During the week I got a similar voltage gauge to the top photo from China. It is on a cigarette lighter plug and has room temperature as well and a USB plug. I bought it to do a check on my cars gauge to see if its accurately indicating alternator operation driving about. $8 posted to my door. Its brilliant!
Southace, what is the item in the last photo?
Doesn't matter , got it now
Southace, what is the item in the last photo?
Doesn't matter , got it no
I'm sure thats a wigwam for a gooses bridle Riff Raff every one knows that Riff Raff
I think S.A. bought it because he likes black mainly
What the Bl33dy hell is it S.A. dont keep us in suspense Ok
HG ...I am guessing they are folding prop blades? Call me dumb any time you want though.
Hang on....wind geny blades!!
HG ...I am guessing they are folding prop blades? Call me dumb any time you want though.
Hang on....wind geny blades!!
Nah they must be strap on Spurs for those Danish back packers