Ps: French and Australian alike.
Nice story but I think the French jokes are all over now Sirgallavant.
We should be voting for a Name and Shame followed by a public forum degrading of a troll that messed with our heads!
Shout perfanatys at him/her and throw rotten tomatoes and eggs!
I would find it hard to believe that an online forum that you only just joined would be the only base contact you have sailing across the globe. I don't care that she didn't announce her intentions to the forum because its not protocol to do so, If you where missing at sea or overdue and the only hope on someone knowing that was because you hadn't posted on Seabreeze for a few weeks,????. Sounds like it all would be worthy of an episode of "Home and Away"
The lj posts have similar flavour to the stirrer/person who kills animals for fun and shows pictures of himself doing so...
It always had the deets and lotsa colourful stories but no one ever met it and it never had pictures of it sailing. Just stories. If i were to paint a mental picture of such a person it would be a blob in a big glass dome on a ledge in front of a computer...
A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.
" Nice story but I think the French jokes are all over now Sirgallavant.
We should be voting for a Name and Shame followed by a public forum degrading of a troll that messed with our heads!
Shout perfanatys at him/her and throw rotten tomatoes and eggs! "
this action you are suggesting would be a very controversial one, say the least. If not infantile.
This must be the joke. Right?
Aparently the head brace is missing but that's how they use to deal with Trolls before the inter Web!
I am saddened that nobody responded when I remembered our late forum member Eero, who was lost overboard from his Walker H28.
Confession- 20 years ago I was conned by a French woman in an elaborate scam involving $3,000 and a Chanel trench coat. And I thought I was pretty street smart up to then. She was French, and very smart. Used lawyers to accuse me of harassing her when I tried to recover my money.
Felt better when I read in the paper later that she had scammed some poor other bloke out of $250k.
I see she lost her French grammar in some of her other posts?
looks to me a very smart type engineer yachie guy!
Hi Yara, shavings is probably the wrong word, just an old expression no longer appropriate but the principle is the same. I use PTFE Teflon balls for elasticity in compression between the stuffing box cover and the Teflon pressure plate. Between the pressure plate and the back of the box I use braids made out of staple (what I wrongly call shavings) carbon fibres. This has a very good lubricating performance and requires less gland load and does not damage the shaft. Please don't get me wrong, I am not against any other type of seal, what I am saying is that this is the most practical and economical way for me only, to repair a leaking shaft at sea. I had to screw the cap 1/8 of a turn once in two and a half years. It works for me and "I am happy with my choice"
Someone that doesn't paragraph, some one that has extensive knowlage of Electoliss and dissimilar metals.
The header tank would have to be at list a metre above the water line to equalize the pressure in the shaft tube. Probably more since oil is lighter than water. Since lip seals don't last forever that ketch may end up with those lovely rainbow colours around its WL. And if the lip seal does its job, the oil will not get in between the lips, the corrosion will still set i
Someone that does a fair bit of deliverys and sea miles!
i think my detective work is over ! It's 5am time for bed!
If you have access to a marina with haul out facility all year long then a dripless seal will keep the bilge clean. For long voyages I would recommend the packing box seal which is easy to maintain in rough sea. Most of the time 1/8 of a turn on the seal cap will fix a leak. I have stainless trays under the seals with a drain hose running into the aft bilge pump box, to avoid that smelly bath water. A bag of Teflon shavings is 80 Euro, cheaper than hauling, specially a large beam boat.
Hello every one,
I am from the French coast guard, and just want to thank you all for your concern about "LADYJANE" whatever it lead to a false alert.
Informed the NZ RCC was the right thing to do.
Thank you also to the forum admins that investigate on this cause of concern, and help us to remove the doubt on this situation.
Kind regards.
NZ coast guard asked us to investigate on this case in order to found information that can gave an identity or a vessel's name.
Looking around for someone unknown on an unknown vessel at an unknown position is a hard think to do.