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Epoxy and filler how long before I could sand

Created by HG02 > 9 months ago, 28 Sep 2014
VIC, 5814 posts
28 Sep 2014 2:34PM
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I just finished( 12 pm) filling in the starboard side with filler and epoxy its a warm day down here around 28 tops with a stiff northerly wind ( hot wind).
Would it be possible to sand later today or should I leave it till tomorrow

SA, 4761 posts
28 Sep 2014 3:52PM
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HG02 said..
I just finished( 12 pm) filling in the starboard side with filler and epoxy its a warm day down here around 28 tops with a stiff northerly wind ( hot wind).
Would it be possible to sand later today or should I leave it till tomorrow

Leave it till tomorrow, give it a light wash with soap to remove and waxes.

VIC, 5814 posts
28 Sep 2014 7:22PM
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southace said..

HG02 said..
I just finished( 12 pm) filling in the starboard side with filler and epoxy its a warm day down here around 28 tops with a stiff northerly wind ( hot wind).
Would it be possible to sand later today or should I leave it till tomorrow

Leave it till tomorrow, give it a light wash with soap to remove and waxes.

I knew you would say that so I have waited

VIC, 5814 posts
28 Sep 2014 7:31PM
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I will wait to sand it tomorrow . I did a little bit of sanding inside on the cut outs and will lay some more mat on both internal cabin sides tomorrow

Sanded down the port side needs a little bit more filler in a few low spots Once I sand the port side down Ill turn the boat again.
I wont cut out the new port light holes till every thing is ready. Probably mark them out next weekend if time allows . So happy to get to this stage


Forums > Sailing General

"Epoxy and filler how long before I could sand" started by HG02