Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Lytham st Annes

Created by Bynorthsea > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2019
104 posts
9 Sep 2019 6:15PM
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Whats happening down there, used to be a well used forum now more post from the UK. Here are a couple of pics from the weekend, a demonstration event to pursuade the council to open up the beach.

135 posts
10 Sep 2019 4:54PM
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Is that dennis on the x sail, Was talking to a landyachter who had been on lythams a few weeks back and was approached by someone who said it was still a banned beach but continued to sail and saw no sign of being asked to leave. So whats the current situation could be over that way at next half term with the motorhome .

104 posts
11 Sep 2019 1:46AM
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Yes that's Denis. Situation at Lytham remains the same, sailing has only for been allowed for the two demo events this year. Local pilots are in negotiation with the council, members of which were at the event.
I think if there is unauthorised sailing it could put in jeopardy negotiations with the council.

135 posts
18 Sep 2019 3:38PM
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Hi B N S out of curiosity how many are getting out at fraisthorpe used to windsurf now and again down there ,a long time ago.Not much activity up at redcar ,generally only John and myself out with a couple of kite buggiers.a few years back there would be 8 or 9 windsurfers ,now rarely see any at all.John and myself were talking about maybe having a trip down to fraisthorpe,whats the best direction for landyachting and whats the parking like these days.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Lytham st Annes" started by Bynorthsea