Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

First recut attempt

Created by PeterVernet > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2014
56 posts
22 Apr 2014 12:09AM
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Had an tared up old sail and tryed to remake it for my mini-quad.
I used it before in a windsurfer set up ,but the sail was to full and to much curve in the mast.
For the mast sleeve with a lighter curve will flatten the sail and marked a line .

So I take of the mast sleeve to cut the sail.

Sewed the sleeve with batten protection back on.
Just need to seew the bottum end of the sail back on.

An broken WS boom started a second life as curved boom, thats why i did'nt cut the bottum of the sail.
Just have to figger out to fit it this all in with a center pull and crocket downhoal

56 posts
27 Apr 2014 5:02PM
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For the final seewing I go to a sailmaker .
I hope i did it the right way with the sheeting and the center and crocket downhaul.
I have to buy better pully's afther the next test run.
Even this self made stuff runs a lot ligther than the last time and nicer as at my wind/iceflyer sheeting in a first set up.

48 posts
28 Apr 2014 1:54AM
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Looks good! The curved boom is worth a try. But i think Gizmo is right in the "Off the races"-thread...
And thicker sheet-rope is easier to the hands pulling all day long!!

56 posts
4 May 2014 4:44AM
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First test to day, surface partly soft sand, partly solid sand at a local small lake side.
Wind speed 5-8 knots.
Recut 5.5 WS to ? 5.2 meters sail.
I took the mini-quad and left the 4th wheel behind because the soft sand parts and used the big foots tyres at the rear axle.
Some pictures and short video's .!AiMLjFvrqPuMyKo

Had great fun with the youngsters.

56 posts
27 May 2014 2:29AM
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Second attempt fot light wind sail.
The curved boom worked so far for me, I am not into competition or races, but just sailing for fun.
Heavy upwind sailing is not realy important (yet).
Take off power is more important on soft beaches for me.


56 posts
1 Jun 2014 10:08PM
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Ready to go but waiting for wind.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
2 Jun 2014 1:09PM
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PeterVernet said..

Ready to go but waiting for wind.

Aren't we all

56 posts
1 Jul 2014 5:03AM
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Sailed well on a small bumby beach in very light wind, just need to make the mast rake adjustble.
Had a lot of fun with the local windsurfers to test this.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

"First recut attempt" started by PeterVernet