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New U.S. mini rules

Created by KAONAONA > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2014
230 posts
23 Apr 2014 6:00AM
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USMYA Mini Class Rules
Mini Class Maximum Sail Area
(See #1 below)
Rope Rule
US 5.6 Unlimited 5.6m Rope Rule (See #2 below)
US 6.7 5m2 ( 54 ft2 ) 6.7m Rope Rule (See #3 below) No Restrictions
Wheel Size Maximum 16” Outside Diameter No Width Restriction

1. Maximum sail area measurement includes mast area above the foot of the sail when sheeted in tight. The boom area is not included in the sail area measurement.

2.US Mini 5.6 uses the 5.6m Rope Rule, where yacht footprint must fall within 5.6m ( 220 in ) 12 mm ( ¼ in ) diameter loop of rope.

3. US Mini 6.7 uses the 6.7m Rope Rule, where yacht footprint must fall within 6.7m ( 264 in ) 12 mm ) ¼ in ) diameter loop of rope.

4. Additional ballast (weight devices), ballast may be used, but must not be moveable. Ballast shall not be removed or added during a race.

5. Mechanical camber inducers are not allowed to be used in the luff sock on the luff sock type sails.

6. Wire stayed masts are not allowed and all mast constructions have to be fabricated out of round cross-section materials, tapered or non tapered.

7. Rotating masts are not allowed.

8. Enclosed bodies are not allowed, an enclosed body is defined as body work that covers any portion of the pilots’ body when seat belted in yacht, when viewed from above. The pilot’s feet have to reach the ground, while pilot is seat belted in yacht.

9. US Mini 5.6 class allows use of full length seat pans with 7” maximum side rails. Side rails are measured from the ground to the highest point of side of seat pan, minus the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the seat pan.

10. Tire and wheel aerodynamic cowlings (covers) are not allowed. Front wheel gravel guards are allowed.

11. US Mini Classes will start from a stationary position on the starting line, with no outside help pushing.
US Mini 5.6 class has the option of using a rolling start, when the pilots participating in the class vote to do so.

12. Pilots have to start race seat belted in yacht. --

All NALSA Rules Apply When Applicable --
Revised 04/03/14

SA, 2865 posts
23 Apr 2014 9:42AM
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I personally think the US Mini rules are annoying and disruptive to the sport of Mini Yacht land sailing WORLD WIDE.............

The International 5.6 Mini rules were established to encompass small yachts around the world and it has done this incredibly well by new people entering the sport in droves.

It seems that some people that created the above US rules want to stay in the past with 'old style' yachts.

What 12mm is 1/4"? (not in my part of the world)

Wire stays are out?.... would it be OK to hold a mast up with Kevlar / Mylar rope stays, what about solid stays?

Most masts rotate slightly.... do masts need now to be bolted?

Enclosed bodies not allowed? Hey that's going to go down well with the blokart people when they are no longer regarded as a mini yacht ( blokart ....the class that started the current influx of people into the Mini class).

Side rails.... where are they measured at the ankle, knee, hip or shoulder?

How much time will checking and measuring take when you have yachts lined up at a championship?

Bad rules, poorly written!!!!!!!

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
23 Apr 2014 11:27AM
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I'd love to see some one belted in with their feet on the ground and their legs going over a 7" side rail!

55 posts
23 Apr 2014 12:43PM
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some people would complain if they got hung with a new rope! myself included.
the rules you are looking at are old and where more of a rough draft, We still have some work to do on the new set, We have fixed the 1/4 inch rope, approx. 6mm, tubular mast stays, rotating wing type mast and so on. look up the newer rules and offer a positive response.
I feel the International 5.6 class needs rules, lots of them. this class is going to end up just like the class 5, those with the most money will be on the podium, you mentioned Blowies, We all could learn a lesson from them, they have lots of rules and they have done very well, they have something for every one.
the US 5.6 are trying to keep the playing field more equal and easier for the newbe to get started and be able to compete with out having to compete with mini-promos and other inclosed body type yachts. If you have an open framed yacht you won't be that competitive with mini-promos and a like. there need to be two classes, body type and open framed yachts.
The US MINI is for the United States. At the worlds we do the International way. there are very few US minis racers that will ever go out side the US to race.
The US mini is a good thing and it will stay even if I have to race alone. 63.4 mph is fun on a open framed 5.6 mini, just ask me./Burt

230 posts
23 Apr 2014 2:37PM
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Hey Burt

It says "Revised 4/2/2014" Why are you saying it's out of date?

