Forums > Sailing General

The perfect boat engine

Created by HG02 > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2017
VIC, 5814 posts
25 Sep 2017 10:02AM
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Id loved to buy one of these below that generates DC power fully seal and in and out air circulation
Powered by Kerosene . running DC motors to propelling the boat and also running the complete electrical system .
It would be so quiet and far less chance of problems in a high speed hull of a sail boat

and scale to the boats requirements for power generation add it a yacht like this and it would be a great cruise boat with some ballest removed and add batteries for the weight reduction

QLD, 197 posts
25 Sep 2017 12:01PM
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Once there are enough wealthy early adopters I could imagine the cost of electric drives coming down substantially.

If I could buy an electric sail drive for around $2000, coupled with a nice $1000 Yamaha or Honda petrol generator with a decent battery, I'd re-engine for sure.

There must be a huge untapped market what with all the cheap old yachts chugging around on 30+ year old diesel engines where the circa $15k cost of repowering is prohibitive for most owners.

QLD, 12337 posts
25 Sep 2017 9:11PM
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I don't know what you are talkiing about HG.

What better engine for a 30 footer could there be than a 40 year old Yanmar 2 QM 15?? They are smooth, economical, reliable and only require one thing from you and that is that you love them.

This is mine:-

NSW, 1531 posts
25 Sep 2017 9:56PM
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There are three other episodes on this theme under Sailing uma (electro beke part 2,3,4.)

I think it is a brilliant idea for next to nothing.

NSW, 1434 posts
25 Sep 2017 10:21PM
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Well if any of us are around in 2050 we will be using that electric motor you are all dreaming of.

Why? The Chinese have declared that by 2050 ALL their cars will be electric, I think there will be a flow on to most other transport types!

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Sep 2017 3:53AM
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those gas generators if you added a fuel injection and design it to vapour at the injector you could run you boat on Kerosenes reducing the problem of explosive fuel on board any boat and your out board could be charged or it could be powered by kerosene.
and its natural state is a liquid not like gas which need to be pressurized to become a liquid making much safer to transport
If could be made from coal .
In Tassy a mine I worked at liquefied iron ore and piped it to the coast.
To me if they followed the river valley they could pipe cola in a slurry down to Gladstone separate the residual water slurry dry the coal which will reduce its shipping weight when they transport it and then make Kerosene out of the liquid thats left over .
You could use that to power houses right along the east coast instead of natural gas in Sydney housing you could pipe kerosene and use that in house holds and also in fuel station
Reducing the dependants on natural gas and buying oil fuel from over seas .
They used to do that last century but they like most things never followed though making it Zero contamination . like a lot of things
So instead of shipping going through the barrier reef they could use ports lower down . plus when shipping when you dry coal its at least a third its weight meaning you carry far more coal when you shipping it over seas .
I also believe you could grow sea weed as a way to assisting in clean coal power plants .
so in a way instead of having power wires to you house to power your house you could become stand alone via a gent set as below adding lower cost sea water batteries , Solar on your house.
The cost of domestic energy to a house might be more than borrowing money to make you house independent and only using the kero genset when you need to charge you batteries.
Why we do not use a marine 12/ 24 volt in a house these day is beyond me adding a sine wave convertor to any 240 volt items

Once you have extracted every thing out of the slurry return the water back to the coal mine to be reused
To me that would be far better than using rail

NSW, 1531 posts
26 Sep 2017 4:05AM
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I would love to ride my electric motorcycle to my dinghy storage, turn on the electric motor and 'sail' or 'drive?' my dinghy to my yacht where l would turn on the electric motor and silently leave my mooring.

The only thing holding us back to do so is our inefficient solar power harvesting and even more inefficient energy storage.

If we could get civilized and spend our energy on useful things instead of chasing crazy dreams of power or riches killing each other and the planet in the process...

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Sep 2017 4:55AM
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absolutely just seams so crazy people running around the world killing each other makes no sense at all .
I some how think it might be because we dont have enough women in politics and men being bullies in a bull paddock

If I was an alien flying past Id keep flying

QLD, 197 posts
26 Sep 2017 8:14AM
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HG02 said..
absolutely just seams so crazy people running around the world killing each other makes no sense at all .
I some how think it might be because we dont have enough women in politics and men being bullies in a bull paddock

If I was an alien flying past Id keep flying

Sweden has lots of women in politics and look at the disaster they have signed themselves up to.

Instead of spending money on bombs, they spend vast amounts of money housing third world immigrants.

An electric motor is something the market will deliver when the market wants it enough. We aren't about to run out of oil, gas or coal anytime soon so the internal combustion engine isn't going anywhere soon.

NSW, 7584 posts
26 Sep 2017 8:34AM
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Diesel has far greater energy per kilo than just about anything except uranium. The other stuff does not even come close.

NSW, 1531 posts
26 Sep 2017 8:59AM
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I am sure, HG, the alien would be leaving at twice the speed he approached Earth if he would hear about 'first' and 'third' world.
We should spend our riches which is held by a few, on things would benefit all of US (not the U.S.) to grow evenly all the planet.
Our antiquated value, political and monetary systems are keeping us bogged down hopelessly.
But we should be talking sailing...

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Sep 2017 1:06PM
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you want to stop wars stop using oil

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Sep 2017 5:22PM
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Ramona said..
Diesel has far greater energy per kilo than just about anything except uranium. The other stuff does not even come close.

a match box full would power a car more than your life time . would be good if they could recycle it for that purpose

VIC, 5814 posts
26 Sep 2017 6:08PM
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cisco said..
I don't know what you are talkiing about HG.

