I was just looking at a Video on a prop style hydro generator and how they only work above a certain boat speed
To me a simple paddle wheel may give a better forced rotation at a lower speed as it would have far more wetted area than a simple propeller
Id say a simple car alternator running of a V Belt from a paddle wheel would work a treat off the back of a boat
Just add the width and depth to the paddle wheel blade plus the right v belt pulley diameters
Plus you can buy variable speed pulley's
so in a way these old girls they use to measure water when irrigating could have generated water power
make some thing like this and add a couple of 200 amp hour alternators thats 400 amps to a boat while sailing or motoring
I think the above would generate more power at a much lower hull speed even 400 amps at 4 knots with out loosing my hull speed
Also you could add a drum to the centre and wash your clothes while sailing in sea water
and even if it used the same mounting concept at the watt and sea with a float to keep the paddle wheel at the correct level it would work well.
even if you were anchored in a tidal stream it would generator power
HG, please, for the sake of all our sanity refocus on Driftwood and complete the job.
You are reminding me of a character in John Steinbeck's novel "Cannery Row" who had a boat but kept rebuilding it to make it perfect but actually had a fear of the sea.
I am a bit of a perfectionist too but I truly want to do some enjoyable sailing before I do the long walk off the short plank.
You keep adding things that you perceive as essential for Driftwood that you don't really NEED.
Once I have Second Wind seaworthy with regulatory requirements, I am going sailing. The bling can be added along the way.
The idea of yacht ownership I believe is to impress yourself, not anybody else.