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Forums > Sailing General

Passage to Australia

Created by nobodyat > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2016
This topic has been locked
NSW, 1531 posts
22 Jul 2016 11:48AM
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Ps: French and Australian alike.

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 11:21AM
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Nice story but I think the French jokes are all over now Sirgallavant.

We should be voting for a Name and Shame followed by a public forum degrading of a troll that messed with our heads!

Shout perfanatys at him/her and throw rotten tomatoes and eggs!

WA, 1607 posts
22 Jul 2016 9:54AM
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I would find it hard to believe that an online forum that you only just joined would be the only base contact you have sailing across the globe. I don't care that she didn't announce her intentions to the forum because its not protocol to do so, If you where missing at sea or overdue and the only hope on someone knowing that was because you hadn't posted on Seabreeze for a few weeks,????. Sounds like it all would be worthy of an episode of "Home and Away"

4 posts
22 Jul 2016 9:57AM
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Seabreeze said..
Hi All,

NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here.

From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax.

We know the logins involved & who they are.


Thank you. Can I respectfully ask that when a government rescue coordination centre contacts you asking that you call them, that you do so without delay. I am unsure why you did not contact RCCNZ as requested, but I am sure that the credibility of your forum would be enhanced by responding to such requests in a timely manner in the future.

I also want to say a word to the individuals who contacted Northland Radio and RCCNZ about this incident. Thank you for doing the right thing. It is not up to any of you or indeed this coast radio station to make decisions about whether a search should be commenced or resources deployed. Only a suitably qualified professional team of SAR people within RCC can make such decisions.

I plead with anybody who would delay or not report concern for a possible missing or overdue vessel in the future. Always report your concern to AMSA or the relevant RCC without delay. They are there to help, and do not consider your communication to be time wasting. Let them decide the credibility of the information provided.

I have been involved in several recent SAR events where delays have occurred in reporting missing or overdue vessels. Sadly in one such case, there was a fatality. We may never know if the outcome would have been different if the concerned people ashore had called the RCC involved rather than talk about it within their sphere of influence. But I can assure you from the SAR perspective, timely information is king.

Peter Mott

Northland Radio

QLD, 2195 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:12PM
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The lj posts have similar flavour to the stirrer/person who kills animals for fun and shows pictures of himself doing so...
It always had the deets and lotsa colourful stories but no one ever met it and it never had pictures of it sailing. Just stories. If i were to paint a mental picture of such a person it would be a blob in a big glass dome on a ledge in front of a computer...

QLD, 285 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:16PM
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Seabreeze said...
Hi All,

NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here.

From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax.

We know the logins involved & who they are.


You'd have to be mental and have absolutely no life to go to the effort of concocting a deception like that. Feel sorry for all who were led on thinking they were communicating with, and going to the effort of trying to help out, a genuine person. Good on those who noted and reported the issue to authorities, shame on the absolutely t@#!t/s who created it. And people wonder why I like to spend more and more time alone with my dogs.

VIC, 5814 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:23PM
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Meg1122 said...
Seabreeze said...
Hi All,

NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here.

From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax.

We know the logins involved & who they are.


You'd have to be mental and have absolutely no life to go to the effort of concocting a deception like that. Feel sorry for all who were led on thinking they were communicating with, and going to the effort of trying to help out, a genuine person. Good on those who noted and reported the issue to authorities, shame on the absolutely t@#!t/s who created it. And people wonder why I like to spend more and more time alone with my dogs.

Wild parrots are better than dogs meg you only have feed them now and then


NSW, 908 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:23PM
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NorthlandRadio said..

Seabreeze said..
Hi All,

NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here.

From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax.

We know the logins involved & who they are.


Thank you. Can I respectfully ask that when a government rescue coordination centre contacts you asking that you call them, that you do so without delay. I am unsure why you did not contact RCCNZ as requested, but I am sure that the credibility of your forum would be enhanced by responding to such requests in a timely manner in the future.

I also want to say a word to the individuals who contacted Northland Radio and RCCNZ about this incident. Thank you for doing the right thing. It is not up to any of you or indeed this coast radio station to make decisions about whether a search should be commenced or resources deployed. Only a suitably qualified professional team of SAR people within RCC can make such decisions.

I plead with anybody who would delay or not report concern for a possible missing or overdue vessel in the future. Always report your concern to AMSA or the relevant RCC without delay. They are there to help, and do not consider your communication to be time wasting. Let them decide the credibility of the information provided.

I have been involved in several recent SAR events where delays have occurred in reporting missing or overdue vessels. Sadly in one such case, there was a fatality. We may never know if the outcome would have been different if the concerned people ashore had called the RCC involved rather than talk about it within their sphere of influence. But I can assure you from the SAR perspective, timely information is king.

Peter Mott

Northland Radio

Thanks Peter

VIC, 613 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:28PM
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A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.

