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6.7m boat in 10m boat pen

Created by ss22s > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2020
9 posts
28 Dec 2020 7:23AM
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Hi guys, a question about boat pens.
I'm putting my 22ft boat (6.7m) in a 10m boat pen in RPYC made for penning bigger boats. I dont think the mooring ropes in the pen would quiet reach the tie points on my boat. What is normally done to fix this issue?
Many thanks

QLD, 2587 posts
28 Dec 2020 10:17AM
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Hiya SS,
We might need a bit more info,
- do you have an amidships cleat on your boat?
- is there a mid dock cleat/s on the pen?

Dumb question, you refer to the mooring ropes in the pen. Do you have your own mooring lines? Or is there a couple of shorty left overs from the previous tenant?

WA, 250 posts
28 Dec 2020 8:21AM
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Depends on the rules of the club. Would have a chat to the bosun or harbourmaster. At FSC I extended some ropes by using a rope with two loops spliced in either end, then looping the two loops together. Any ropes that you are concerned about you would have to make up new lengths.

RPYC also has a bit of a problem with speed boats throwing a lot of waves around. I have seen masts jammed together. You may want to think about if this could be a problem.


QLD, 2587 posts
28 Dec 2020 12:06PM
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I'll take a punt you have a mid cleat on the boat. Move you traditional stern line up to the mid cleat, and then use the rear boat cleat for both the bow and stern springer.
Keep the bow line near the forrard most dock cleat, so you can control the bow.
You can flip this to bow or stern. Whichever way you go, keep either the bow or stern near a cleat, then use the opposing boat cleat as the springer. As long as you have a cleat near the centre of the boat this'll work.

WA, 250 posts
28 Dec 2020 1:21PM
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shaggybaxter said..
I'll take a punt you have a mid cleat on the boat. Move you traditional stern line up to the mid cleat, and then use the rear boat cleat for both the bow and stern springer.
Keep the bow line near the forrard most dock cleat, so you can control the bow.
You can flip this to bow or stern. Whichever way you go, keep either the bow or stern near a cleat, then use the opposing boat cleat as the springer. As long as you have a cleat near the centre of the boat this'll work.

The majority of the pens at RFBYC are not floating and do not have individual walkways. Have two posts at the end and two rings on the jetty. Tide is 0.5-1m so need weights or mooring snubbers. See the photo below.

QLD, 2587 posts
28 Dec 2020 4:26PM
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Ilenart said..

shaggybaxter said..
I'll take a punt you have a mid cleat on the boat. Move you traditional stern line up to the mid cleat, and then use the rear boat cleat for both the bow and stern springer.
Keep the bow line near the forrard most dock cleat, so you can control the bow.
You can flip this to bow or stern. Whichever way you go, keep either the bow or stern near a cleat, then use the opposing boat cleat as the springer. As long as you have a cleat near the centre of the boat this'll work.

The majority of the pens at RFBYC are not floating and do not have individual walkways. Have two posts at the end and two rings on the jetty. Tide is 0.5-1m so need weights or mooring snubbers. See the photo below.

Aaah, thanks Lienart,
Looks like Med moorings. I'm not even close...sigh.
Wonder what the 10m reference from the OP referred to?
Edit: sorry, I didn't get the posts, now it makes sense.

QLD, 2587 posts
28 Dec 2020 8:05PM
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Here's some idea ss22,
Thanks to Lienart for picking up on pen layout. I did some rough beer coaster measurements, and the angles to the posts is a bit ordinary if its for a 10mtr berth. But if you:
a) cross your stern lines to the opposing posts, this creates more of an angle and looks good enough to hold your stern from wandering in a cross breeze; or

b) make a bridle for the stern lines that fit off to the posts. This cheats by adding a virtual 'length' to the boat but would be a bit more work in rigging and in tying up.

Some ideas at least, cheers,

TAS, 2446 posts
28 Dec 2020 9:24PM
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something to consider is that even though the berth will take a 10 meter boat the piles might not be 10 meters away from the walkway
when I picked up my 8.45 meter Sailmaster from the DSS in Hobart it was in a similar berth to what is shown in the photo and I reckon the piles were probably only 7.5 meters from the walkway and there were longer boats that mine in the row
Below is the berth she was in
On the question of the ropes not reaching I would add to the originals or replace to suit your boat
Regards Don

QLD, 1606 posts
28 Dec 2020 8:26PM
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My previous boat ,Bounty 35 , was parked in such a pen . In driving in we would pick up the stern ropes which we had left on top of the posts as we backed out . The length of the stern ropes were of such length that when hooked onto the stern cleats the bow would almost reach the walkway but not quite so you would need to add some length to the existing . I'm guessing each pen has a fold down grate walkway to hop on/ off the boat.

9 posts
3 Jan 2021 2:34PM
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Thanks alot for all the replies, after taking everyones replies into consideration and managed to actually bring the boat into the pen I managed to tie it up in a way where it wont hit anything or float away. You are right with RPYC in Crawley with having alot of wake and bit rough towards the outside of the jetties, which I am located in. Many Thanks


Forums > Sailing General

"6.7m boat in 10m boat pen" started by ss22s