Oh yeah. How fun is it to run 63.4 mph on a open framed 5.6 mini???

The rules don't really matter much to me since I didn't know anything about them in the first place. No matter where I am I would have to abide by some sort of rules. I just needed to know before I lay out my frame. That side rail rule is kind of lame since it's not very specific.


SA, 2865 posts
23 Apr 2014 7:16PM
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So here comes the custom made cabon fibre or spun aluminium wheels at the cost of half a house... (just like class5) hey Burt?
Class 5 has suffered one major problem....To many rules. Have you ever tried to get / source a Class5 mast?
And with rules comes having to measure them..........Lots of them at any championship.

177 posts
23 Apr 2014 6:46PM
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Hi all, when I introduced the International Miniyacht Class rules to FISLY it was after much discussion and years of promoting Miniyachts with others. We wanted simple rules as too many rules have had a negative impact on other classes before. The rules are simple and as requested by the member countries of the International Miniyacht (5.60) Class Association the rules are fixed by FISLY until the end of 2016.
The development of the class has been rapid to put if mildly and that is what was intended, to bring people to the sport for fun as well as racing.
There is of course at the top of the racing elite a development level that has pushed the Miniyacht performance to class 5 levels , these racers are not the majority but they have evolved quickly. At some time in the future the class will have to look at and see if it's aims of bringing people to the sport for racing and fun are still being achieved and possibly review the class ensuring the focus stays on the intended simple design of a Miniyacht that goes into a car boot. Additional rules like compulsory handbrakes (already an advisory in FISLY rules), maximum sail size of 5.6msq, minimum boom height above pilots head are all being spoken about but everyone seems content to let the class develop along the basis of remembering the spirit of the class for now.
Development is good and welcomed but for the Miniyacht class it's as important if not more important to ensure for the future of landsailing in general that the focus is on the Miniyacht for fun sailing as well as the racing.
The intention was to keep it simple and create interest and these discussions and debates, the constant stream of information and photographs on the International Miniyacht (5.60) Class Association Facebook page all indicate to me that the class rules have so far proven successful at what it set out to achieve !


WA, 179 posts
23 Apr 2014 7:43PM
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I agree with Gizmo and Ipska, I don't even race my 5.6 so am not interested in the US 5.6 rules., they can plot and play with themselves until the sun goes out. The existing FISLY 5.6 rules were meant to allow a simple easy & cheap development class and clearly intended to develop for years yet....... leave it alone, let it develop, the class is producing many new sailers and ideas, ignore the detractors while they battle with their personal ego's.

230 posts
24 Apr 2014 12:26AM
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wokelliott said..

I agree with Gizmo and Ipska, I don't even race my 5.6 so am not interested in the US 5.6 rules., they can plot and play with themselves until the sun goes out. The existing FISLY 5.6 rules were meant to allow a simple easy & cheap development class and clearly intended to develop for years yet....... leave it alone, let it develop, the class is producing many new sailers and ideas, ignore the detractors while they battle with their personal ego's.

I second that.

During my years racing sprint cars we saw many competitor fall by the wayside due to rule changes. Many have spent life savings to run with the big dogs. Next thing you know some self serving entity makes some lame rule changes and essentially puts the little guy out of the program because they have already spent the time and money on their present racing set up only to turn around and have to spend even more to comply or get out or change classes. This is not good for the sport and does not draw potential champions to the classes that are overwhelmed by rule changes.

There is nothing "International" about the U.S. rules. Maybe what this sport needs is an "Open Class" where the only restriction is wheelbase to divide the classes, otherwise anything goes.

I sponsor and promote archery tournaments and the open class shoots draw three time as many archers as the shoots governed by a multitude of rules and regulations. You are simply shut out by the rules and not whether you can shoot or not. 99% of archery rules are equipment related and if you can't pay you can't play!!

But like I said, I'm going to race so I will comply until the rules are utterly ridiculous. Then I'll change classes or ,Like US306 says, play by myself.

Maybe I should start my own organization for open class racing. But like archery, it's usually left in the hands of the competent competitor and not the equipment.

The last word in cars.

