I often take my boat out in Moreton Bay solo and it occurs to me that I should carry a PLB. I log on with the coast guard and wear a life jacket when solo but this would still mean some time before I was discovered missing should I fall overboard.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a PLB?
If you don't want to be in the water for long, do as I do, carry a PLB and an AIS personal locator. This way any boat with AIS will see you as a MOB when you are in range. Being VHF the range is not that great but everything helps when you are floating round in the water. As said previously you didn't know how good a PLB is until you have to use one.
i am currently on my way home from Antarctica where the water temperature was 1deg. If you fall in there there is nothing that would help, but the good thing is you do not need to antifoul your boat as nothing grows at that temperature. I am currently in Buenos Aires, Argentina waiting for my flight home. Antarctica is totally Awesome.
I reckon the best plb is the one you have with you. When I did a lot of very remote area hiking and 4wd I carried one. Obviously only for "grave and imminent danger" but you might save your own or someone else's life if there's no mobile coverage. These new tiny ones are fantastic.
When I solo I basically clip on all the time unless I'm in enclosed waters. Better to stay with the boat I say.
Cheers - and safe sailing.
Thanks for the input. I've gone for the KTI. All other thing being equal it has a 10yr battery life and costs $250. Hard to beat.