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Shanty said..TopHat 25 Mk2 said..Shanty said..TopHat 25 Mk2 said..Shanty said..
I wouldn't be fibreglassing to much on the boat. Wood loves to move and expand and all that sort of sh!t.
Yes they do move about, i saved her from a bonfire appointment she had,
My uncle used to build high speed patrol boats for navy in the 50s wish he was still alive hed know what to do with him, those old Claes are very hard to get parts for its a late 40 s donk, i dont want it.
Old Yanmar maybe? Or one of them beta's or Westabeakes don't know how good they are though.
If i wanted to go inboard again id stick 15 hp honda 4 stroke stationary motor in it, the gearbox is separate to the motor so easy enough to adapt.
I know my uncle would say take that thing out n sink it, the water will make the wood expand and shell tighten up, then into it and recaulk it .
Make sure you can get it back up! If not give me the GPS marks and I'll take you for a fish on it, the next time I'm in Sydney.
In Port Augusta in SA where I was born, big mob of lil local commercial fishing boats, was an old guy lived my hans street was a boat builder he built most of the local boats they used to haul the hulls down the beach sink em in the shallow water, I guess youd need to anchor it in place, not like they were sunk in one hundred feet of water mick, just to the gunnels. Timber absorbs its own wieght in water, gotta take that into account with wood boats, how many old carvels hulls you seen in yards, Doesnt do them much. Im not a huge fan off wood boats, my uncle used double diagonal Hulls sometimes triple or quad pending hull thickness, tests were done years ago where they laminate the ply up to required thickness, with equivalent thickness in steel plate, theyd drop wieghts on the steel, make a big dent and hole, drop same wieght on ply like jumping on a trampoline wieght just bounced off, sheath ply in dynel and epoxy youd have to be real unlucky to hole one, if I was to build one day but I doubt it now, arthritis got me, Id build like this, no steel, no rock boats (cement).
wanna borrow my gps waypoint book if your after fish bro?