Forums > Sailing General

2018 Season Compilation Video

Created by Dexport > 9 months ago, 6 Apr 2019
303 posts
6 Apr 2019 6:35AM
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Hi Everyone,
I've been lurking in the background but in general trying to not think too much about sailing as I'm in my yearly $$$ earning cycle right now and my boat is on the other side of the world.
Only 5 weeks now till I head back though.
It was nice to go back through all my footage and make this video, brought back some great memories and some unforgettable moments.

NSW, 873 posts
6 Apr 2019 10:37AM
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Great video Vernon - loved it :)

QLD, 12322 posts
6 Apr 2019 11:31AM
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Thanks for that Dex.

The contrasts you present are quite damning on the "modern western society". But that is the way it is.

303 posts
6 Apr 2019 5:06PM
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cisco said..
Thanks for that Dex.

The contrasts you present are quite damning on the "modern western society". But that is the way it is.

Thanks Cisco

Yeah obviously that little rant was the day I got back after being immersed in island life for 5 months, so there was a huge contrast. Now, a few months later everything is normal again, I'm used to people avoiding eye contact, seeing groups of kids sitting around together but all on their phones, social media lighting up every friday with people who so obviously hate their lives through the working week.
Obviously I'm generalising, there are many lovely, thoughtful and contented people out there but they are the exception not the rule in my eyes.

VIC, 5904 posts
6 Apr 2019 9:52PM
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Great story Dex ! i agree with your take on things . i think we all just have to find a way to connect with nature . It might be surfing ,sailing , x county skiing, or hiking what ever . Some like me are lucky enough to be able to be still working full time , and are happy doing that to survive and to pay for some after work and weekend surfing and sailing . Simple pleasures
For people living in big cities the nature connection bit can be harder to achieve . But still possible in small ways , and with some travel.

303 posts
7 Apr 2019 1:21AM
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SandS said..
Great story Dex ! i agree with your take on things . i think we all just have to find a way to connect with nature . It might be surfing ,sailing , x county skiing, or hiking what ever . Some like me are lucky enough to be able to be still working full time , and are happy doing that to survive and to pay for some after work and weekend surfing and sailing . Simple pleasures
For people living in big cities the nature connection bit can be harder to achieve . But still possible in small ways , and with some travel.

Yeah for sure, a dose of the elements every week and a reality check would help.


Forums > Sailing General

"2018 Season Compilation Video" started by Dexport