I did test it, it works, eliminates carrying dink on my back, and it is only half off the the work required for twin transom wheels.
Kind of wheelbarrow feeling, haha.
I did a similar set up with a previous tender though I had two wheels on the stern that only protruded the bottom 1/3 of the wheel into the water. The dinghy fit nicely in the back of a Falcon station wagon and I did use it wheelbarrow fashion. It was a Praam dinghy and the wheels added to the stern transformed the rowing experience.
In your case the same wheel installation at the stern would have the wheel adding to the waterline length and acting as a rudder and not adding to the drag that front cut out has. Like your colour choice too. Baby ship brown has proven the best anti theft colour!
I think Mark 2 should include some kind of propulsion.. Maybe a golf buggy motor and swamp/ribbed tyre:)
If you tie a couple of loops of rope to the top corners of the transom, you can slip the oars through the loops and use them as wheel barrow handles.