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Kiwigrip reviwed.

Created by southace > 9 months ago, 15 Dec 2019
SA, 4771 posts
15 Dec 2019 9:47PM
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Perfect product but takes some experience to get it right. Do not use in direct sunlight if possible and make sure your deck and Utensils are not warm. Use large serving spoon to dolp kiwi grip and then trowel with plastic scrapper and then roll with the roller they supply.
Use pressure on roller and then finish light. Don't re-roll over tacking kiwigrip.
Work the product with the roller towards the unpainted surface.
Remove tape asap and rinse roller in large bucket of fresh water.
Jobs done finaly will do the cockpit next year but for now it's time to pull the sails out and get out on the water!

VIC, 5904 posts
15 Dec 2019 10:30PM
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looks good !

SA, 4771 posts
15 Dec 2019 10:11PM
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This is the texture I prefer , soft on the feet , grippy and easy to clean, for a race boat you would want it more abrasive by rolling over the tacky kiwi grip a second time as it drys.

NSW, 123 posts
17 Dec 2019 5:05PM
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Lovely Job - Even the screw heads are perfectly aligned.

WA, 40 posts
17 Dec 2019 2:14PM
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Nice work. How do you like those solar vents going off at 0500.

SA, 4771 posts
18 Dec 2019 6:35AM
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LALancer said..
Nice work. How do you like those solar vents going off at 0500.

I turn the fan off at night time as it's above my head and switch it to exuast during the day.

NSW, 172 posts
18 Dec 2019 11:42AM
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Your deck looks great. Nice job.

NSW, 401 posts
18 Dec 2019 3:27PM
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southace said..
This is the texture I prefer , soft on the feet , grippy and easy to clean, for a race boat you would want it more abrasive by rolling over the tacky kiwi grip a second time as it drys.

That looks great, brilliant job! Looks better than alot of 'factory' finishes I've seen.

SA, 4771 posts
18 Dec 2019 5:01PM
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I have just walked around the deck in 40degrees and still only just warmish on the feet, someone commented on a forum that blue gets too hot which is a untrue statement. The colour I used was my own tint which is Radar Qaurter (delux)
Also another note after a few day you need to give the new grip a scrub with soapy water which removes a residure and makes it more grippy. I'm so happy with the finish.

NSW, 331 posts
19 Dec 2019 12:48PM
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Easy to clean a Kiwigrip deck?

When painting house interiors, traditionally you use "enamel" on door and window frames etc. because it is a harder barrier than acrylic (water based). The gloss enamel does not get scuffed as easily and is easier to wipe clean.

So, can anyone comment on the relative ease of cleaning scuffs and dirt from the water-based Kiwigrip paint, especially once it's been sun-exposed for a season or two?

SA, 4771 posts
19 Dec 2019 12:37PM
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Karsten said..
Easy to clean a Kiwigrip deck?

When painting house interiors, traditionally you use "enamel" on door and window frames etc. because it is a harder barrier than acrylic (water based). The gloss enamel does not get scuffed as easily and is easier to wipe clean.

So, can anyone comment on the relative ease of cleaning scuffs and dirt from the water-based Kiwigrip paint, especially once it's been sun-exposed for a season or two?

Like any boat clean with wash and wax and soft broom regularly.

NSW, 331 posts
19 Dec 2019 6:47PM
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Like any boat clean with wash and wax and soft broom regularly.

I'm not actually after a cleaning procedure.
I'm asking whether anyone with first hand experience can relate how much harder it is to clean off black rubber scuffs, cormorant droppings, dirty shoe soles etc. from Kiwigrip compared to a conventional deck paint like "Interdeck", which International describes as a semi-gloss enamel - i.e. a harder and less porous paint surface.

SA, 4771 posts
19 Dec 2019 7:09PM
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Karsten said..

Like any boat clean with wash and wax and soft broom regularly.

I'm not actually after a cleaning procedure.
I'm asking whether anyone with first hand experience can relate how much harder it is to clean off black rubber scuffs, cormorant droppings, dirty shoe soles etc. from Kiwigrip compared to a conventional deck paint like "Interdeck", which International describes as a semi-gloss enamel - i.e. a harder and less porous paint surface.

Black rubber scuffs? Dirty shoes? Who wears shoes aboard and what rubber marks? Cormorants ? I only get swallows and starlings in my rigging. Swallows eat berries and will stain the finest polished gel coat and decks the sun actually removes thes stains after a few weeks.


Forums > Sailing General

"Kiwigrip reviwed." started by southace