Only a couple of days to the start. Couple of Australians to watch!
Thread here,
Apart from the generally tough conditions of a Trans Atlantic crossing, the rules make it very tough as well.
"The boats have no luxury???s what so ever; no toilet, no bunk, no galley! With no communication with the outside world and no crewmates to talk to, the mental challanges are as tough as the physical ones. It is reasons like these that make the Mini Transat the ultimate test of a sailor."
A local here built a Transat with canting keel and what keeps the water out is a boot made from inflateable boat material.
Amazing boats but for most could only be rated as a day sailer methinks.
Great move (as they say in chess).
Now, you're not going to let us wait long to hear where you're taking it are you?
Thankfully the previous owner/builder is delivering the boat. I thought about doing the trip but amongst other things I just don't have the time
Looks quick. Someones having fun with that one when the afternoon summer sea breeze kicks in to 25knts.
Not much clearance under the rudder blades to the road for towing. Can the blades come out for transport? You wont need much of a change in the road gradient to knock them around.
The photos are deceptive in regards to the clearance and the jockey wheel is quite high. I really hope it's going to be ok.
We get 20-25 kts quite regularly here in summer and I think it might be a handful with that rig size. Should be good on a reach though!
At the end of the day it's a 6.5m boat so I suspect it won't be great. Hard yards upwind so you can have a sleigh ride coming back. I'll find out in 10 days!
So far the little boat hads made it to Port Augusta so I'm hopeful it'll get here safely.
The polar curve for a pogo says 5.5kts @ 45 degrees so I'm not expecting to street the fleet hard on the wind. Maybe the canting keel will help a little but I'm keeping my expectations low on that front
It's here! And yes a tiny divot got taken out of one rudder on the trip. No problem but a nuisance. The mast has been hinged, some setup done and hopefully I can get a sail in tomorrow
congrats benoz, looks awesome (**** I hate that term, everything is aawwsome these days)
can you post a few pics, inc inside and keel setup when you get it setup.
That would be a boat I'd like to play with, good stuff.