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Any other Tassie sailors competing in the Pipe Opener series starting next Friday

Created by Donk107 > 9 months ago, 6 Sep 2017
TAS, 2446 posts
6 Sep 2017 5:59AM
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Just wondering if any other Tassie sailors are competing in the Pipe Opener series starting Friday after next

It is a big weekend for us as we will sail the boat from Port Huon to Hobart (40 nm) on Friday for a 7pm start of the Pipe Opener, a 25 nm night race back down the Channel and then the fleet motor back to Port Huon arriving in the early hours of Saturday morning

We then grab a few hours sleep before the start of the Cock of the Huon Race which is a race around the marks at Port Huon starting at 1.30 in the afternoon which takes a couple of hours and then there is a dinner and presentation at the Kermandie Hotel on Saturday night

Following this starting at 10 am on Sunday is a 15 nm race morning back down the river towards Hobart

It is a big weekend and the weather down here is still pretty cold with snow falling the last couple of days down to 300 meters and the day time temp being around 10 degrees and nightime being around 0 degrees so it will be a bit of a battle to leave the fire place and get on the boat for the start of the racing season

Regards Don

QLD, 1153 posts
6 Sep 2017 8:44AM
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Sounds awesome

TAS, 824 posts
6 Sep 2017 9:34AM
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I'll be there on the Elan E4 Frontline!!

Can't wait as I haven't sailed down south in years!!

TAS, 2446 posts
6 Sep 2017 6:50PM
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rumblefish said..
I'll be there on the Elan E4 Frontline!!

Can't wait as I haven't sailed down south in years!!

Hi Rumblefish

Good to see you are coming down

Are you sailing in all 3 races over the weekend or just the Friday night race

I will be sailing on the Friday night and Saturday on French Connection, a Jenneau 349 (HYC 117) so if you are near us give us a yell (I will be the fat bloke on the fore deck)

If you are going to Port Huon for the last 2 races i will come and say hello

Don't know if you or the rest of your crew have sailed at Port Huon before but the most important thing to do is to make sure you stay outside of the reef mark (shown on the photo below) as sometimes people go inside it and run aground

Regards Don

TAS, 824 posts
6 Sep 2017 8:22PM
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Yeah down all weekend:)
The boat did it last year so hopefully they know where they are going!!

I'm the guy with the limp who will definitely not be on the foredeck!!

TAS, 2446 posts
6 Sep 2017 11:25PM
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rumblefish said..
Yeah down all weekend:)
The boat did it last year so hopefully they know where they are going!!

I'm the guy with the limp who will definitely not be on the foredeck!!

No worries

I will catch up with you at some stage and say hello

Regards Don

TAS, 824 posts
7 Sep 2017 10:59PM
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Long range forecast is looking ok!! Well more than 10 knots the entire way!!

TAS, 2446 posts
8 Sep 2017 6:32AM
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rumblefish said..
Long range forecast is looking ok!! Well more than 10 knots the entire way!!

Hi Rumblefish

Hopefully there will be a decent breeze all night

In 2014 i took us 5 1/4 hours to complete the race and in 2016 with stuff all breeze is was 9 3/4 hours

Add another 3 hours for the motor to Port Huon it made for a long night

Regards Don

TAS, 2446 posts
8 Sep 2017 9:28AM
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Hopefully the weather improves in the next week

This is Port Huon today with a maximum of 9 degrees, 25 knot winds, raining and snow on the hills

We had planned to slip the boat this morning to give it a wash off before the race but have decided to do it tomorrow when the forecast is a bit better with a maximum of 12 degrees

Regards Don

TAS, 810 posts
8 Sep 2017 9:35AM
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Sounds like a fun weekend Don, let us know how it went. No I'm not doing it this year, my friends that I race with are away (J88), I think they're back in time and we'll be doing the Channel Race though, are you guys doing that one? I'd love to do the pipe opener sometime, maybe next year on my own boat if I get it ready in time.

