Forums > Sailing General

Anyone know what this is?

Created by 2bish > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2019
TAS, 812 posts
4 Oct 2019 8:31AM
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I was chatting with an antiques shop owner in Lilydale (Tas) yesterday. Boats came up in the conversation (as they do) and he showed me an emblem mounted on an elastic band. He didn't know what it was or the nationality, and I thought some of you ex navy guys may have some idea. Btw the item above it is a ships ink well, the ink receptical is ceramic, the holes around the circumference are for the nibs/quills he thought.

He also had a set of Ian Nicholson's "Log of Logs" that may be of interest to someone.

NSW, 7477 posts
4 Oct 2019 9:05AM
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It's not navy. Possibly something from the merchant navy. It looks like a hat band for a peak cap.

NSW, 2140 posts
4 Oct 2019 9:18AM
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Merchant Navy officers cap badge

TAS, 812 posts
4 Oct 2019 12:54PM
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Thanks guys, I'll pass on the info to him.


Forums > Sailing General

"Anyone know what this is?" started by 2bish