55 posts
24 Apr 2014 2:07AM
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Thanks Alan, We needed that, I'm good at stirring up a hornets nest, I'm and ole' archer too and an open class would be good. the I-5.6 minis will have to endure the money problems and mini-promos and the like because of the lack of rules, until 2016, and maybe the I-5.6 will get back on track, there is nothing wrong with development and progression that is what life is about. Life is about rules and every thing is connected to rules. The US 5.6 minis is the same as the International mini EXCEPT for the body thing. The US mini is more like the LLY look, which is a great design, and the advent of the mini YOTT and regular Y frames designs, CLEMCO's design is super, there is a lot of super stuff out there and great minds that have contributed so much to the sport. When it gets down to racing and it seem as though it will , even when we are just playing around, the mini's with bodies or semi bodies will have an unfair advantage over an open framed mini. Right now I'm the go person for the US 5.6 and I'm trying to keep the playing field more equal for all racers, I enjoy your comments, positive comments all always better./Burt

1 posts
24 Apr 2014 3:45AM
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First time poster, as yet to be a landsailor. Presently in the middle of a 5.6 mini build. As a long time iceboater I was immediately attracted to the concept established by the Euros. My brother-in-law has been pestering me to get involved and after seeing US 772's boat I saw a direction I could tackle. I'm not a welder and with my skill set it looked doable? I can also use it as an iceboat. Fun, comfortable, inexpensive, fits in the back of a pickup truck, whats not to like?
As an iceboater ,we sail several different types of boats, Skeeters, Renegades, Nites, B Skeeters, DNs, and Sternsteerers. The first 5 are highly structured with rules governing sail size, blades, masts, platform size, etc. And where there are no rules money seems to provide a solution. I sail a Sternsteerer, circa 1937, which I am slowly, and cheaply, trying to become competitive with. The only rules are sail size, A, B, C, D and does it steer from the rear! The 5.6 mini seemed a natural for me to become involved with, with its straight forward parameters. It seems that both sports, landsailing and iceboating, are involved with a very finite "gene pool" and anything that could potentially grow the sport should be allowed to take its course. As this process evolves a logical solution will probably present itself. And a tremendous opportunity will happen this summer when the Euros and others come to town! Comparison of construction, rigging, sails, and techniques should enlighten all involved. Looking forward to meeting new sailors on the Alvord this fall.

55 posts
24 Apr 2014 4:35AM
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WELLCOME aboard, the 5.6 is a great class, and Johnny's US 772 boat is a good one to copy and it goes real well, He is always willing to help out. the Euors are going to have there hands full with this boat/Burt

SA, 2865 posts
24 Apr 2014 9:07AM
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Burt, from what i'm getting from your postings is you are wanting to create a 'breed' of yacht that has tight regulations and rules BUT also fits within the International 5.6 Mini class.

For example of 'breed'.... the blokart, the LLMini, the Potty etc are ALL breeds of yachts, they are ALL different ...... Yet they ALL fit into the 'International Mini 5.6 Class'

Perhaps as a suggestion lets call your dream specifications of a tightly controlled group of yachts the 'Eagle' it would fit within the International 5.6 mini class yet it competes directly with every other 'Eagle' yacht which is exactly like it......

I have used 'Eagle' as a creative name rather than 'US mini 5.6' as that name is muddying the waters a bit.

I am currently in discussions with a person interested in building 'IKEA' style yachts in a kit form with no welding etc. DIY yet with the satisfaction of self assembly. He wants to build 10-20 yachts in the first run, the sail would be a dual skin plastic and ultrasonically welded, the seat is a basic plastic 'canteen' style seat and nothing fancy. A VERY basic yacht for newbies.