Speaking of the Channel Race, did you do last years? That was the one that developed into a gale (not forecasted), I think some boats were seeing 50knt gusts at one stage, we couldn't tell as the sensor was playing up on Jiyuu. We did manage to blow out a new spin when we broached 100m off the Tinderbox rocks . 18knts SOG earlier on was pretty exciting though! At that time Jiyuu only had one set of reefs in the main and we we're too overpowered when we rounded the southern mark, so we had to sail with jib only on the beat back up the river. This is us slugging it out off the Alum cliffs at Taroona, man that was a wet trip back!

TAS, 2446 posts
8 Sep 2017 10:03AM
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Hi 2Bish

Love your photo and from what I understand it was pretty wild out on the water that day

I have been sailing with Jeff for the last 5 seasons and we sail out of Port Huon with the Huon Yacht Club

Traditionally our opening day as on the Sunday that the Channel race is scheduled for although this year we have changed it to the Saturday to bring it inline with the Hobart clubs

In that time apart from the races here we have done the Pipe Opener series and the Cygnet Regatta races and Jeff has also sailed in the Dover Regatta and Barnes Bay Regatta but I haven't been onboard for those races as i don't do the Sunday races as I go to church instead

Last season when Jeff bought the new boat he also did the Crown series with other crew onboard and did pretty well

We are all getting on a bit in age with me at 53 being the youngest on the boat and we often say when we are doing races in the Channel that we should never leave the Huon River as we get the strong winds here but the water is normally pretty flat even it it is blowing where as in the Channel we get a bit wetter as shown in your photo

Regards Don

TAS, 2446 posts
9 Sep 2017 3:10PM
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Slipped the boat today to give her a scrub before Fridays race

After 11 months in the water all she had was a bit of slime on her

At least the cold water down here is good for something

Regards Don

TAS, 824 posts
11 Sep 2017 3:58PM
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Will be interesting to see how two Euro chined C/R's go against each other!!

This is what i am on

Forecast is looking OK, Willy saying light NW start and then Southerly building not long after, WindyTy saying light Northerly, going West then building SW, but atleast both say breeze!!!

TAS, 2446 posts
11 Sep 2017 9:56PM
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Hi Rumblefish

I was thinking that myself

I think we will be in division 2

Do you know what division you guys will be sailing in ?

Regards Don

TAS, 824 posts
14 Sep 2017 11:59AM
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Looks like a quick trip!!

TAS, 230 posts
14 Sep 2017 3:06PM
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Friday looks like suiting the more powerful boats - any multis going? The wide bum on the Elan should help!

TAS, 2446 posts
14 Sep 2017 4:30PM
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The interesting thing is that Willy say 20 knots at the start and Windy says 12 knots so it will be interesting to see who is correct

Regards Don

TAS, 824 posts
14 Sep 2017 7:24PM
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Donk107 said..
The interesting thing is that Willy say 20 knots at the start and Windy says 12 knots so it will be interesting to see who is correct

Regards Don

Predict wind saying 20 and 30 at the bottom of Bruny at midnight!!

TAS, 2446 posts
17 Sep 2017 9:39PM
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Another pipe opener series is over and the body is feeling it

We sailed the boat up to Hobart on Friday leaving Port Huon just before 9 am and arriving in Hobart just after 3 pm

We had the previous boats main sail and the furling head sail on for the trip up and had a mix of conditions from no wind to 26 knots so there was a lot of discussion on whether to keep the smaller main on or go for the larger square top main for the race back

Checked the forecast when we arrived in Hobart and the prediction was strong winds for most of the night but Jeff believed that we would probably have the normal Pipe Opener mix of light and strong winds throughout the night so we decided to go with the square top main and the furling head sail so we spent a hour swapping the main over before the 7 pm start

We had a good start in light winds and decided to hoist the asymmetrical spinnaker but then the windex started going in circles at the top of the mast which resulted in the spinnaker wrapped around the fore stay and we had to head the boat back in the direction of Hobart to untangle it and sort the mess out

Got it unwrapped and setting and heading in the right direction again and had the same thing happen so once again we turned back to sort it out and lost a fair bit of time

We gave up on the spinnaker and headed in the right direction and had a nice sail in reasonable winds until about 11 pm when the predicted sustained strong winds of around 30 knots arrived so we put one reef and then a second reef in the main and rolled off about half of the head sail but still had good boat speed

