Hey There Punters,
Here's some vid from WA, a bit of a mash-up of all the racing over last summer. Best with loud sound, big thanks to racing yachts Hoodoo man, Al Fresco & of course This Way Up.
I love the big Chinese gybe halfway through. Hope the big fella who fell onto the STB side was OK!
Floating and steering under those kites in a cross swell is a fine art.
Thanks for posting.
good one poods ,looks like plenty of speed and excitement in that lot . Are the bombies a normal obstruction on the course ?
I've got a copy of the full report into the tragedy, about 6MB, a very interesting read. Drop me a pm if you would like me to email it to you.
More info: www.sail-world.com/Australia/Full-report-on-Farallones-Race-tragedy-released/100710
Thread hijack over, back to sailing video fun!!