Forums > Sailing General

Crossing the Murray Mouth

Created by erasadent > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2015
1 posts
15 Apr 2015 9:12PM
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SOme advice if i may.
I have a 25' catamaran 15'6" beam and would like to move it from the patawolonga to hindmarsh Island.
Is it possible to sail across the murray mouth? I am ok with sailing it to the mouth but am very unsure re crossing the mouth.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

NSW, 2654 posts
15 Apr 2015 11:47PM
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Only ever seen the mouth from ashore at Goolwa. It looked (on that day) like a normal bar with breaking waves (no more than a metre sea on the day) but I understand it can be very shallow. It has even been closed completely with sand when the river flows have been low for some time.

VIC, 81 posts
16 Apr 2015 12:38PM
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Forget the entrance. Truck it in to the lake.
I would truck it further up the Murray and enjoy a cruise down the river.

The entrance is not really an entrance.

SA, 4762 posts
16 Apr 2015 1:10PM
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The mouth has been closed for a number of years due to drought and rice farming. however now I hear reports in the past year that it is deep and flowing. On calm days it's certainly possible to enter. I would take a drive down there with a personal GPS and Mark the Channel from the shore as it shifts regularly and is uncharted. P.s the Coorong is awsome place to explore .

VIC, 81 posts
16 Apr 2015 4:47PM
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I think it would be awesome to enter the river from the sea, but when I visited from Hindmarsh it definitely was a no no. I have visited 3 times in the past 15 years.

Then again what do I know?

Here are some successful entries and the latest on the dredging.

Love to hear how you get on.

Safe sailing.

SA, 380 posts
17 Apr 2015 9:53AM
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it is currently being dredged and will be for quite a while

it can be crossed but you need the right combination of low swell, high tide and good seamanship

SA, 498 posts
17 Apr 2015 12:30PM
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dralyagmas said..
it is currently being dredged and will be for quite a while

it can be crossed but you need the right combination of low swell, high tide and good seamanship

Also, the situation might be improved in a few weeks/months when some of the recent rain dumping on the Riverland works its way into increased river flows.
Regardless, I second the remarks about good seamanship, etc.

Assuming you go through the mouth, have you checked the width of Goolwa barrage lock? I've only been through in a powerboat and it did not strike me as particularly wide.

SA, 498 posts
17 Apr 2015 12:37PM
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Also, consider crossing with a drogue and setting the drogue to the side the waves are coming from, or directly astern. It will minimize the chances of broaching in the waves, as that boat in first video that Pekeri shared almost did at one stage.


Forums > Sailing General

"Crossing the Murray Mouth" started by erasadent