NSW, 1531 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:57PM
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" Nice story but I think the French jokes are all over now Sirgallavant.
We should be voting for a Name and Shame followed by a public forum degrading of a troll that messed with our heads!
Shout perfanatys at him/her and throw rotten tomatoes and eggs! "

this action you are suggesting would be a very controversial one, say the least. If not infantile.
This must be the joke. Right?

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:38PM
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Aparently the head brace is missing but that's how they use to deal with Trolls before the inter Web!

VIC, 613 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:10PM
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Seabreeze said..
Hi All,

NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here.

From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax.

We know the logins involved & who they are.


So more than one person was involved and they are forum members under a name other than Lady Jane.

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:54PM
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i assume one of our male forum members always fantasised to be a French lady..

NSW, 1292 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:27PM
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I am saddened that nobody responded when I remembered our late forum member Eero, who was lost overboard from his Walker H28.

Confession- 20 years ago I was conned by a French woman in an elaborate scam involving $3,000 and a Chanel trench coat. And I thought I was pretty street smart up to then. She was French, and very smart. Used lawyers to accuse me of harassing her when I tried to recover my money.
Felt better when I read in the paper later that she had scammed some poor other bloke out of $250k.

NSW, 1000 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:37PM
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Guitz said...
A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.

Why would there be any leagel remefication?
All the person did was played a few people at not stage did they say they needed rescue.

NSW, 1000 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:39PM
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southace said...
i assume one of our male forum members always fantasised to be a French lady..

I think there was more than one a few went googoo over a new female on the forum.

NSW, 1292 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:45PM
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twodogs1969 said..

southace said...
i assume one of our male forum members always fantasised to be a French lady..

I think there was more than one a few went googoo over a new female on the forum.

Doggie, southace said "to be a French lady" rather than want.
However, for the drooling blokes, it could be a build-up to a classic scam " I am stuck in some terrible place and just need a quick loan to get me out of here"

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:15PM
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Twodogs I meant a male member has been acting as a woman! Haha

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:22PM
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I see she lost her French grammar in some of her other posts?
looks to me a very smart type engineer yachie guy!

Hi Yara, shavings is probably the wrong word, just an old expression no longer appropriate but the principle is the same. I use PTFE Teflon balls for elasticity in compression between the stuffing box cover and the Teflon pressure plate. Between the pressure plate and the back of the box I use braids made out of staple (what I wrongly call shavings) carbon fibres. This has a very good lubricating performance and requires less gland load and does not damage the shaft. Please don't get me wrong, I am not against any other type of seal, what I am saying is that this is the most practical and economical way for me only, to repair a leaking shaft at sea. I had to screw the cap 1/8 of a turn once in two and a half years. It works for me and "I am happy with my choice"

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:29PM
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Someone that doesn't paragraph, some one that has extensive knowlage of Electoliss and dissimilar metals.

The header tank would have to be at list a metre above the water line to equalize the pressure in the shaft tube. Probably more since oil is lighter than water. Since lip seals don't last forever that ketch may end up with those lovely rainbow colours around its WL. And if the lip seal does its job, the oil will not get in between the lips, the corrosion will still set i

SA, 4783 posts
22 Jul 2016 1:35PM
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Someone that does a fair bit of deliverys and sea miles!
i think my detective work is over ! It's 5am time for bed!

If you have access to a marina with haul out facility all year long then a dripless seal will keep the bilge clean. For long voyages I would recommend the packing box seal which is easy to maintain in rough sea. Most of the time 1/8 of a turn on the seal cap will fix a leak. I have stainless trays under the seals with a drain hose running into the aft bilge pump box, to avoid that smelly bath water. A bag of Teflon shavings is 80 Euro, cheaper than hauling, specially a large beam boat.

NSW, 908 posts
22 Jul 2016 2:06PM
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Yep... sounds more like a bloke than a girl... .not being sexist at

VIC, 613 posts
22 Jul 2016 2:20PM
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twodogs1969 said..

Guitz said...
A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.

Why would there be any leagel remefication?
All the person did was played a few people at not stage did they say they needed rescue.

Ok, I'm no legal expert but as soon as the thread became a possible "missing person at sea" situation it became more than just playing a few people, don't you think? Sounds like you are downplaying the whole episode. At that point I am assuming by law the hoaxer is mandated to let the relevant rescue agencies know that a rescue is not needed, or at the very least email or pm a forum participant in the thread to notify that a rescue was not needed. Given the fact that they where getting their jollies from taking prople for a ride thy would have known what was going on. The forum Admin at the very least should post updates on this thread....this statement is not enough..........

" Hi All, NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here. From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax. We know the logins involved & who they are. Thanks"

Obviously Southace thinks he knows who the culprit is..........would be a pity though if he's wrong and un necisarry negative **** goes down and the whole episode turns into a damaging ****fight. I really think Admin should be forthcoming with the facts.........

2 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:52PM
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Hello every one,
I am from the French coast guard, and just want to thank you all for your concern about "LADYJANE" whatever it lead to a false alert.
Informed the NZ RCC was the right thing to do.

