Hey all. Im an ex windsurfer from a few years back, but due to a shoulder and knee injury, been unable to resume the sport.
So started sailing Toppers back at High School in 1997 using a Topper Sailboat. I absolutely loved these simple to use quick setup boats (under 15mins to be on water) that I have been searching for one for over 20yrs.
I finally got hold of one, but I am missing a few parts to finish the build and get it sea worthy. I am after a sail, boom, rudder and dagger board. (just a few missing pieces) I am going to make a rudder and dagger board, so that does not bother me too much, But trying to find a cheap sail to use is a nightmare. The sail is similar to a Radial Laser sail, needing about 4.2m2 - 5.5m2 sail I thought I might be able to use one of older style windsurf sails, but none match up.
If anyone has some old parts they are willing to part with, I would be very much grateful and willing to pay.
I am located at Redcliffe (QLD) , but willing to travel up to an hour to get anything needed.
The first two pics are my new/old Topper, and the third is the type of sail I am after
Spiral sail might suit too.
I'm not to clued up on different sails. But I'm willing to be pointed in any direction to try out.
I'm thinking you could take your old windsurfing sails & get them recut to suit .
Maybe a 6.5 with the under boom section cut off .
I'm sure if you look at the land yachts forum you will see heaps done very similar
I'm thinking you could take your old windsurfing sails & get them recut to suit .
Maybe a 6.5 with the under boom section cut off .
I'm sure if you look at the land yachts forum you will see heaps done very similar
My land yacht sail was made from one tonne fertiliser bag material and it whupped the ass of blokarts.
See here it might suit - have to check your mast will suit the luff sleeve