When the wind died off a bit we were back to full main and head sail and again had a nice sail and just before midnight we could see the flashing light of the finish line boat not to far ahead

I made the radio call to the finish line boat advising them we were about to finish and then the wind dropped out again and it took us about another half an hour to cross the line a 12.20 am finishing 5th across the line and 5th on handicap out of a fleet of 8 second division boats

The weather was freezing cold for the motor up the river and we had winds of up to 18 knots on the nose with occasional rain showers coming through which felt like pieces of ice hitting your face so we took it in turns to steer while the others on the boat were in the cabin keeping warm finally arriving back in Port Huon just after 3 am

Saturdays race was a bit better for us and with the big main and head sail on we made a good start in light winds and were briefly leading the division 2 fleet by sailing a bit closer to the shore until the wind dropped out completely leaving the fleet becalmed for about 10 mins allowing the division 1 fleet that started 15 mins later to come up on us

My mates Elliott 780 and a couple of other boats that were more to the centre of the river picked up the freshening breeze before us and pulled away until we finally managed to get the boat moving

After that we had a good sail in a decent breeze with a bit of sunshine between the rain showers and didn't make too many mistakes to again finish 5th across the line in 2nd division in a fleet of 8 but 3rd on handicap which we were fairly happy with

In the 3rd race this morning from Port Huon back to Gordon (i didn't sail in this one as i go to church) the guys on the boat had a good run down the river under spinnaker to finish 5th across the line but 2nd on handicap in division 2 so they did well and we ended up second with a score of 10 points in the 3 race series results in Division 2 as there were 2 equal firsts on 9 points

If any one is interested how we went compared to Rumblfish's Elan (that was racing in Division 1) here are the elapsed times so Rumblfish went quicker than us in 2 out the 3 races

Race 1
Elan 4 hours 43 mins
Jenneau 5h 22 mins

Race 2
Elan 2 hours 28 mins
Jenneau 2 hours 42 mins

Race 3
Jenneau 2 hours 10 mins
Elan 2 hours 14 mins

Here is a photo of some of the fleet ( i think we are second from the left ) in the Cock of the Huon race held at Port Huon that i copied from the DSS website and here is their race report

I should also mention that my mate Mick Bartlett ion his Elliott 780, Another Girl Another Planet, took out the Cock of the Huon Race in the combined division 1 and 2 results so once again the trophy and funny hat is back in the Huon for this year so well done Mick and his crew

Regards Don

TAS, 810 posts
18 Sep 2017 2:18PM
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Good one Don, looks and sounds like you had a great time! All in a not so unsusual mix of conditions for the Derwent/Channel/Huon, keeps us on our toes down here doesn't it?

TAS, 2446 posts
18 Sep 2017 9:16PM
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2bish said..
Good one Don, looks and sounds like you had a great time! All in a not so unsusual mix of conditions for the Derwent/Channel/Huon, keeps us on our toes down here doesn't it?

Hi 2bish

It was a good weekend and the weather wasn't too bad considering the forecast

When my family visit us from Cairns they say the weather changes every 8 minutes

For those who are interested here are selection of photo's taken from the starters box during the Cock of the Huon race

I especially like the photo of Rumblefish's Elan 5th photo from the end

Regards Don

NSW, 7473 posts
19 Sep 2017 8:13AM
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Nice photos. Lots of beanies! Just how cold was it?

QLD, 685 posts
19 Sep 2017 8:34AM
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nice photos must be great racing on flat water

TAS, 810 posts
19 Sep 2017 8:54AM
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Ramona said..
Nice photos. Lots of beanies! Just how cold was it?

Probably very cold, I was 65km away skiing 30cm of fresh snow in blizzard conditions, -3C all Saturday.

TAS, 824 posts
19 Sep 2017 12:35PM
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Was cold, bloody cold all weekend!! Pretty sure it snowed at about 2am motoring up the Huon!
we had a great weekend, Friday night race we decided on no kite at the start and due to falling in a bit of a hole pre-start we started about 20 seconds late.
Caught up pretty quick with sounds of flapping kites in the darkness left and right.
Went more mid river than most and it paid off, passing a heap of inshore boats before the channel, we even passed the Cookson 50 boat for boat in the same breeze at one stage!
Entering the channel we found ourselves in 4th place and were passed by a couple on the two sail but passed the Hobie 33 near the finish when they ran too long with full sail.
Saturdays race we fell in a hole and never recovered, Sunday was simply magic sailing in 10-12 downwind for 20 miles. We were one of the only boats with assy kites only which was not ideal.
We took a chance gybing south and it looks like it paid off until the wind died, filled from the North for the boats inside us first, oh well!!
Great weekend, hope to be back next year!!

