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Convoy of Rivieras heading to the Whitsundays

Created by nswsailor > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2016
NSW, 1434 posts
8 Jul 2016 8:50PM
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The convoy seems to be creating some angry yachties in their wake. This is posted from Facebook today.


An open letter from Helene Young, who is currently sailing north along the GBR coast, to the participants of the convoy of Rivieras heading to the Whitsundays ....

"Dear Riv Leader One,

We know you love your boating as much as the good folk who are sailing north to the Whitsundays.

May I respectfully suggest that you teach your travelling companions to drive slowly through an anchorage whilst scoping out the perfect position to drop those large anchors.Preferably don't steam in line astern and preferably not either side of anchored vessels. You and your powerful inboard diesels, and folding variable pitch props, kick up quite a wake which I'm sure is very exciting when you open the throttles in clear water, but not much fun for the anchored vessels already enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the bay.

You may not realise that you've left a lasting impression in your wake all the way up the coast for your lack of consideration of other cruising folk.

But I wish you fair winds, following seas and safe anchorages and may we all enjoy this wonderful coastline together in harmony "


I en-counted 10 plus Rivieras north of Mooloolabah last year, well out to sea and still had to cross the wakes!

Suggest that Seabreezers keep track of these guys as they head north.

Anybody know where they are at present?

QLD, 12337 posts
8 Jul 2016 11:13PM
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They go in a "convoy". Seems to suggest none of them are game to do it on their own????

WA, 1576 posts
8 Jul 2016 11:15PM
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Sounds like facesook bitchin

NSW, 66 posts
9 Jul 2016 5:25AM
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I know exactly what you mean. They left great keppel Friday arv

QLD, 2195 posts
9 Jul 2016 9:37AM
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Generally these people couldnt give a damn about anyone else.
I hope i dont encounter these people on my trip north.

QLD, 994 posts
9 Jul 2016 1:15PM
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Seems strange that somebody would think the "convoy" ( cue the music now) would actually give a f#@&.

QLD, 1195 posts
9 Jul 2016 3:02PM
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Convoy, that reminds me of the push bike riders struggling up the winding road past my place. Groups of about 30 with no way of passing them in a car. Different story when they are whizzing back down. Cops could probably get them for speeding and not stopping at the stop sign at the end of the road. Convoyyyyyyy. What's that other word that starts with "C" yeah that's right, cyclists.

14 posts
9 Jul 2016 8:01PM
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It is truly astonishing that no matter where they are Riv operators are just so bad. The boats are notorious for putting up shoking wake as they really don't want to plane and the operators are clueless wherever you encounter them.

Ive had them on Port Phillip Bay, Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Gippsland Lakes, Broadwater, Morton Bay Great Sandy Straights, and the Whitsundays, they are totally, reliably idiots without a clue!
Rant Over :)

I am just so sick of them!

VIC, 49 posts
9 Jul 2016 10:10PM
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Is there possibly a fully armed nuclear sub in the area that is in need of a little bit of practice??????

VIC, 457 posts
10 Jul 2016 10:17AM
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Nuclear subs ? You'd have to ask the yanks, Australia doesn't own any and couldn't pick them up on sonar so the navy wouldn't know if there was any around any particular time or not, and our fleet of Collins class diesel subs are mostly just gathering dust for want of people stupid enough to sail on them, even if the idiot government is building more of the white elephants, that will just sit around gathering dust for want of people stupid enough to want to sail on them.

WA, 855 posts
10 Jul 2016 11:20AM
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At times, those "stupid" people on those diesel subs have been clever enough to outsmart the US Navy.

QLD, 197 posts
10 Jul 2016 8:58PM
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I can recall many moments on the GC Broadwater where my tinnie was almost swamped from the wash of your typically incorrectly trimmed Riviera...not that a correctly trimmed example is much kinder to small boats.

VIC, 49 posts
12 Jul 2016 11:05PM
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Didn't say they had to be Aussie, and also it's not the poor dumb bastards that man the boats that is the problem, but the #ricks that have the power to control them!!!!!
God save us all! And I;m an Athiest!!

