Forums > Sailing General

Global Positioning System Rollover week-06 April 2019-Marine notice 1/2019

Created by Wander66 > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2019
QLD, 294 posts
28 Mar 2019 2:23PM
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FYI for those with older GPS systems

NSW, 490 posts
28 Mar 2019 7:34PM
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Y2K for GPS. Who would have thought......

NSW, 1115 posts
29 Mar 2019 6:49AM
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Theres a map here that corrects the errors, and those of magnetic pole reversal:

QLD, 294 posts
29 Mar 2019 7:15AM
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Trek said..
Theres a map here that corrects the errors, and those of magnetic pole reversal:

There are no poles just a wall of ice that stops us falling off the edge

1731 posts
29 Mar 2019 5:36AM
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If you do have a clock problem try replacing antenna first in many devices the clock is in the antenna not the head unit
for instance older j r c units can be updated this way


Forums > Sailing General

"Global Positioning System Rollover week-06 April 2019-Marine notice 1/2019" started by Wander66