55 posts
24 Apr 2014 12:19PM
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Hi Gizmo, the US 5.6 mini has all the same rules as the International 5.6 with the exception of no bodies, enclosed bodies, promo type bodies, wheel pants Etc. seat pans are ok, like the LLY's and seats like Chook uses. side rail can't be over 7 inches, seat belted in the feet have to reach the ground for braking and holding the yacht at the starting line. We well even do rolling starts, if the majority of the field wants too. All I'm trying to do is even the playing field. Johnny little Int.5.6 is very fast scary going to weather, our style of racing on our playas is too weather and off wind and to weather is were the arrow dynamic yachts really shine, some thought the cut down Manta twins would be the ticket with the side to side seating, but they haven't really worked out like they had hoped, they do have there moments in heavy air, but they do have a lot of wind drag. The International 5.6 has been real good for the US minis, getting the interest up, for years there were only three or four on the mini at the Nationals at Ivanpah and they would hardly give us the time of day, the last two years there has been a good showing, Thanks to the International 5.6 mini's and having the worlds in the US this year, I'm sure many felt like the mini class would be the easiest way to get involved for the Worlds..the yachts you are describing with no welding is like my last yacht, the fork was welded but every thing else was bolt up, and it was a super good yacht, this design could be a good deal. The US 5.6 mini isn't as complicated as people think. More like a LLY./Burt

230 posts
27 Apr 2014 3:50AM
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US306 said..

U.S. rules have sail size restrictions also.

USMYA Mini Class Rules

Mini Class Maximum Sail Area

1 6m2 ( 65 ft2 )
2 5m2 ( 54 ft2 )
3 4m2 ( 43 ft2 )

5.6m Rope Rule For class 3 mini

The worlds will be going by the International 5.6 Mini rules, not the U.S. Mini rules.

Hi Gizmo, the US 5.6 mini has all the same rules as the International 5.6 with the exception of no bodies, enclosed bodies, promo type bodies, wheel pants Etc. seat pans are ok, like the LLY's and seats like Chook uses. side rail can't be over 7 inches, seat belted in the feet have to reach the ground for braking and holding the yacht at the starting line. We well even do rolling starts, if the majority of the field wants too. All I'm trying to do is even the playing field. Johnny little Int.5.6 is very fast scary going to weather, our style of racing on our playas is too weather and off wind and to weather is were the arrow dynamic yachts really shine, some thought the cut down Manta twins would be the ticket with the side to side seating, but they haven't really worked out like they had hoped, they do have there moments in heavy air, but they do have a lot of wind drag. The International 5.6 has been real good for the US minis, getting the interest up, for years there were only three or four on the mini at the Nationals at Ivanpah and they would hardly give us the time of day, the last two years there has been a good showing, Thanks to the International 5.6 mini's and having the worlds in the US this year, I'm sure many felt like the mini class would be the easiest way to get involved for the Worlds..the yachts you are describing with no welding is like my last yacht, the fork was welded but every thing else was bolt up, and it was a super good yacht, this design could be a good deal. The US 5.6 mini isn't as complicated as people think. More like a LLY./Burt

55 posts
27 Apr 2014 7:24AM
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EVERYTHING ABOVE the paragraph (in yellow) which starts with "Hi Gizmo,"
is a misquote !!!!!


The US 5.6 Mini does not have sail size restriction.
there is no longer minis 1, 2, 3, just 5.6 and 6.7 Mini's

Burt/ US306

230 posts
28 Apr 2014 12:23AM
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US306 said..




EVERYTHING ABOVE the paragraph (in yellow) which starts with "Hi Gizmo,"
is a misquote !!!!!


The US 5.6 Mini does not have sail size restriction.
there is no longer minis 1, 2, 3, just 5.6 and 6.7 Mini's

Burt/ US306

For some reason It put my remarks in the quoted area of the post. Not sure why?
Everything above Hi Gizmo IS from the nalsa/yahoo group sight that was announced in a document sent by Howard Haupt at the beginning of April!

In Mexico there is a saying that goes "No la ponga los chones arriba".......Which roughly translates to..... "DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN AN UPROAR",

And now, I'm guessing that the rules have been finalized????? and the rules at the begining of this thread are "The" us mini rules??? At least until next month!!! When they will probably change again, (Going by the track record).

Here is the latest most recent document of the ever changing mini rules. Can't wait to see what comes out next month.