VIC, 457 posts
13 Jul 2016 10:30AM
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lloydyboy53 said..
Didn't say they had to be Aussie, and also it's not the poor dumb bastards that man the boats that is the problem, but the #ricks that have the power to control them!!!!!
God save us all! And I;m an Athiest!!

More the fault of the jack offs who couldn't build them properly, I have nothing but admiration for the men who have no choice in crewing on them, however I am extremely glad I'm not one of them, they were only built as a job creation scheme, which cost more to the Australian tax payer than if the people who worked on them all stayed on the dole, and we'd bought them from overseas and then upgraded them.

SA, 131 posts
13 Jul 2016 11:09AM
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"More the fault of the jack offs who couldn't build them properly, I have nothing but admiration for the men who have no choice in crewing on them, however I am extremely glad I'm not one of them, they were only built as a job creation scheme, which cost more to the Australian tax payer than if the people who worked on them all stayed on the dole, and we'd bought them from overseas and then upgraded them"

Seems that some have no knowledge of what it took to build and what it takes to man/crew them or much else. Sure they had some issues but the engineering/advancement in diesel boat technology was and is second to NONE.

Maybe we should just disband what little shipbuilding we have, send the knowledge overseas and buy from China or somewhere similar and then listen to people complain about the "second rate" boats. yes you touched a nerve.

WA, 1576 posts
13 Jul 2016 10:26AM
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I always thought they where and still are a magnificent boat, just alot of media ignorance published that probably does the boat a favor in the long run.

148 posts
13 Jul 2016 4:35PM
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Re Aussie subs, I remember reading some Yank expert's view: "Noisier than a rock concert, can't aim, can't shoot."

QLD, 12337 posts
13 Jul 2016 9:44PM
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This thread started off about Rivieria stink boats and what a pain in the butt they are. It has morphed into a technical and political discussion about Australian Navy submarines.

So to bring the thread back on topic I suggest that all Rivieria stink boats should be turned into submarine deluge and if the Australian Navy submarines can accomplish that they should be applauded for doing it.

VIC, 457 posts
13 Jul 2016 10:34PM
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dkd said..
"More the fault of the jack offs who couldn't build them properly, I have nothing but admiration for the men who have no choice in crewing on them, however I am extremely glad I'm not one of them, they were only built as a job creation scheme, which cost more to the Australian tax payer than if the people who worked on them all stayed on the dole, and we'd bought them from overseas and then upgraded them"

Seems that some have no knowledge of what it took to build and what it takes to man/crew them or much else. Sure they had some issues but the engineering/advancement in diesel boat technology was and is second to NONE.

Maybe we should just disband what little shipbuilding we have, send the knowledge overseas and buy from China or somewhere similar and then listen to people complain about the "second rate" boats. yes you touched a nerve.

So I touched a nerve, are you one of the trade unionists that destroyed Australia manufacturing capabilities, Comrade, or a manager of a company that produced an over priced white elephant at the tax payers expence, c'mon don't be shy, where's your piece of the action come from my friend, For your Information I'm only repeating what a friend of mine has told me, he was a sailor onboard one of these monstrosities until he resigned from the navy after sixteen years because they wouldn't allow him to transfer off his boat.

SA, 4776 posts
14 Jul 2016 2:00AM
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A French Riviera!

WA, 855 posts
14 Jul 2016 7:32AM
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cisco said..
This thread started off about Rivieria stink boats and what a pain in the butt they are. It has morphed into a technical and political discussion about Australian Navy submarines.

So to bring the thread back on topic I suggest that all Rivieria stink boats should be turned into submarine deluge and if the Australian Navy submarines can accomplish that they should be applauded for doing it.

Given what's happening in the South China Sea, perhaps we should send Riv Leader One and his fleet up there. I'm sure their wake will swamp the Spratley Islands. International dispute solved!

1796 posts
14 Jul 2016 8:19AM
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Reality check everyone, Riviera and later Maritimo are most efficient boatbuilders in Australia and perhaps the most efficient boat builders in the world.
Certainly the most efficient we have ever seen in Australia and ever will.
People who drive them is a different matter.
Anyone want to take a guess when in full production how often a Maritmo 48 rolls out the door of the factory?

Play on!

Of course it raises the question as to why the Australian yacht building industry can't do the same.

