Im looking at replacing the jib sheet cars , more modern and ease on toe stumping! I'm even thinking on putting the track on the side of the cabin rather than the deck. Any ideas much appreciated.
I took the forward track off ready for more deck and cabin painting, and seriously now looking at fitting the track to the side of the cabin below the windows, I wonder if I would need a 3 sheath car or just the hinged style will be suitable.
I would think the tracks should stay in the original location to suit the sheeting angle?
the tracks on my Bavaria are pulled to the shape of the cabin curve, you could maybe do that to make a neater and less toe eating track, finishing ends on the tracks would help too!
cheers Richard
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One of the only things I got caught with Defiance.
The track you have in the pick has different hole centres to the new version.
but what got me was that the pin length in the new cars is too short to engage on the old track.
You will see the replacement track is flat on top with out the cut out.
I will happily buy the cars if you change over.
moving the track to the cabin sides (near vertical) will immensely increase the fastenings shear load than the original (near horizontal) position!
Just a you ever move the cars?
A floating system might be cheaper and less toe crunchy!@
A backplate is a good idea but it won't change the tensile or shear loads on the fasteners. It will distribute the compression loading caused by the tension in each fastener - including the fastener preload as well as the working load - over the area of the backplate rather than the area of the washers. Backplate needs to be 316 stainless of suitable thickness.
Ok so now I have some old school ronstan cars and 2 times 2 meter tracks when I work out which one I'm going to use I may ebay the surplus or just keep the other for spare. Seriously why would they change the die from the original t section?
Hi Southace
I think that Rumblefish is talking about replacing the tracks and cars with a adjustable friction ring system like this for the head sail sheets