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Green Is - Moreton Bay - Dinghy

Created by SirDawson > 9 months ago, 23 Aug 2019
QLD, 7 posts
23 Aug 2019 8:07AM
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Hi All,

I am planning on heading out for a sail around Green island on Sunday in my 16" Scruffie Dinghy :)Any suggestion on course etc? 14Knots N, NNE expected for the afternoon. Heading off from Manly or lota.

QLD, 2519 posts
23 Aug 2019 8:44AM
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Sir D,
You have a low low tide at 10.30am moving to a high high tide, so a bit of water movement.
You get a fair bit of current moving past the islands in a north south direction, less inside, so I would time my run with the tide.
If you sail out under Green and head north on the ebb tide, before looping back to the West between St Helena and Green Island, and use the incoming tide to help push you home?
Look out for the wee lump to the NE just off the Lockyer, head East a bit before heading North.
Edit: I know she's a dinghy, just habit I suppose to point out the shallow parts

QLD, 7 posts
23 Aug 2019 2:30PM
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Sound advice! I did not consider the tide but will do from now on, I have yet to earn my sea legs.

I was planning on heading out at 1:00pm and returning around 5:00pm therefore using an outgoing tide the whole time. Another concern is that with the N, NNE wind, I will be returning close hauled. My gaff rig doesn't fare to well sailing into the wind.Assuming that I will achieve approx 5knots and the journey is approx 10NM, therefore 20NM with tacking and gibing, I am hoping that 4hours will be sufficient time to complete the journey.Am I calculating this correctly?

QLD, 1568 posts
23 Aug 2019 3:07PM
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I don't think anything over 10 knots will kick in till after 1500 and if you leave at 1300 it will be close haul and head to wind until you turn at top of Green then sprung sheets.

NSW, 2450 posts
23 Aug 2019 5:36PM
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Hi Mate, what safety gear are you carrying?

If it goes to shiite and you need help how will you notify you local rescue people?

It is far better to be found than lost

QLD, 2519 posts
23 Aug 2019 6:21PM
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Hi SirD,
Craig's comment is worth noting. We had a chat to the water police yesterday and there is no sign of the two fishermen lost last weekend off Green Island in a similar sized boat to you.
The following is a bit of a passage plan for your route in a pure northerly.You might have to bend it a bit to gauge tacking angles for a NNE, but at least it gives you an idea.
I've used a close hauled angle of 55 degrees to windward, which I guess your boat should be able to manage?

Because of the time you are leaving, use the inside of Green to get North first, there is a little bit less current to fight, then head East on a beam reach to get out between St Helena and Green. I've used a square ddw run to get south,you may want to gybe a few times and run some angles, depends on your boat.
Head west between the Lockyer and the Hybers marks, and it's a beam reach back to Manly.
Hope this helps.

VIC, 605 posts
23 Aug 2019 6:44PM
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shaggybaxter said..
Hi SirD,
Craig's comment is worth noting. We had a chat to the water police yesterday and there is no sign of the two fishermen lost last weekend off Green Island in a similar sized boat to you.
The following is a bit of a passage plan for your route in a pure northerly.You might have to bend it a bit to gauge tacking angles for a NNE, but at least it gives you an idea.
I've used a close hauled angle of 55 degrees to windward, which I guess your boat should be able to manage?

Because of the time you are leaving, use the inside of Green to get North first, there is a little bit less current to fight, then head East on a beam reach to get out between St Helena and Green. I've used a square ddw run to get south,you may want to gybe a few times and run some angles, depends on your boat.
Head west between the Lockyer and the Hybers marks, and it's a beam reach back to Manly.
Hope this helps.

Nice work SB

VIC, 5904 posts
23 Aug 2019 7:06PM
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Datawiz said..

shaggybaxter said..
Hi SirD,
Craig's comment is worth noting. We had a chat to the water police yesterday and there is no sign of the two fishermen lost last weekend off Green Island in a similar sized boat to you.
The following is a bit of a passage plan for your route in a pure northerly.You might have to bend it a bit to gauge tacking angles for a NNE, but at least it gives you an idea.
I've used a close hauled angle of 55 degrees to windward, which I guess your boat should be able to manage?

Because of the time you are leaving, use the inside of Green to get North first, there is a little bit less current to fight, then head East on a beam reach to get out between St Helena and Green. I've used a square ddw run to get south,you may want to gybe a few times and run some angles, depends on your boat.
Head west between the Lockyer and the Hybers marks, and it's a beam reach back to Manly.
Hope this helps.

Nice work SB

yes very nice of you Shaggs , well done !!

QLD, 2519 posts
24 Aug 2019 12:01AM
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Thanks chaps!


Forums > Sailing General

"Green Is - Moreton Bay - Dinghy" started by SirDawson