USMYA Mini Class Rules US Mini Class Maximum Sail Area Rope Rule Wheel/Tire Size US 5.6 Unlimited 5.6m Rope Rule
(see #2 below) Maximum 16" x 4"
(see #11 below) US 6.7 5m2 ( 54 ft2 ) 6.7m Rope Rule
(see #3 below) Unlimited 1. Maximum sail area measurement includes mast area above the foot of the sail when sheeted in tight. The boom area is not included in the sail area measurement. 2. US Mini 5.6 uses the 5.6m Rope Rule, where yacht footprint must fall within 5.6m ( 220 in ) 6 mm ( ¼ in ) diameter loop of rope. 3. US Mini 6.7 uses the 6.7m Rope Rule, where yacht footprint must fall within 6.7m ( 264 in ) 6 mm ( ¼ in ) diameter loop of rope. 4. Additional ballast (weight devices), ballast may be used, but must not be moveable. Ballast shall not be removed or added during a race. 5. Mechanical camber inducers are not allowed to be used in the luff sock on the luff sock type sails. 6. Wire stayed masts are not allowed and all mast constructions have to be fabricated out of round cross-section materials, tapered or non tapered. 7. Rotating masts are not allowed. 8. Enclosed bodies are not allowed. An enclosed body is defined as body work that covers any portion of the pilots’ body when seat belted in yacht, when viewed from above. The pilot’s feet have to reach the ground, while pilot is seat belted in yacht. 9. US Mini 5.6 class allows use of full length seat pans with 7” maximum side rails. Side rails are measured from the ground to the highest point of side of seat pan, minus the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the seat pan 10. Tire and wheel aerodynamic cowlings (covers) are not allowed. Front wheel gravel guards are allowed. 11. The wheel which consists of an inflated tire mounted on a rim must be less than or equal to the size of
16” x 16" x 4” box. 12. US Mini Classes will start from a stationary position on the starting line, with no outside help pushing. US Mini 5.6 class has the option of using a rolling start, when the pilots participating in the class vote to do so. 13. Pilots have to start race seat belted in yacht. All NALSA Rules Apply When Applicable

230 posts
28 Apr 2014 12:25AM
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If you want to check out the actual "Rules", Here is the

But you better hurry!......It might change next week!!!

55 posts
28 Apr 2014 3:19AM
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Now that's more better, I like

the link is good for all to see. Thanks for the post. Yes the rules will change when the need arises!

and there is need to change #7, rotating mast, will change or be eliminated . this refers to a wing mast types.

The newest rules are good rules, and should be easy to understand for all those who participate is the UNITED STATES 5.6 Mini racing.

I like your post regarding " DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A UPROAR" That 's good. I'll keep that in mined. you may want to take that quote to heart as well, because I don't understand why you got your panties in an uproar over the US mini rules in the first place.

Now this is a U.S. matter. If you have a problem with things pertaining to the U.S. Minis, feel free to post your concerns on the NALSA site and let us not clutter up the Seabreese site ........... hope to see you at the Worlds, I'll be easy to find/Burt

SA, 32 posts
28 Apr 2014 9:30AM
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the rules for the us mini seem to be changed as often as babies diapers and probably for the same reason.

are they actually holding meetings to get a vote on the changes or is the us mini group a group or just a couple of people pushing their own ideas , cos thats what it looks like

230 posts
28 Apr 2014 1:35PM
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US306 said..

Now that's more better, I like it.......
Yes Burt, The latest rules are perfectly understandable as were the prior set of rules at the beginning of the month. I just couldn't understand why they are being tossed around like a hot potato.

The link is good for all to see. Thanks for the post...........
That's why I posted the link To make sure all are clear what they are. (For now, I guess)

Yes the rules will change when the need arises! .....
The need for rule changes must have arisen twice this month??? Hardly!

And there is need to change #7, rotating mast, will change or be eliminated . this refers to a wing mast types......
Sure why not, maybe you should just make a winged class too. A winged class , full body class, a partial body class, a 4" side rail class, a fat tire class and a skinny tire class. Then you can develop a whole set of rules for each of them! After all like you say "That's what life is about, Rules".

The newest rules are good rules, and should be easy to understand for all those who participate is the UNITED STATES 5.6 Mini racing.....
The International rules are good rules and understandable too and they need no change til 2016. Not April 2014, May 2014, June 2014 And definitely not twice in one month and so on and so on.

I like your post regarding " DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A UPROAR" That 's good. I'll keep that in mined.....
You like that, ha.

You may want to take that quote to heart as well, because I don't understand why you got your panties in an uproar over the US mini rules in the first place.....
Because I am going to run in the US mini class, no matter what the rules are!

When there's no rhyme nor reason for rule changes in spurts like the officials have done, I have no choice but to question If the rule changes were selected at the toss of a coin, especially when they have been changed for whatever reason so frequently.
I don't want to be at the starting line and the race be postponed for another whimsical rule change....Yes that was an exaggeration.

