Got to love sitting out the front of town on the eve of the first ever street race! Ferri , labbogini , gt fords, v8 super cars! 10 bucks entry !
Port Lincoln. Top spot. I will be over there in a few days. I thought I recognized some of those KG whiting is your other photos! Wish I had known about the street racing too, would have made the effort to get there earlier.
Just 1 hour before the start it's going to get real loud! If you go to there Facebook page there's some live drone fototage and ya can see my Icon !
Teakle auto sprint
Does the course have a Macca's drive through
I see Trim was asleep
That's a serious event. I thought I might drag my race car over there for next years event but I have a feeling the entry fee might be eye watering! Good example of how motor racing benefits the local community once the councils get behind it. If the noise is too much you can always sneak back out to the Groups for some whiting.
Thanks for the link.
The noise was incredible all afternoon! I don't think I will stay here and put up with that again. The whole event was the dream of a local millionaire who owns two ferris and is looking at getting a 3rd! Yesterday was a short track today they open it up to full length. 75 cars to do 3 time trials busy busy!