Forums > Sailing General

Show us your tool kit.

Created by southace > 9 months ago, 13 Apr 2018
SA, 4783 posts
13 Apr 2018 5:26PM
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I bit the bullet and ordered the Cresent tool kit last week.
I still have a few mixed tool boxes onboard that I will sort out and reduce, but this kit that stores in a magazine rack in the garage will service most of my maintenance and I would highly recommend .

NSW, 1531 posts
13 Apr 2018 6:26PM
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Yep, it is a good beginning.
(actually it is a beaut!)

However, never ever leave the impact drive home. It is the most important tool you will ever need beside your hammer, to make it work. (especially with those old 'normal' cut mostly brass screws!!!)
The other important tool is the vice grip and the third is one's soldering iron which is good for what is made for and to shrink the shrink wrap or cover over a connection.
The hammer l already mentioned and the brass or rubber hammer comes next.
And the list goes on and on and on and... the bloody shed...

WA, 855 posts
13 Apr 2018 4:53PM
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Got the exact same kit SA, nicely laid out for most of the commonly used tools. After nearly 4yrs on the boat, everything still in very good working condition.

SA, 4783 posts
13 Apr 2018 6:39PM
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sirgallivant said..
Yep, it is a good beginning.
(actually it is a beaut!)

However, never ever leave the impact drive home. It is the most important tool you will ever need beside your hammer, to make it work. (especially with those old 'normal' cut mostly brass screws!!!)
The other important tool is the vice grip and the third is one's soldering iron which is good for what is made for and to shrink the shrink wrap or cover over a connection.
The hammer l already mentioned and the brass or rubber hammer comes next.
And the list goes on and on and on and... the bloody shed...

I free agree but once you get everything replaced you shouldn't need a hammer and impact driver!

WA, 1605 posts
13 Apr 2018 5:10PM
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FreeRadical said..
Got the exact same kit SA, nicely laid out for most of the commonly used tools. After nearly 4yrs on the boat, everything still in very good working condition.

Same here

SA, 4783 posts
13 Apr 2018 6:43PM
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FreeRadical said..
Got the exact same kit SA, nicely laid out for most of the commonly used tools. After nearly 4yrs on the boat, everything still in very good working condition.

It took me a while to find this kit but was located in Victoria from a tool shop delivered in 4 days for $140 . Will spend this wet blustery weekend reducing tool boxes might reduce 20kg from my garage!

VIC, 605 posts
13 Apr 2018 7:52PM
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and....don't forget the mini vice & hacksaw and the manual drill and the drill bits and..hang it all, move the contents of the shed onto the boat and you're done

NSW, 2680 posts
13 Apr 2018 9:11PM
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I have the view that I must be able to fix at sea anything that can go wrong that must be fixed at sea. If it can wait till I'm at my destination I don't care.
The only possible breakage that I may not be able to fix at sea is a collapsed standing rig. I have hacksaws, big wire cutters and such but if the mast came down it is touch and go if I could cut it away.
My answer is not to load the rig. It is in very good condition, replaced in November 2016, and I take care not to put loads on it, reduce sail and don't let the sails flap heavily. A angle grinder might be useful but I have little confidence in using one on a heaving wave soaked deck.

SA, 4783 posts
13 Apr 2018 9:02PM
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MorningBird said..
I have the view that I must be able to fix at sea anything that can go wrong that must be fixed at sea. If it can wait till I'm at my destination I don't care.
The only possible breakage that I may not be able to fix at sea is a collapsed standing rig. I have hacksaws, big wire cutters and such but if the mast came down it is touch and go if I could cut it away.
My answer is not to load the rig. It is in very good condition, replaced in November 2016, and I take care not to put loads on it, reduce sail and don't let the sails flap heavily. A angle grinder might be useful but I have little confidence in using one on a heaving wave soaked deck.

Angle grinder and genset I have, I was talking hand tools Morning bird. But I agree with your comments. Aeg 18 volt does a great angle grinder .

QLD, 853 posts
13 Apr 2018 9:59PM
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This is the socket / tool set I carry. The best part is the plastic case, as it sturdy, doesn't rust or damage you boat. Being a big boat I can carry a lot of tools. In fact I have a tool room with a work bench. I carry enough tools and spares that I can jus about rebuild anything on the run.

NSW, 2680 posts
13 Apr 2018 10:47PM
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Jode5 said..
This is the socket / tool set I carry. The best part is the plastic case, as it sturdy, doesn't rust or damage you boat. Being a big boat I can carry a lot of tools. In fact I have a tool room with a work bench. I carry enough tools and spares that I can jus about rebuild anything on the run.

A boat with a workshop. A blokes floating shed, what dreams are made of.

NSW, 1442 posts
13 Apr 2018 11:39PM
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Jode5 said..
This is the socket / tool set I carry. The best part is the plastic case, as it sturdy, doesn't rust or damage you boat. Being a big boat I can carry a lot of tools. In fact I have a tool room with a work bench. I carry enough tools and spares that I can jus about rebuild anything on the run.

