Bit on over the next 48 hours.
Storm Force warning for South West coast and Gales warning everywhere else for open waters.
Have to watch the observations later tonight.
not looking real good middle of next week either . might get a wave break over all of tassi next week !!
two big Wednesdays !!
Wind gear at Matsyker must max out at 88 knots.
Still a three hour period of constant 70 knots
Tasman Is in to the 70 as well.
In front of my place Bruny AWS got to 50.
No damage down my way when I called home last night.
Yeah some high winds out there! I took the boat off our swing mooring and tied up to the public jetty at Kettering yesterday. I needed to do a couple of jobs anyway and I decided to leave it in there for a couple of days just to be safe.
Ive been wondering if there is an explanation for the weather pattern we have been getting this winter and came across what the weather persons have named SAM, the Southern Annular Mode. It makes for interestin reading that sheds a bit of light on the climate drivers involved.
Theoretically a swing mooring in a sheltered spot allows the boat to align with the wind direction but a nice snug marina sounds good too.
The only time my boat has been damaged is in the marina when the mooring rope caught the end of the toe rail aft and because of the angle broke some off. Its always been ok on the mooring at Blairgowrie even though it gets a bit rough in a north westerly. The mooring is Inspected and maintained on a yearly basis.
To be honest i think i would prefer to be on a swing mooring where the boat can move around with the wind
I have my mooring serviced every 12 to 18 months so i am pretty confident it is not going to let go but there is still the risk that other boats in the bay might break free and blow down on mine
The insurance company don't agree though because i believe i pay more because the boat is on a mooring and not in a marina
Regards Don