Hey guys, hope to tap into some of the knowledge/opinions on here.
I currently have a fixed propeller that will need to be replaced (hit something hard) and was thinking of replacing it with a folding prop, Gori, Autostream and Kiwi.
Is it worth it?
Do you gainmuch speed under sail with a folding prop?
What brand/type would you suggest?
Any pros/cons one over the other?
BTW I'm not racing, just cruising.
it is the best value for money to improve any boats performance next being a smooth and clean bottom then sails followed lastly by sail trim .quote Lowell North
massive gains with height and speed because the boat is sailing faster keel is more eficent and you point higher no turbulence over rudder so it holds higher angles of attack with out stalling I prefer feathering props because you get better performance in reverse with no loss in ahead under motor and also support multiple blades for a more even trust . folders not as good steaming though not bad but lower drag profile for racing. I use a max prop 3 blader though I also install auto stream (easy to adjust pitch )and darglow nicely made and very economical also hydralign work well for aperture props
Best thing you ever did was damaging your fixed prop!
The extra speed especially in light to moderate winds is so worth it.
I replaced mine on the SS 34 with a Gori. The difference was massive!
According to the blurb, you'll get an extra half knot with a folding or feathering prop. As you'd expect, they are more expensive than fixed props.
For performance testing, see www.yachtingmonthly.com/gear/folding-and-feathering-propeller-test-29807
I'm just about to install my new Flexofold 3 blade prop, replacing a fixed 3 blade. This one tested well in the above link to the Yachting Monthly tests, supposedly good in reverse also.
Looks like a new fixed prop is off the list.
Based on yachtingmonthly test, it seems the benefits are obvious, up to a knot more in speed - and better performance under motor.
Getting her lifted out next week and will asses the damage.
I have had both feathering and folding . I prefer the folding as it has shape in the blades ,so more efficient with a small motor . And a dream to sail with in lite airs !!! you will love it !! The feathering is better in reverse though .........but in my case this doesn't out weigh the benefits of the folder sailing like a witch !! and driving forwards better than the straight bladed featherier
another good reason for a folding or feathering prop is that it stops the shaft spinning and thereby avoiding worrying about wear or installing a brake.
Another vote for Flexifold 3 blade prop, best money I spent on my yacht.
No issues in reverse just a few revs to get it to bite, same as fixed prop in forward
I'm happy with a two blade flexofold, good ahead and astern performance, you get a little prop walk until you get way on, but it nice you work it out, the prop walk can be used to advantage, docking!
less sailing drag than a three!
what size engine do you have?
Contact dealers with boat make,engine,gearbox ratio, sail drive or shaft and what type of boat. 3 blades are better than 2 unless you are racing. The Gori props have overdrive which is great for motoring but a little more drag and dollars.
All will be lot more expensive than a fixed prop but less drag.
We have A Bruntons 2 blade folding and a Bruntons 3 blade feathering. Racing and cruising.
I have had both feathering and folding . The best prop I have ever had for performance was a Max Prop feathering 3 blade with adjustable pitch. It was smooth running and you can get the perfect pitch to suit the boat and motor. The reason I went for a Flex o fold prop on this boat is with a feathering prop the blades are out at all times and can pickup rope when sailing and foul when you start motoring. I still can't decide if I made correct decision. I am seriously considering a MaxProp 4 blade before I go north next year.
Have to admit, every time the boat is out of the water, it's hard to stop playing with the thing,.... propeller that is!
I wanted a folding prop but decided I couldn't justify the $pendola and went for an Austral 3 blade fixed narrow bladed yacht prop. Haven't noticed much difference in drag from the old fixed 2 blade and it has to be less drag than the cloverleaf beasts that you see around. I was very happy with the service at Austral. They advised on the size and pitch and got it spot on first go.