It looks like we may all be "in lockdown" soon, so I ask this question while we will all have heaps of time on our hands:
If you won the $80m Powerball tonight, what yacht would you buy?
I like the look of a Kraken 50, but without teak decks
If you won the $80m Powerball tonight, what yacht would you buy?
Tossing up between this:
and this:
If you won the $80m Powerball tonight, what yacht would you buy?
Tossing up between this:
and this:
Maybe I've been a bit conservative
If you won the $80m Powerball tonight, what yacht would you buy?
Tossing up between this:
and this:
The S&S is rather nice with that slightly older world look ...... ummmm but then that Bene is rather nice too. Heck if ya win why not buy both, one for there and one for here.
an engine and room to die for
I think this would be more fun and sustainable, with the 80 mil to keep her going for the rest of my life and my children's should they wish to continue the lifestyle .
My aspirations are much les grand. I have been looking at this.
You must be in a syndicate of hundreds for that 80mil jackpot
My aspirations are much les grand. I have been looking at this.
You must be in a syndicate of hundreds for that 80mil jackpot
Just keeping things in perspective
I'm not really looking to get a huge boat and go cruising. I would love a new yacht but I think what I currently have is more than adequate for my needs so I would be happy with this.
My aspirations are much les grand. I have been looking at this.
You must be in a syndicate of hundreds for that 80mil jackpot
Just keeping things in perspective
I'm not really looking to get a huge boat and go cruising. I would love a new yacht but I think what I currently have is more than adequate for my needs so I would be happy with this.
C'mon Matt - you've just won $80 miilion!!
I'm with Matt in that I wouldn't want anything too big. TBH with the collapse in prices we could pick up what used to be my dreamboat pretty damn easily, but once boats get too big then they won't fit into many ports and need too many people. Even if handling from port to port is no problem, if the boat is too big then those lazy days sailing as a couple around Port Stephens or Batemans Bay become hard work.
Would I rather be sailing with my beloved on a 32-36'er or with her and 10 paid crew on a 100 footer - no problems, it's the former.
Simple, guesstimate your life expectancy calculate the annual running cost of dream boat divide expectancy by annual cost minus purchase price and it's all yours
40-50 ft custom built fast cruising cat. Modules for watermaker,generator,1 engine etc that were easily removable. Some interior the same. 2 sets of sails,cruising and racing. Go cruising and occasionally fly a load of mates in and do some regattas. Caribbean 600,fastnet etc.
Maybe just 2 cats. One for cruising and 1 for racing.
Maybe just 2 cats. One for cruising and 1 for racing.
Nah..... Three.
One cruising, one racing and a spare
C,S.N&Y. If you can't be with the one you love, Love the one you're with.
Fortunately I am with the one I love, my Lotus 9.2. She is back in the water by the way.
If I won the $80 mil I would spend about $20k on new sails and any other little thing she might need. Then I would buy the local slipways here and turn it into the best little boat yard in Australia, buy Great Keppel Island and turn it into the go to place for sailors on the east coast and buy a Shelby Cobra and.....?? find something else worthy of my stewardship.
I would go to the largest boat I could sail by myself and just waste money on it. It would probably be this one.
Rip off the air brake and install a tiller, fit a new Aries. Pay someone to refurbish the deck and install the necessary deck hardware for reefing. Including an electric halyard winch.
I would sail that about the same as I do now with my Currawong but I would spend most of the year overseas chartering other peoples boats.
If I won the big bucks lottery I would buy a very large yacht and hire someone to sail it for me while I sat at home sipping pink gins ... or something.
For lottery-winners: This mega-yacht can take you around the world, and if it sinks, don't worry, it's meant to!
This would be nice ...
Hey A, that's the best video I've seen of the Exploration 45 (love big alloy boats) but I think if money was no object I'd go for the Exploration 52. More space inside and out, more covered cockpit space and just as sailable shorthanded. The only thing that I have reservations about is the swing keel. That's a hell of a lot of lead/weight if something goes wrong with the retracting mechanism (not sure if it's manual or hydraulic) and also lots of potentially innaccessible areas inside the keel case for marine growth etc, but hey, you've just hit the jackpot and thats one headache you pay someone else to deal with as you sip the sundowners ( or everydayers come to think of it)
Speaking of loving big alloy boats here's one of my all-time favourites from the land of the long white alloy can they do these and other superyachts year in year out, and Aussie can't. Take note those who err on the side of smaller yachts, even when they hit the jackpot, because they will likely be sailing short-handed, the owner of this 68 foot magnificent piece of kit is in his late seventies and often takes it out single-handed! Now that is a guy who knows his sh!t
Yes Alan Warwick did some superb yachts. As for single handed sailing of big yachts Peter Kurts didn't do too badly...........he the salt of the
Kurtsey was a real character. He had a very successful real estate development company and back then it was commission only.
I met him once at a realtors gathering when I was about 34 years of age and he about 65 and expressed my desire to own a yacht and go sailing on my own yacht instead of somebody else's. His response was:- No, you are not ready to go sailing yet.
At the time I was working for Wayne Washington who also had a very successful development company and who had been one of Kurtsey's top salesmen.
So Washo was talking to us at a sales meeting and relating the qualities a salesman needs. He said when he was working for Kurtsey that all the salesmen were driving flash new cars but Kurtsey was driving a beat up old Volkswagen Beetle and kept talking about the Merc he was going to own.
Washo said he bailed him up one day and asked him when he was going to buy the Merc he was always talking about.
Kurtsey said:- When some salesman nails me to the wall.
Moral of the story:- People love to be sold.
This would be nice ...
Hey A, that's the best video I've seen of the Exploration 45 (love big alloy boats) but I think if money was no object I'd go for the Exploration 52. More space inside and out, more covered cockpit space and just as sailable shorthanded. The only thing that I have reservations about is the swing keel. That's a hell of a lot of lead/weight if something goes wrong with the retracting mechanism (not sure if it's manual or hydraulic) and also lots of potentially innaccessible areas inside the keel case for marine growth etc, but hey, you've just hit the jackpot and thats one headache you pay someone else to deal with as you sip the sundowners ( or everydayers come to think of it)
If you're referring to the 45, its a centreboard, not a swing keel, which keeps the engineering to the raising-lowering light. The presenter talks about what happens when you raise it, which is not a lot because the ballast is still in the bottom of the boat. And it is easily accessed and maintained. I like the concept, and my only concern would be the growth of fouling on the board or in the keel box.
Perhaps the 52 is different?
I reckon yachts are like guitars in that having several of different flavours to suit your mood would be cool.
So I'd go a Newick Traveller, Catana 65 for holding parties, mini Transat, dragon, a few moths to fun race and a nice slalom board.
Oh, wait I dont enter Tatts :(
Yes Alan Warwick did some superb yachts. As for single handed sailing of big yachts Peter Kurts didn't do too badly...........he the salt of the
Great article.