Hi there, just found Seabreeze and was reading through the forum's and thought I would share. I bought my Arrow for $2000 5 years ago. since then I have spent very little money on boat and have done heaps of sailing on it. There are a lot of secondhand boat for around 2-5k or you could build your own for around 6k. There is also a smaller 11ft catamaran suitable for smaller adults or childern weighing between 30-70kg. heaps good boats available sitting around in sheads just waiting for your chrildren to jump on and have the time of their lives. I built my 11ft Arrowfura Cadet Catamaran when I was 11 years old and raced it for a good ten years. These boats are cheap usually around $500-$1000, I have come 2nd in nationals for last two year to different sailors so really want this one bad as being bridesmade is bully?
Offical Class Website Where you can buy you Plans for $25 and start you build so have a serch for the (Arrow and Arafura Cadet Association of Austraila)