Forums > Sailing General

Obnoxious ads you have!

Created by sirgallivant > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2018
NSW, 1529 posts
9 Apr 2018 7:43AM
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The new system you are screening ads is insufferable!

Firstly, it is a premise, all ads are obnoxious.

Secondly, ads are forced on you are insufferably obnoxious!

Thirdly, ads which are partially covering what you are reading are just simply inadequate - beside being obnoxious - as they are making both of the writings impossible to read.

Laurie might make money running this ads - to keep the sight going is the excuse, l bet - but it is not making it neither pleasant nor right!

WA, 1817 posts
9 Apr 2018 8:15AM
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The issue is being worked on. Having ads cover the content certainly is not intentional, but more information is needed and directed in the right place. Please either send and email to Laurie or an admin, or jump over to the general section and give some detail there

Forums Broke For Some Folk (sorry for some reason I can not add the link here).

Let him know if you are having troubles with a computer or mobile device (it is my understanding it is the mobiles causing the issue), Apple or Samsung, what model etc. You cannot fix what you don't know is broke so all the information you have will help.

QLD, 12321 posts
9 Apr 2018 11:46AM
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It seems to be an issue related to which operating system and browser is being used.

Installing AdBlock Plus might get rid of the issue.

NSW, 1659 posts
9 Apr 2018 2:21PM
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I think you're right Cisco. I run an ad blocker and I have no trouble.

NSW, 1529 posts
9 Apr 2018 3:44PM
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Ads should be legislated out of existence.
Especially the ones which break a thought process. Breaking up a film an opera a theatrical performance is highly undesirable even more when young developing minds are the viewers.
As an educator l could prove that young minds are being damaged by the relentless bombardment of irrelevant ads when concentration would be required.

But it makes a lot of money, so who cares ?

NSW, 1529 posts
9 Apr 2018 3:51PM
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That is what l am talking about.
Ain't that annoying, obnoxious and stupid?

WA, 194 posts
9 Apr 2018 8:51PM
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Try Firefox with 'uBlock Origin'. Works well on forums. Doesnt work well with ad or tracking heavy websites like gumtree, etc. Its not your usual popular adblocker that can be a compromise. It is customisable if you explore it a bit.

I did have another blocker that was very usable and could be used manually as well as having auto blocking. It had a list of everything on a page, exposed. You would be shocked on how much stuff is working behind the scenes not just ads. Think facebooks latest scandal to a grand scale. Every page. I literally had 100s of different stuff blocked at one stage.

WA, 1817 posts
9 Apr 2018 9:15PM
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Did you email or respond on the thread mentioned earlier?
Unfortunately it seems it will take a little longer then expected to fix.

NSW, 1529 posts
9 Apr 2018 11:51PM
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No Toph l did not but by the looks of it Laurie is on it.
I am disgusted by it, not just this site but generally.
Would not touch FB with a sixty foot barge pole!
I just switch off. Go sailing

NSW, 1117 posts
10 Apr 2018 6:49PM
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NSW, 309 posts
11 Apr 2018 1:57PM
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I must be immune as I don't even notice them. I just scroll past without even a second thought.

NSW, 1117 posts
12 Apr 2018 12:27PM
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SirG on my PC the ads dont cause a problem but on my phone they are a bit all over the place. Try using your PC at home it might work better.

VIC, 490 posts
12 Apr 2018 1:28PM
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I emailed the contact address. Very prompt. Now seems to be working on my phone fine.

I'd echo Toph. It's better to email the contact address with the full details; device (s), operating systems and version and the precise issue.

This ship is pretty Bristol Fashion I'd say!



NSW, 1529 posts
13 Apr 2018 6:55PM
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Yeah Tony, thanks, but it is not the problem of mine, l am worried about the damage they cause and anyway, would you like to be told what to buy every minute?
There must be some thinking person out there who is able to assess the damage they cause, the ads l mean.

We can not be this stupid?


Forums > Sailing General

"Obnoxious ads you have!" started by sirgallivant