote
Test pilot 1 said..
OK i'll start the bidding $1.00!

put me down for $50

6 posts
22 Apr 2014 10:29AM
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Hi all,
This is the first full look at the painting,

6 posts
22 Apr 2014 10:50AM
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Photo session with the Gawler Bunyip photographer for

possible article soon. We'll let you know.

166 posts
23 Apr 2014 1:14AM
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wonderful, amazing. Have some other form of propulsion or just wind.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
23 Apr 2014 3:58AM
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I think he will be using as much gravity(downhill) as he can

166 posts
28 Apr 2014 11:02PM
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Gibberjoe you should carry a spinnaker. I did many tests with (spinnaker / gennaker) sail and I think that will help much.

SA, 956 posts
29 Apr 2014 7:41AM
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justo, to late what you see is what i have, i would have great problems handling a spinnaker,

and it would / could restrict forward vision. so have to go with what i have, only a couple of days to start.....yippee

WA, 179 posts
29 Apr 2014 9:55AM
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Great to see you are on schedule Gibba. All the best for an enjoyable and successful venture....wok

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
29 Apr 2014 7:45PM
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Go Joe, go

WA, 5921 posts
29 Apr 2014 10:26PM
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blimey Joe. they look great , I'll change my bid to $100

166 posts
29 Apr 2014 11:59PM
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Best of luck.
Have a good adventure.!!

SA, 956 posts
30 Apr 2014 7:47AM
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well i am in for a great trip according to my totem , the cheeky willy wagtail, dropped in this morning

with well wishes 6.30 a.c.t, singing its head off, as has happened a few times in my life, and those occasions have

proved to be really special for me . Seem a bit of hogwash, but not to me.

the willy has an amazing range of song that many never hear, not just a couple of calls but real song melody.

in indigenous mythology the WW is said to spread the chatter and should not be listened too, a gossip... So I'm spreading

landyacht gossip and it can be addictive, be very careful or one can get hooked....... packing it all in today

I weighed my payload and it comes to around 200kg, water 50, food 50, tools/spares/repair 20, bedding 15, clothes 10,

first aid 5, ukulele and music 10. and odds n sodds, boots, tent, stretcher, cooking.

SA, 1622 posts
30 Apr 2014 9:29PM
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WOW!! that looks great!!

All the best Joe, I'm looking forward to watch your progress!

WA, 1244 posts
30 Apr 2014 11:41PM
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The very best of luck and good winds Mr Gibber.

Onwards and upwards.

My bid, if they were put up for sale is $200, if you both sign them.
What an outstanding piece of artwork!

6 posts
6 May 2014 5:36PM
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Gibba is on his way.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Gibberjoes latest road trip" started by gibberjoe