Thanks BB,
I am thinking about sailing down through there on Wednesday, your timing is perfect .
Sailed down to Couran Cove from JW and back up via Tipplers today.
OMG parking spots were at a premium in Tipplers.
Anchored tonight about 16nm from Seaway on Canaipa Passage, heading Sth, don't know what the spot is called, quite nice on Canaipa, good serene anchorages
Sailed down to Couran Cove from JW and back up via Tipplers today.
OMG parking spots were at a premium in Tipplers.
Eldest daughter graduated today BB, along with a bazillion other kids. Methinks your neck of the woods will be packed for the next few weeks!
Anchored tonight about 16nm from Seaway on Canaipa Passage, heading Sth, don't know what the spot is called, quite nice on Canaipa, good serene anchorages
Good idea BlueMoon, thanks. Canaipa on the bend there is a beautiful spot and would make an ideal overnight stop.
I'm in no particular hurry either, so a perfect place.
Some care needed at Jumpinpin' went aground(1.4m draft) as shown with the blue track, headed Sth, had to back up, got off easily, about 5.30am yesterday