I actually just answered your pm about this (i didn't realise it was there until tonight)
I dont know my mast height but i found this news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1300&dat=19760910&id=9e1UAAAAIBAJ&sjid=UJIDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4048,2466694&hl=en on the net and it states that the working sail area is 40m2 so you might be able to compare that to the H28 sail area specs available on the net
Regards Don
The next time i am out on her i can measure how much halyard it takes to raise the main and add the length from the headboard on the lowered main to the base of the mast and that will give me a mast height to give to you
I will also measure the length of the boom for you as well
Regards Don
Thanks Don I sent you a message about PDF scanned pages I have some original brochures here , could email then if you ever want
I know an old fella who carries empty bags and when he wants to clean or he runs aground he fills them with sand and she leans on them.
those ropes tied fore and aft would stop the fin keeler from falling forward.
Now that insurance is getting so hard and expensive to get this idea is really becoming viable