Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

Happy with Tyvek

Created by oldMXer > 9 months ago, 12 Sep 2010
130 posts
12 Sep 2010 1:02AM
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Curious to know if anyone has tried tyvek. Have used my sail 30 plus hours this summer and had it in wind of 25+ mph and cannot detect much stretch at all. Only area showing much wear is the mast pocket. Seams are holding together nicely, no popped stitches, corner eyelets showing no localized stretching. Sail still hangs at original height and have not had to adjust batten tension. Very happy with durability versus cost.

Seventeen layers sewed together, mast pocket to sail. Domestic sewing machine.

Rivet used as batten stop.

Battens made from 1/8 inch thick hickory strips and kind of rubber cement used on

1229 posts
12 Sep 2010 8:37AM
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You have done a great job there MX
The cost might be low but the skill level is very high
Love this kind of thing!
Thanks for the pics

WA, 1660 posts
12 Sep 2010 10:25AM
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That is great, sure wish I could do that. Thanks for sharing, that is what makes this a great site.

SA, 2865 posts
12 Sep 2010 12:28PM
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How many layers do you have in mast pocket?

130 posts
12 Sep 2010 1:07PM
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Thanks everyone for the positive comments. Majority of mast pocket is two layers but at each batten there is a 2" band around mast of four layers thick. At foot of sail the 4" band is 6 layers. The seventeen number is what domestic sewing machine punched through for the first 4" to attach pocket at foot of sail. After that the most layers encountered were 10 at the 2" bands. No broken needles and not much hesitation from sewing machine.

WA, 5921 posts
12 Sep 2010 8:02PM
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wow, I reckon i might have to award an honorary degree from the Lake Lefroy International University of Landsailing .
Would you be happy with a High distinction

130 posts
13 Sep 2010 9:14PM
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Thanks Landyacht. will this be something I can frame and hang on my wall?

WA, 2775 posts
13 Sep 2010 9:46PM
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Paul- (or anyone in Perth who wants to try making a tyvek sail)

I have a full roll of tyvek gathering dust in my shed that is just begging to be experimented with!

PM me if you want it!

WA, 5921 posts
14 Sep 2010 9:30PM
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oldMXer said...

Thanks Landyacht. will this be something I can frame and hang on my wall?

no , Im lazy , that was it

VIC, 57 posts
25 Sep 2010 10:22PM
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Hi oldMXer what is "tyvek" i have never herd of it but your work is fantastic.

SA, 2865 posts
25 Sep 2010 10:09PM
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TYVEK is a woven material made in the USA and used for cladding weatherboard houses to stop the wind seeping through the fine cracks.
In Australia we often see the material as strong envelopes, disposable overalls and its very like the Greeny bags from the supermarket except TYVEK has a smooth surface.
You might get some from a builders supply place, but you will have to search hard.

WA, 2775 posts
26 Sep 2010 9:16AM
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around $150.00 a roll from bunnings

(there was a bunnings tag on the roll I was given)

2.7m x 30m but I think tyvek is also available in a wider roll as well.

Baz has first dibs on my roll when I get back home next wednesday, and he might have some leftover if anyone else wants to experiment.

130 posts
26 Sep 2010 9:18AM
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Thanks mad66. Live in an area where windsurfer sails are hard to come by cost effectively. Had read about tyvek used as sail material, so i thought why not, had a free roll, (6' x ?). Checked cost recently and could purchase 900 sq. ft. for $120. My guess is for $20-$25 in materials,(tyvek, thread, glue, eyelets, etc.) you can build a sail.

SA, 2865 posts
26 Sep 2010 1:47PM
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I think this is a video you posted sometime ago...


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

"Happy with Tyvek" started by oldMXer