NSW, 1434 posts
14 Jul 2016 10:25AM
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yep cisco THIS THREAD IS ABOUT THE RIVIERIA'S. If you want to talk about subs go make your own THREAD!

Anybody know if they have arrived at Airlie Beach yet?

QLD, 685 posts
14 Jul 2016 11:27AM
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lydia said..
Reality check everyone, Riviera and later Maritimo are most efficient boatbuilders in Australia and perhaps the most efficient boat builders in the world.
Certainly the most efficient we have ever seen in Australia and ever will.
People who drive them is a different matter.
Anyone want to take a guess when in full production how often a Maritmo 48 rolls out the door of the factory?

Play on!

Of course it raises the question as to why the Australian yacht building industry can't do the same.

similarities to the subs poorly built and sponsored by the tax payer

VIC, 457 posts
14 Jul 2016 11:46AM
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boty said..

lydia said..
Reality check everyone, Riviera and later Maritimo are most efficient boatbuilders in Australia and perhaps the most efficient boat builders in the world.
Certainly the most efficient we have ever seen in Australia and ever will.
People who drive them is a different matter.
Anyone want to take a guess when in full production how often a Maritmo 48 rolls out the door of the factory?

Play on!

Of course it raises the question as to why the Australian yacht building industry can't do the same.

similarities to the subs poorly built and sponsored by the tax payer

RAOFLMAO Thanks boty I needed that pick me up.

WA, 1576 posts
14 Jul 2016 9:52AM
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Hard to complain about spending time on one of these in the Whitsundays.

QLD, 12337 posts
14 Jul 2016 1:31PM
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Despite the dramatic music it doesn't do anything for me. The only person around my way who owns anything like that is a banker.

Had a visit on Now and Zen yesterday evening. Now there is a yacht.

QLD, 2195 posts
14 Jul 2016 1:47PM
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Jolene said...

Hard to complain about spending time on one of these in the Whitsundays.

Yuk. If someone gave me 1 I'd sell it in an instant. Imagibe the fuel bill on that gas guzzler. No thanks.

NSW, 2140 posts
14 Jul 2016 2:33PM
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The music had me looking around, searching for Valkyries, overly dramatic for basically a none event.

The amount of water being thrown out by the boat seems to me to more in keeping with more of a displacement hull that is being grossly overpowered and the rooster tail 20' behind the boat has to worth at least 100 horsepower.

SA, 131 posts
14 Jul 2016 2:51PM
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I agree with Lydia about maritimo, world leaders .... but seems there is an inbred quality that aussies and those who say they are aussie to bag the crap out of anything built here.

Why, don't know but maybe because the labour costs here kill most things off before they get off the ground.

Hence why aussie yacht builders have gone overseas, from OTB cat builders to McConaghy's.

As for the Collins, guess we all have pissed of friends who have served in subs .... but facts are facts, not what the media beats up, not what the people read and believe, they were cutting edge technology at their time, plagued by crewing and maintenance issues and the press. Bruski, just to clear the air, am a Marine Engineer so do know what I am talking about, am NOT a unionist (in fact quite the opposite) , have NO interest financially in these boats and personally would love to see a shipbuilding industry here survive, government supported or not. FACT.

As for The Riveria drivers, big boys toys, big money does not mean they can drive but .... always a but, not much different in a lot of ways to some yachties, big toys and no seamanship skills.(WAFI's) ... but I do believe in "Each to their own"

QLD, 2195 posts
14 Jul 2016 3:29PM
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Australia Day Syd harbour. Whiting Beach. Nice spot. Did it for some friends. Not my cuppa on such a busy day, but we did it.
2 rivieras parked side by side quite close into shore. They had spring lines going across the beach and they were rafted. Anyone coming in by kayak or swimming had to dismount and jump over these lines. Clearly no regard for anyone else. I guess they saw it as their right to actually barricade the whole beach. After all , they were there first. Still had a good time, but seriously these guys never seem to care about the wake they produce or even don't seem to care about coming right off your bow when sailing. God knows why we need to be in the same 25-30 feet of water. THey got the power. Go around ya bastards. I just can't stand those boats with a passion. theres nothing elegant about them and any retard can drive one - you'd think..


Forums > Sailing General

"Convoy of Rivieras heading to the Whitsundays" started by nswsailor