TAS, 2446 posts
19 Sep 2017 6:19PM
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rumblefish said..
Was cold, bloody cold all weekend!! Pretty sure it snowed at about 2am motoring up the Huon!
we had a great weekend, Friday night race we decided on no kite at the start and due to falling in a bit of a hole pre-start we started about 20 seconds late.
Caught up pretty quick with sounds of flapping kites in the darkness left and right.
Went more mid river than most and it paid off, passing a heap of inshore boats before the channel, we even passed the Cookson 50 boat for boat in the same breeze at one stage!
Entering the channel we found ourselves in 4th place and were passed by a couple on the two sail but passed the Hobie 33 near the finish when they ran too long with full sail.
Saturdays race we fell in a hole and never recovered, Sunday was simply magic sailing in 10-12 downwind for 20 miles. We were one of the only boats with assy kites only which was not ideal.
We took a chance gybing south and it looks like it paid off until the wind died, filled from the North for the boats inside us first, oh well!!
Great weekend, hope to be back next year!!

Hi Rumblefish

While we were racing on Friday night it didn't feel all that cold but I agree that on the motor up the Huon after the race if it wasn't snowing it wasn't far off

Have you sailed on the Huon before or was this your first time and what did you think of the river and the scenery

I am probably a bit biased but i love living in Port Huon and for sailing it has lots to offer and even when it blows hard the water is still fairly flat

It is a shame that the entry numbers were down compared to previous years as normally there is 30 to 40 boats competing in 3 divisions where as this year there were only about 18 i think in first and second division

The old blokes around here said that years ago when it was a race all the way to Port Huon there would be up to 90 boats in the race and they were lots of little ones like Triton 24's

I was talking to one of the blokes at the DSS before the race and he said a lot of people were struggling to get crew due to the flu that is going around here at the moment

He suggested that we might get a few more boats if we held the race a few weeks later when hopefully the weather might be a few degrees warmer and the weather a bit more settled

I also wonder if the forecast for strong winds throughout the night might have put a few people off entering

My mate Mick with the Elliott who won the Cock of the Huon was going to do the Friday night race as well but looked at the forecast and decided to give it a miss

I said to him after the weekend if he had raced on Friday night he probably would have won the series as he was first in the other two races in division 2 and would have only had to come in 4th of better in division to take the series but he probably made the right call based on the forecast at the time

Glad you enjoyed the racing down here and your boat looked really nice out on the water

Regards Don

2 posts
17 Dec 2017 9:14AM
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Hi Don,

I love your photos.

Would you mind if I printed 12356076.jpg as a gift for the skipper?

Thanks in advance.


TAS, 2446 posts
17 Dec 2017 1:44PM
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Lemmington said..
Hi Don,

I love your photos.

Would you mind if I printed 12356076.jpg as a gift for the skipper?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Lemmington

Welcome to the forum

No worries about using the photo and Just checking that this is the photo you are referring to

If you want to pm me your email address i can email a 700kb version of the photo through to you

Regards Don

2 posts
1 Jan 2018 5:52PM
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Donk107 said..

Lemmington said..
Hi Don,

I love your photos.

Would you mind if I printed 12356076.jpg as a gift for the skipper?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Lemmington

Welcome to the forum

No worries about using the photo and Just checking that this is the photo you are referring to

If you want to pm me your email address i can email a 700kb version of the photo through to you

Regards Don

Hi Don,

Yes, this is the one. Also 12356082 if possible.

I'll pm you.


TAS, 2446 posts
1 Jan 2018 9:41PM
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Hi Lizzie

I have emailed the photo's to you as requested

Regards Don


Forums > Sailing General

"Any other Tassie sailors competing in the Pipe Opener series starting next Friday" started by Donk107