Oh... won't fit on a Top Hat!!!!!

NSW, 292 posts
14 Apr 2018 7:51AM
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Two sidchrome socket sets from 5mm to 45mm ,the usual collection of screw drivers,3 vice grips ,hammers,soldering iron, 18 volt dewalt set ( angle grinder,drill,circ saw,multitool,sabre saw,jig saw) wire cutters ,hack saw, 20 metres of small rigging wire ,thimbles and crimpers . 1 litre of epoxy , 500 ml of fibre glass resin ,glass matting and one piece of 8 mm ply that sits on the floor under the table . Roll of 4mm copper wire ,spare oil , filters,impeller,hoses etc for surprised what can be packed in spots around the boat.

NSW, 201 posts
14 Apr 2018 8:07AM
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I agree with Morningbird (as if I wouldn't - well on most things) and my solution was to ask the engine manufacturer for a list of tools needed and thne buy and "label" them (Volvo Penta used to sell the toolkits but now will supply the list). Similarly check the particular tools and sizes needed for the things you are likely to need to repair when underway and again make sure you know in advance which tool and size for what job. No point having a Repco shop full of tools and find yourself scrambling around bleary eyed in the middle of the night trying to work out which size spanner you need to bleed the fuel pump or dropping a socket (usually the size you end up needing) down below a hot engine. So as in everything, think ahead about what you will need for the jobs you are likely to encounter that are critical to getting to your destination safely and have a contingency for everything else. Unless you are transiting an ocean, coastal hops should not see you too far from a safe bolt hole.

NSW, 2680 posts
14 Apr 2018 3:47PM
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I forgot to add I carry spare sea water filters, lots of fuel filters, oil, coolant, fuses, wire, nuts and bolts etc.
I don't carry spare throttle or gear cables as I replaced them not that long ago and can use engine controls in extremis. MB has about 80 metres of spare 12mm sheet rope and assorted other ropes. A bag full of spare shackles and such bits and pieces.

SA, 4783 posts
14 Apr 2018 5:42PM
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I have been sorting out the garage today..... Why the heck do I need 3 sets of Allen keys, 3 sets of socket sets,, 20 screw drivers! When I only have a engine , windlass and mast to service! Cresent will do most of this work!

VIC, 490 posts
14 Apr 2018 6:45PM
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A workshop on the boat - you're torturing me!

Living on a 28' as a couple for an extended cruise means every item is subject to scrutiny.

With the tool kit I need to be able to fix up in an emergency, carry out a more permanent repair to get to the next supply point, then there's maintenance and improvements!

I've found the dremel tool an invaluable addition - it works as a little angle grinder, sander, router etc.

If we need to do a more major job, we tend to buy a cheap but acceptable quality power tool from bunnings and, if it's too big to keep, give it to a mate - still way cheaper than paying someone else to do the job.

Still, it can lead to entertaining improvisation. Out bush, I managed to resolder some electronics using a big steel tent peg heated in the campfire.

Here's my kit :
Full set screwdrivers
Ring & open spanners. Large, med & sml adjustable spanners.
Sockets with breaker bar & extensions
Wood saw., junior&std hacksaws
Electrical : soldering iron, crimping tool, multimeter
Hammer, wrecking bar
Std & electrical pliers
Filter & mole grips
Allen keys
Manual & battery drill. Bits.
Stanley knife
Whooping rigging cutters
Sewing kit
Wire brushes
Splicing fids
Riveting tool
Brass eye tool
Chisel set
Tiny but effective knife sharpener

Obviously, there are spares for engine and everything else as well as consumables such as tape, wire etc

I'd put in a special mention for a couple of knackered screwdrivers - great for poking, scraping, banging, and chiselling when you wouldn't want to risk anything decent - I found both of mine.

The leatherman wave has been a constant companion for years and is always on my belt. Ashore I favour a Swiss Army knife "camper" model.

I bet I've forgotten something!



SA, 4783 posts
14 Apr 2018 6:25PM
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Bristolfashion said..
A workshop on the boat - you're torturing me!

Living on a 28' as a couple for an extended cruise means every item is subject to scrutiny.

With the tool kit I need to be able to fix up in an emergency, carry out a more permanent repair to get to the next supply point, then there's maintenance and improvements!

I've found the dremel tool an invaluable addition - it works as a little angle grinder, sander, router etc.

If we need to do a more major job, we tend to buy a cheap but acceptable quality power tool from bunnings and, if it's too big to keep, give it to a mate - still way cheaper than paying someone else to do the job.

Still, it can lead to entertaining improvisation. Out bush, I managed to resolder some electronics using a big steel tent peg heated in the campfire.

