Forums > Sailing General

Message in the bottle

Created by Charriot > 9 months ago, 28 Feb 2016
QLD, 878 posts
28 Feb 2016 6:59AM
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from American yacht
message in a bottle is found!!
In 2014 Sailing on the Pacific midway between the Galapagos and the Marquesas we wrote notes, stuck them in a bottle and tossed it over. Last night I got an email from a constable in Queenslandinforming me that they found the bottle. Here is the press article.

VIC, 457 posts
28 Feb 2016 10:03AM
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I'm surprised the police didn't include a fine for littering, Damned revenue raising mongrels

QLD, 294 posts
28 Feb 2016 10:30AM
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I was up that way last year it's amazing how much rubbish washes up on the Cape particularly on the western side.

Bruski, I think you must be confusing the police in FNQ with Melbourne police. In outback Qld the police are a respected part of the community, they're the ones that keep things under control when Bluey has had too many rums, keep track of ill-equipped travellers on tracks that don't deserve the name road let alone highway, respond first to emergencies, cook a snag at the community fundraiser, etc etc. Maybe you need a trip north?

VIC, 457 posts
4 Mar 2016 12:12PM
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I've lived in FNQ for a few years and agree they are a different breed up there, and yep I definitely need to get back up there, or else a long trip on the open seas, unfortunately there seems to be a lack of heart specialist in either place, been to long in Vic I'm getting antsy and crotchety. I apologise to the fine police officers of the North.

QLD, 12321 posts
4 Mar 2016 1:16PM
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If you want to find a message in a bottle a highly likely place to find one is the beach on the seaward side of Lizard Island.

I found one there in 1972, tossed in the water by a freighter engineer somewhere in the eastern Pacific. We also picked up about 50 glass fishing buoys and there were that many rubber thongs on the beach you could almost walk the length of the beach from thong to thong. It was a bit disgraceful really.

QLD, 294 posts
4 Mar 2016 4:27PM
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Thongs would be okay if they come in matching pairs but most of the time only the right foot ones turn up or they are decorated with daisies.

I found this well crafted vessel south of Weipa

and a few of these in the freshwater creek nearby

they always look better from that angle!!

VIC, 5814 posts
4 Mar 2016 5:35PM
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The rear angle Wander66


Forums > Sailing General

"Message in the bottle" started by Charriot