Thank you also to the forum admins that investigate on this cause of concern, and help us to remove the doubt on this situation.

Kind regards.

QLD, 2195 posts
22 Jul 2016 2:55PM
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Who alerted french coast guard and why?

QLD, 2195 posts
22 Jul 2016 2:58PM
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Guitz said...
twodogs1969 said..

Guitz said...
A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.

Why would there be any leagel remefication?
All the person did was played a few people at not stage did they say they needed rescue.

Ok, I'm no legal expert but as soon as the thread became a possible "missing person at sea" situation it became more than just playing a few people, don't you think? Sounds like you are downplaying the whole episode. At that point I am assuming by law the hoaxer is mandated to let the relevant rescue agencies know that a rescue is not needed, or at the very least email or pm a forum participant in the thread to notify that a rescue was not needed. Given the fact that they where getting their jollies from taking prople for a ride thy would have known what was going on. The forum Admin at the very least should post updates on this thread....this statement is not enough..........

" Hi All, NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here. From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax. We know the logins involved & who they are. Thanks"

Obviously Southace thinks he knows who the culprit is..........would be a pity though if he's wrong and un necisarry negative **** goes down and the whole episode turns into a damaging ****fight. I really think Admin should be forthcoming with the facts.........

admin here dont tend to divulge much on these matters. We would all like to know....i better get outside and do something..xmas in july my house tomorrow. Big turkey. Pork belly...charcoal weber the lot temp drop tomorrow do gotta get the fires stoked. Big 44 gallon drum fire outside ready to go too

2 posts
22 Jul 2016 12:58PM
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NZ coast guard asked us to investigate on this case in order to found information that can gave an identity or a vessel's name.
Looking around for someone unknown on an unknown vessel at an unknown position is a hard think to do.

VIC, 613 posts
22 Jul 2016 3:19PM
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Nagrom said..
Hello every one,
I am from the French coast guard, and just want to thank you all for your concern about "LADYJANE" whatever it lead to a false alert.
Informed the NZ RCC was the right thing to do.

Thank you also to the forum admins that investigate on this cause of concern, and help us to remove the doubt on this situation.

Kind regards.

Thanks for your post here, and the work you do to help us yachties whenever trouble arises. I'm sure if some French man was pretending to be an Australian woman on a French sailing forum and caused a similar situation you would do the same ;)

VIC, 613 posts
22 Jul 2016 3:25PM
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Sectorsteve said..
Who alerted french coast guard and why?

Sectorsteve said..
admin here dont tend to divulge much on these matters. We would all like to know....i better get outside and do something..xmas in july my house tomorrow. Big turkey. Pork belly...charcoal weber the lot temp drop tomorrow do gotta get the fires stoked. Big 44 gallon drum fire outside ready to go too

I thought the answer would be obvious in that NZ SAR would try and establish the legitimacy and identity of the vessel before searching.

I realize Admin is low key etc, but I think we have a right to know,..... Maybe a freedom of info application will do the trick.
By the way thanks for the invite to xmas in july feast. Won't be able to make it this weekend... sounds good though

NSW, 1000 posts
22 Jul 2016 3:32PM
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Guitz said...
twodogs1969 said..

Guitz said...
A hoax of this sort will have legal ramifications .......... I think said Blob will be more animated when the time comes to face the consequences, and because the offence was committed against us collectively as well as NZ SAR etc, it is essential we are kept informed of the proceedings and eventual outcome. In another place and time we would take it on ourselvs to sort such assholes out but as we are " more civilized " it is incumbent on the Law to do so on our behalf. This would be a great Pro Bono opportunity for some smart Internet savvy young layer wanting to make a splash.

Why would there be any leagel remefication?
All the person did was played a few people at not stage did they say they needed rescue.

Ok, I'm no legal expert but as soon as the thread became a possible "missing person at sea" situation it became more than just playing a few people, don't you think? Sounds like you are downplaying the whole episode. At that point I am assuming by law the hoaxer is mandated to let the relevant rescue agencies know that a rescue is not needed, or at the very least email or pm a forum participant in the thread to notify that a rescue was not needed. Given the fact that they where getting their jollies from taking prople for a ride thy would have known what was going on. The forum Admin at the very least should post updates on this thread....this statement is not enough..........

" Hi All, NZ Sea rescue & many others have been dragged into this - at the potential loss of life - so we've dug into our records to investigate here. From our research it suggests a high probability that this topic is a hoax. We know the logins involved & who they are. Thanks"

Obviously Southace thinks he knows who the culprit is..........would be a pity though if he's wrong and un necisarry negative **** goes down and the whole episode turns into a damaging ****fight. I really think Admin should be forthcoming with the facts.........

Was the hoaxer still monitoring the forum after the coast guard was notified?
The poster did say to McNaughtical they were no longer using this and now communicating with NZ.
Nothing will or really could happen to the poster imho.
the poster never said they needed help never said they were in danger what will they be charged for?

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Forums > Sailing General

"Passage to Australia" started by nobodyat