Here's my kit :
Full set screwdrivers
Ring & open spanners. Large, med & sml adjustable spanners.
Sockets with breaker bar & extensions
Wood saw., junior&std hacksaws
Electrical : soldering iron, crimping tool, multimeter
Hammer, wrecking bar
Std & electrical pliers
Filter & mole grips
Allen keys
Manual & battery drill. Bits.
Stanley knife
Whooping rigging cutters
Sewing kit
Wire brushes
Splicing fids
Riveting tool
Brass eye tool
Chisel set
Tiny but effective knife sharpener

Obviously, there are spares for engine and everything else as well as consumables such as tape, wire etc

I'd put in a special mention for a couple of knackered screwdrivers - great for poking, scraping, banging, and chiselling when you wouldn't want to risk anything decent - I found both of mine.

The leatherman wave has been a constant companion for years and is always on my belt. Ashore I favour a Swiss Army knife "camper" model.

I bet I've forgotten something!



I doubt you would need all that stuff on a new boat! You will find once everything is up to scratch you will just need a basic kit that will service all. Hence why I would recommend the Cresent kit.

WA, 1605 posts
14 Apr 2018 5:25PM
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southace said..
I have been sorting out the garage today..... Why the heck do I need 3 sets of Allen keys, 3 sets of socket sets,, 20 screw drivers! When I only have a engine , windlass and mast to service! Cresent will do most of this work!

They're a pretty good tool kit Southace,, Iv'e bought 4 so far ,,, one for the boat , and one each for my boys to keep in their car when they got their drivers lic,
I paid around $180 for them.

Agent nods
622 posts
14 Apr 2018 6:02PM
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Where is the gaffer tape??

Everything that breaks can be "fixed" with gaffer tape!

QLD, 12350 posts
15 Apr 2018 12:35AM
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I do not go for shiny and sexy.

Funky and functional is a whole lot better.

QLD, 12350 posts
15 Apr 2018 12:40AM
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Rather than have this as a conversation starter in the book shelf:-

I would have something like this to promote some scintillating intellectual intercourse.

NSW, 7656 posts
15 Apr 2018 8:00AM
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cisco said..
I do not go for shiny and sexy.

Funky and functional is a whole lot better.

I'm surprised how good an old 12v drill is converted to run from the ships power.

SA, 4783 posts
15 Apr 2018 7:53AM
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cisco said..
Rather than have this as a conversation starter in the book shelf:-

I would have something like this to promote some scintillating intellectual intercourse.

You need all that old crap because your doing a complete re-fit / strip.
While most of us are sailing and just doing the odd jobs.
I was recommending a good tool kit to the fellow sailors on Seabreeze.
You where warned by admin already! pull your twat head in !
Please don't comment on my posts again!

QLD, 12350 posts
15 Apr 2018 9:54AM
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Chill out!!

QLD, 149 posts
15 Apr 2018 3:39PM
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Hi, separate tools in one box is good idea, but me I do prefer "all in one, swiss knife".

WA, 226 posts
15 Apr 2018 3:22PM
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southace said..
I bit the bullet and ordered the Cresent tool kit last week.
I still have a few mixed tool boxes onboard that I will sort out and reduce, but this kit that stores in a magazine rack in the garage will service most of my maintenance and I would highly recommend .

That's a beauty. Best part it comes with 3 ratchets to finish the job when you drop one over the side and the second one decides to follow it as they usually do. Unless you have old speakers lying around, like I did, I'd recommend adding a strong neodymium magnet tied to a length of dyneema string to your tool kit to help retrieve any runaway tools without having to put on the snorkeling gear and go treasure hunting.

NSW, 1442 posts
15 Apr 2018 5:50PM
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cisco said..
I do not go for shiny and sexy.

Funky and functional is a whole lot better.

Ditto to all that cisco, looks very much like mine all there and well used!

QLD, 853 posts
15 Apr 2018 6:00PM
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Harb said..

southace said..
I bit the bullet and ordered the Cresent tool kit last week.
I still have a few mixed tool boxes onboard that I will sort out and reduce, but this kit that stores in a magazine rack in the garage will service most of my maintenance and I would highly recommend .

That's a beauty. Best part it comes with 3 ratchets to finish the job when you drop one over the side and the second one decides to follow it as they usually do. Unless you have old speakers lying around, like I did, I'd recommend adding a strong neodymium magnet tied to a length of dyneema string to your tool kit to help retrieve any runaway tools without having to put on the snorkeling gear and go treasure hunting.

And don't store the super magnet in the cupboard beside the fluxgate Compass

TAS, 2446 posts
15 Apr 2018 7:28PM
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One advantage one having tools in a dedicated case is that you can see if anything is missing when you are finished using them and look for it

Regards Don

VIC, 490 posts
15 Apr 2018 7:35PM
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Donk107 said..
One advantage one having tools in a dedicated case is that you can see if anything is missing when you are finished using them and look for it

Regards Don

You're right there Don. However, when you lose one it's doubly annoying!



Forums > Sailing General

"Show us your tool kit." started by southace