Now this is a U.S. matter. If you have a problem with things pertaining to the U.S. Minis, feel free to post your concerns on the NALSA site and let us not clutter up the Seabreeze site....
I'm pretty sure the mini class is an international class. But like the US always does, they had to try and make their own.

I have made several inquiries to the nalsa officials about the mini rules and never got replies to my e-mails.

Probably because they were changing them again in a week anyway so why bother to reply. This is the only place it is being discussed to any extent Because I opened the thread. The nalsa sight discussion changed from the rules to wind bagging. There is perspective and insight here. There is closed mindedness and what seems uncertainty on the nalsa sight. Besides I wanted to talk rules, not tires or Motorhomes like the nalsa sight.
There seemed to be plenty of unhappy people about it there too.

Hope to see you at the Worlds, I'll be easy to find/Burt....
Ya you'll be the guy with the tall pointy hat!....Just kidding Burt, Don't get your panties in an uproar!

I hope you can find the spirit of this discussion because not only is it serious, as it should be, but fun too. I have learned a lot in the last couple of weeks and will continue to. Thanks for all of everyone's input in this discussion


It was that

55 posts
29 Apr 2014 1:30AM
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Glad to here you are going to race in the US Mini class.
For approx. 10 years their was a U.S. Mini Yacht Association made up of three different class, which included Manta twins (1), Manta single (2) and Mini-3 and all others which fell into the foot prints of the class 1, 2, 3 and their rules which didn't change any of the existing Manta rules. People found the three class were to confusing, and that was because of their Mindsets. The Mini thing really wasn't so different than the Nalsa big boat classes with the boats being able to compete in different classes with just a change of a sail size and that was OK it gave them more running time. the Manta classes where the glue witch held NALSA together and they got good support and time to race and they deserved the support. Then came the MINIS-3
and that class as I perceived it, was a nascence to NALSA and they just tolerated the Mini-3 .
When the International 5.6 MINI class evolved, I JUMPED FOR JOY! that was the shot in the arm the sport needed and the support in the US just exploded and there where many new builds. With in two years the MIni class may be viable class in the U.S. and with in those two years their has been a natural development of two classes with in the MIni class so it was evident to me something had to be done and I met with the people who where the masterminds of the USMYA and we dissolved the three classes and just two now remain, 5.6 and 6.7, I was put in charge of the 5.6 class and they kept the 6.7 class. this all took place while we were at the 2014, ALC. All the rule changes are because every thing is new, after we get the rules nailed down, and the new US 5.6 association formed, the members of that association well vote on the sub jested rules and on a person whom they want to represent the US 5.6 association if that is what they want to call it.
This US 5.6 is trickily is a US thing. It's like a club thing. It is NOT being organized to replace or diminish the International 5.6 class in any way. If it wasn't for the international 5.6 class the US minis would still be only three boats.
I'm just trying be an advocate for the newbe so they can have a positive experience and enjoy the sport with out having to compete with the MONY PEOPLE and their high tec. yachts etc. .
I would like to have a chat with you maybe on the playa, Alvord , Smith Creek or phone, I feel you may be a good advocate for the US mini thing once you came to understand the its possibility's. You mite be talking yourself into a job./Burt

230 posts
30 Apr 2014 11:45AM
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I will definitely be talking to you Burt.

SA, 32 posts
13 May 2014 9:08AM
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strict rules? they're great you say , well tell that to all the manta sailors that won't be allowed to sail at the worlds

don't let the mini us5.6 class go down the same path with stupid rules

230 posts
13 May 2014 12:59PM
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Ricochet said..

strict rules? they're great you say , well tell that to all the manta sailors that won't be allowed to sail at the worlds

don't let the mini us5.6 class go down the same path with stupid rules

Mantas are a unique yacht and don't comply with any rules except for manta rules. would you put mantas in your class? mini class? class 5? There is no place for them to run in the worlds. They are not recognized internationally and there is no international class for them to run. They are a "one design" class that has a certain set of rules as ALL one design classes do, wet or dry sailing. If it were up to me I would do away with the manta class in order to gain pilots in the other classes.

