I need the advice of the experts.
I have ordered an assy. for my little Sonata mast head with a 40 cm.bowsprit and sock with the continuous line lengthened so I can control from the cockpit and don't have to repack.
I intend to use a running tack.
I sail solo.
Now I understand the sail is probably as big as the handkerchief some of you big blokes use but am keen to get it right for me.
The sailmaker has sent the sail plan and all measurements for approval. I have sought clarification on one aspect and would appreciate comment from yourselves.
The leech is 3.8% longer than the luff whereas in most articles I have read the luff is longer by 4% or more.
What would be the difference in sail characteristics .
OK, not an expert, although I sail Asso skiffs.
The luff is usually longer because (1) that edge slopes well forward and the leech is often vertical (more or less in line with the mast) or only a little aft and (2) the leech - and thus the clew - is often high cut.
I didn't see any diagram. How does your look by comparison.
Im with Tamble - not an expert. But I have found asymms very good sails. The sailmaker must want the clew of the sail to come a bit closer to the deck and maybe a bit further back. I guess he must know where the desirable centre of effort should be for that sail on your boat at the targeted point of sailing.. Sometimes they do it with a CAD system and dont actually know :-) I would ask him his theory.
Way to go B.B.! An Aso on a little Sonata, wahoo!
What is your intended wind angle and speed, ie: is it a reaching kite or deep VMG kite, or more of an all rounder?
It is done on the CAD system. See below. I advised that I did not intend to race and would be using in not more than 10 apparent . They have just delivered a new main and jib recently and had all measurements on file as well IPS and TPS . Could it be because it is masthead rig?
Ha gets a bit boring without a kite downwind Shaggy and the old sym has more patches than original so decided an assy was the way to go.
Hell what's the worse that could happen.
Ideally I wanted reach -VMG mode.
Sounds to me he got the measurements mistakenly placed. A polite question to him and then enlighten us on his wisdom perhaps?
If that diagram shows the bow to the left of screen, one thing doesn't make sense. The pole is presumably at deck level, yet the leech/ clew drops below where even the most pronounced shear line would take it.
As the others have said, some polite questioning might help you understand.
In your diagram, tack, clew, head, and luff, leech, foot are not labeled, are you only assuming the leech is longer?
I assumed the tack to be on the right but then again that image may be only for the colour plan acceptance.
Something really wrong here, none of those measurements make sense, even the area.
Might be symmetrical but just buy a few etchell kites.
luffs are 8.0m
I'll be talking to them tomorrow . In the meantime I checked the foot and mid girth measurement calculations against Qantum Sails and FX Sails data and it looks to be a flatter than cruising moderate but fuller than a code 0 assy.
Foot 172% of J ( per qantum moderate assy 180%, code 0 150/160%
mid girth 0.77 of foot (moderate .9 , code0 .5/.7
I looked at the etchells and others before deciding on new but felt might be a bit big for a 6 metre single handed
I don't get the idea behind a huge assy which is limited in use and huge in costs.
My code 0 or reacher's foot is 20'4" and the J is 11'10" which is about 172%
As a single handed cruiser I would not bother with a spinnaker most of the time.
Thought I would update .
Had a good chat with sailmaker and we discussed my needs and limitations as a solo old fart. He apologised for the original and agreed they were wrong .(apprentice?) . He did suggest I recheck my ISP as it looked a bit short compared to I. Lesson for beginners ,I was short by 600 mm .Why? Because I attached a stretchable line to the spin.halyard to measure against tape measure on ground. Anyway luff is now 7.55 and leech 6.
Thanks for input .
Yeah, l understand your need for speed, so why don't you race at the local club?
After the race, go cruising and work on beating your PB?