Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Lake Lefroy: Where is Everyone?

Created by Sylk > 9 months ago, 27 Jul 2014
WA, 215 posts
27 Jul 2014 8:10PM
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Had a beaut sail today, salt conditions are very smooth all the way to the edge past the quartz islands.

Come on all you Kambalda, Kalgoorlie sailors get your s##t together and get out there!!!
Getting bored with being the only yacht/kite buggy out there on hundreds of square km of quality playground.

WA, 5921 posts
27 Jul 2014 9:13PM
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i was busy machining your 3 sets of kambalda bushes.
time to get a practice in lads and free up the bearings


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Lake Lefroy: Where is Everyone?" started by Sylk