There are basically only two rules that differentiate US mini from INT mini. Not exactly a risk of phasing out over two rules now is there. Certain rules are acceptable as others are simply ridiculous and if I have anything to say about it, the mini rules will stand for a number of years without alterations and when/if the need arises for rule changes, whether adding or taking away rules, It should all come down to a vote of the pilots participating in the class and not a couple if "visionaries" rattling them off.

177 posts
14 May 2014 1:15AM
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Hi all, interesting debate and comments.
In coming up with the I 5.6 mini class and rules I was at pains to point out that the good thing about the class is that it can contain many sub divisions without having to state it!
What do I mean? ,as mentioned earlier lots of different makes of yachts fit inside the 5.6 spec, so it's easy to race together and then strip out results for the different types like the Blokarts, Pottys or Eagles of the landsailing world who have been having their own race within the race!
Different countries have adopted different preferred Miniyachts for different reasons, be they supply, geographical or financial reasons and these different types race together in those countries. These groups are acknowledging and accepting that they may be far removed from the Miniyacht development arms race - but guess what they are having just as much fun as everyone else and they might not want to win international events at the cost of losing sailing colleagues for the rest of the year.
Development is good and it's encouraging to hear that the International Miniyacht (5.6) Class has helped in the resurgence of the US mini, hopefully it does so elsewhere and the fact that this exchange of views and information exists is good for the sport in general.
Keep up the good work .


430 posts
31 May 2014 9:32AM
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Ricochet said..

the rules for the us mini seem to be changed as often as babies diapers and probably for the same reason.

are they actually holding meetings to get a vote on the changes or is the us mini group a group or just a couple of people pushing their own ideas , cos thats what it looks like

What's wrong with a couple of people pushing their own ideas? Isn't that how anything great got started?
I kind of like the US 6.7 mini rules. It has the potential to be a very light compact package like the Blokart. The problem with Fisly Class 5 is that it is just slighty too big to pack down into airline luggage size. The mast weights 10Kg unless you can afford titanium. and the wheels have got ridiculously huge and expensive unless you have the skill to make them yourself. One reason I cant afford to sail worlds this year.
The 6.7 platform with fiberglass pole mast could be a very light and compact unit for transportation. One thing I would look into Bert is restricting the wheel size. The Pacrim 650mm wheel size would be perfect for that class. There are plenty of bicycle and moped tyres available to suit all sailing surfaces.

332 posts
31 May 2014 10:39AM
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Mantas are a unique yacht and don't comply with any rules except for manta rules. would you put mantas in your class? mini class? class 5? There is no place for them to run in the worlds. They are not recognized internationally and there is no international class for them to run. They are a "one design" class that has a certain set of rules as ALL one design classes do, wet or dry sailing. If it were up to me I would do away with the manta class in order to gain pilots in the other classes.

The Manta class is not considered an international class. I've heard there is a move to get them to be. The manta has 2 versions the single and the twin (two seater). As of now they are a well established class that has been around the US for a long time. They are going to race at the Worlds. The twin class regularly has up to 40 boats competing at the ALC. They are a one design with about a dozen class legal modifications allowed to improve them. Some grumbling over trampolines has been discussed as of recent. I made some interpretive art to help smooth thing over for the parties involved.

WA, 179 posts
31 May 2014 11:26AM
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That's a bit rough 772. In my opinion, at the moment there are only two classes of yachts that could ever be considered for inclusion as an Olympic event and they are Mantas and Blokarts. Are all races only going to be between the builders of the fastest yacht or is some credit going to the capabilities and skills of the pilots who sail identical craft.

VIC, 47 posts
31 May 2014 2:27PM
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Interesting point about the Olympics Wok. However the Olympics committee seem to be a bit haphazard on specifications for 'mechanical aids', there is no restriction on bicycles, canoes, kayaks, rowing shells, skis, bobsleds, skeletons, tennis racquets for instance, materials and design are open slather, seeing equipment costing mega dollars. However yachting sees one class, highly regulated categories. Swimwear had no regulation but high tech swimwear was banned on the basis of cost and availability when no previous restrictions were in place.

I suspect any inclusion of landyachts to Olympic competition would have a highly political input in deciding classes etc.

332 posts
1 Jun 2014 4:59AM
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The lynching has to do with the diamond plate trampoline being non compliant as some have an issue with.


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"New U.S. mini rules" started by KAONAONA