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Resurfacing non-slip areas

Created by sirgallivant > 9 months ago, 17 Apr 2017
NSW, 1531 posts
17 Apr 2017 3:23PM
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Slipped few days ago on deck and it gave me an idea to re-surface the area, however l am apprehensive to use different colour to the cream deck l got and no matching hue l found on offer at Ww. (weatherfast slip resistant deck paint) .
The idea is to use a clear coat with grit, which one could by at Ww. in a can. (international intergrip)

Any clear l could use for this purpose.
I am looking for tried and lasting solutions not maybe's!

SA, 4783 posts
17 Apr 2017 3:20PM
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Clearcoats have to be very uv stabilised , remember in the old days you could tell if a car or boat had been clear coated as the clear would show peeling and cracking? For some reason clear is the worst paint for being out in the sun. Not sure what they use on modern cars at present but might be worth looking into.

VIC, 5904 posts
17 Apr 2017 7:32PM
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maybe you need better footwear ?

NSW, 190 posts
17 Apr 2017 8:04PM
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sirgallivant said..
Slipped few days ago on deck and it gave me an idea to re-surface the area, however l am apprehensive to use different colour to the cream deck l got and no matching hue l found on offer at Ww. (weatherfast slip resistant deck paint) .
The idea is to use a clear coat with grit, which one could by at Ww. in a can. (international intergrip)

Any clear l could use for this purpose.
I am looking for tried and lasting solutions not maybe's!

Clear coatings of any type suffer UV terribly. Not a good idea. Just choose a paint that's close in colour and use Intergrip. I completely changed the colour of my deck using 2 pack international paint. It's fine after 8 years although it may need a recoat in the next few years. Fortunately non skid is not a perfection finish exercise; just get good coverage and even sprinkling of non skid.

QLD, 2195 posts
17 Apr 2017 8:07PM
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dont kiwigrip do the cream colour??
highly reccomend. tape up - slop it on. done. no grit. its all in the roller.

QLD, 267 posts
17 Apr 2017 8:17PM
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I used Jotun deck paint with added anti skid on the topcoat it is a two pac polyurethane. my boat is steel.

VIC, 5814 posts
17 Apr 2017 8:40PM
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I just used International two pack paint and added non skid on the last coat

NSW, 1531 posts
17 Apr 2017 8:58PM
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I am wondering, what brand of 'non skid' did you use?
Is it the non skid l mentioned above or a different brand?

Btw long time ago, not on a yacht, l used oil based paint and a good few handful of sand. It worked to perfection every time.

VIC, 5814 posts
17 Apr 2017 10:29PM
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I used international two pack paint and international non skid that comes in its own container
The way I figure it buy the best and it should last a long time my old girl is not the prettiest H28 around but she protected from the elements

QLD, 12351 posts
17 Apr 2017 11:41PM
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SandS said..
maybe you need better footwear ?

Yeah!! Genuine Dunlop Volley QCs are the only way to go.

QLD, 2195 posts
18 Apr 2017 6:54AM
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cisco said..

SandS said..
maybe you need better footwear ?

Yeah!! Genuine Dunlop Volley QCs are the only way to go.

And $35 at Kmart. Those things grip anything

NSW, 190 posts
18 Apr 2017 6:58AM
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sirgallivant said..
I am wondering, what brand of 'non skid' did you use?
Is it the non skid l mentioned above or a different brand?

Btw long time ago, not on a yacht, l used oil based paint and a good few handful of sand. It worked to perfection every time.

Works well although as the paint wears the sand shows through as a dirty colour. I wouldn't recommend it for a boat deck. The intergrip granules are translucent and don't show up as the deck paint wears.

NSW, 891 posts
18 Apr 2017 4:33PM
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Sectorsteve said..
dont kiwigrip do the cream colour??
highly reccomend. tape up - slop it on. done. no grit. its all in the roller.

Yep, KiwiGrip is easy to apply & looks the goods. You can get the finish you want, either not too rough or very rough.!!

NSW, 1531 posts
18 Apr 2017 9:52PM
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I slipped in my volleys and that is my worries.

No, l am not planning to oil paint my deck with sand grit. I am not a dickhead.

After consulting the shelfs at Ww, Kiwi grip it is. Decidedly better option than the others.

Thanks for your advice!

Agent nods
622 posts
18 Apr 2017 8:49PM
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I friend swore by adhesive tape strips. He reckoned that if you have a good base. You just place the strips where required.
He argued that some areas take allot of wear, some very little so just replace the worn areas as required. Much less work than all the surfaces.

A heat gun with get them off in a few minutes, and it a few minutes more it is replaced.

NSW, 1531 posts
18 Apr 2017 10:53PM
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I am using them on my yacht but the function of a non skid strip is quite different to a general non slid surface, methinks.

NSW, 190 posts
19 Apr 2017 7:12AM
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sirgallivant said..
I slipped in my volleys and that is my worries.

No, l am not planning to oil paint my deck with sand grit. I am not a dickhead.

After consulting the shelfs at Ww, Kiwi grip it is. Decidedly better option than the others.

Thanks for your advice!

Years ago I got advice from an old salt to refinish my decks just that way; ie oil paint and sand.... so I did and that's how I know ;)

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Apr 2017 8:02AM
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Something I've done that I really love is I bought a roll of paddle board adhesive 3m grip. It would really work on the decks but I've applie it only on the whole cockpit floor. So nice on your feet and lotsa grip when heeled.

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Apr 2017 8:04AM
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sirgallivant said..
I slipped in my volleys and that is my worries.

No, l am not planning to oil paint my deck with sand grit. I am not a dickhead.

After consulting the shelfs at Ww, Kiwi grip it is. Decidedly better option than the others.

Thanks for your advice!

From memory kiwi grip in cream could be hard to get. I wanted cream as well. You may have to go all the way to the top and order it from kiwi grip. They do make it'. But last year ww didn't sell it.
also I just slopped it on. I lightly sanded the red crap that was on the decks but didn't do much prep apart from taping up. There's no trace of any red deck through the white kiwi grip. It's good stuff.

NSW, 1531 posts
19 Apr 2017 5:23PM
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Ww got it, the cream one, so l am gonna get some soon.

Ringle, thanks for the site. It is a good one full of test results. +1

VIC, 613 posts
19 Apr 2017 5:54PM
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I used an addative in a granular form to the paint I was using to the non slip areas and it worked a treat so you can use the same paint. Will look up the brand name if you want

NSW, 1531 posts
21 Apr 2017 9:22AM
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Thanks Guitz, kiwigrip it is!

VIC, 5904 posts
21 Apr 2017 8:36PM
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sirgallivant said..
I slipped in my volleys and that is my worries.

No, l am not planning to oil paint my deck with sand grit. I am not a dickhead.

After consulting the shelfs at Ww, Kiwi grip it is. Decidedly better option than the others.

Thanks for your advice!

need new volleys !


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"Resurfacing non-slip areas" started by sirgallivant