What better engine for a 30 footer could there be than a 40 year old Yanmar 2 QM 15?? They are smooth, economical, reliable and only require one thing from you and that is that you love them.

This is mine:-

Well we could make the engine revolve either way and remove your gearbox and perhaps add and over drive for forward Ciso
and I could add electric solenoid valves so you dont need a cam shaft and I could add a air start so you dont need a starter motor or a ring gear or over head valve gear or push rods

VIC, 5814 posts
27 Sep 2017 2:39PM
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Around 2002 I emailed Ford in USA Chicago and told them this we exchanged a few emails

In the old days a model T ford which had no starter motor and was only cranked over to start How a person could drive down to the local new agency run the motor off go and buy a paper and then if they were quick enough they could turn on the ignition move the mechanical advance and because there was still fuel and some compression in the cylinders the motor would start.
So I told him about a puzzle i did
If a motor with computer management had a crank sensor it would know where every piston is and at what stage of the 4 stroke engine was and its firing postion
We have electronic fuel injection so the computer can inject fuel at any stage it is programmed to do so.
So all we would need is an injection of air on the piston that is ready to fire add a some fuel via the injector add some air from a air injector and spark is no problem add this as well a 4 stroke engine could start
you would no longer require a large battery for cranking purposes
You would no longer need a ring gear nor a starter motor

a small reservoir of air maybe a small 12 volt compressor if your away for a few months
Then this engine could stop at the traffic lights and power it self up again when they turn green

it was just a head puzzle
I've added to this since then
I puzzled a motor cycle with no chain or belt drive and no brakes and its way faster than anything on the planet right now

Just old technology used in a different way completely from various sources and industries

and no shaft drive either

NSW, 7584 posts
27 Sep 2017 5:14PM
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Piston engined aero engines from the late 40's use a pistol type cartridge to do exactly that.

SA, 4776 posts
27 Sep 2017 6:01PM
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I think removing the main diesel and replacing it with a 5kv genset and a electric motor coupled to the propeller shaft would be very practical as I could use my aircon at anchor if need be.

WA, 1576 posts
27 Sep 2017 5:06PM
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HG02 said..

If a motor with computer management had a crank sensor it would know where every piston is and at what stage of the 4 stroke engine was and its firing postion
We have electronic fuel injection so the computer can inject fuel at any stage it is programmed to do so.
So all we would need is an injection of air on the piston that is ready to fire add a some fuel via the injector add some air from a air injector and spark is no problem add this as well a 4 stroke engine could start

This system is already in use, I seem to recall it being used on an orbital engine or maybe a rotary type engine
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Ramona said..
Piston engined aero engines from the late 40's use a pistol type cartridge to do exactly that.

The old cartridge starters that fire directly into the cylinders were upgraded to the Coffmans type starter that fired a cartridge into a mechanism to drive a gear to start the engine. Merlins, Napier Saber, and Jet engines like the RR Avon {Canberra bomber& Hunter) have all been fitted with a Coffman type starter at some stage. They are a beautiful piece of engineering.

SA, 309 posts
27 Sep 2017 9:43PM
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Ramona said..
Diesel has far greater energy per kilo than just about anything except uranium. The other stuff does not even come close.

I'm sold!
I'll convert my Yanmar 3GM30 to nuclear power. Has anyone already done this, or are there a YouTube films that will assist? I can remove one piston, and use the cylinder for the reactor. I will convert the other two cylinders into power drives using the super heated steam from somewhere in the reactor. I might have to beef up the cooling system a bit, as I've heard reactors can have a bit of a problem in this area. Maybe a Kevlar impeller will sort it.

I'll save 60kg in weight of diesel fuel, and this will help defray the 120kg of lead sheet I'll need to stop my boat glowing at night, and day. In the past I've really enjoyed the luminescence you see at night, as you glide thru the water. Now maybe I'll have to wear my shades 24/7.

On second thoughts, maybe I'll just go for a sail.

QLD, 12337 posts
27 Sep 2017 10:51PM
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HG02 said..
Well we could make the engine revolve either way and remove your gearbox and perhaps add and over drive for forward Ciso
and I could add electric solenoid valves so you dont need a cam shaft and I could add a air start so you dont need a starter motor or a ring gear or over head valve gear or push rods

HG, why would one overly complicate something very simple that works?? Why would one try to re-invent the wheel??

It seems you are Google addicted and feel compelled to inform all and sundry about your latest find.

These tangential mind trips you are going on are not necessarily of interest to most of us. You also need to express your self in better grammar than you have been for anybody to make sense of what you are saying.

You are all over the Seabreeze forums posting your random thoughts which are not doing you or the forums any good.

Sorry mate, I understand you have some memory problems etc. but I think you need to pull back a bit on your postings and discuss your issues with a family member or close friend.

NSW, 7584 posts
28 Sep 2017 8:03AM
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southace said..
I think removing the main diesel and replacing it with a 5kv genset and a electric motor coupled to the propeller shaft would be very practical as I could use my aircon at anchor if need be.

I have always thought this a very practical solution. Gets the engine into a better spot in the boat.

SA, 4776 posts
28 Sep 2017 8:39AM
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Ramona said..

southace said..
I think removing the main diesel and replacing it with a 5kv genset and a electric motor coupled to the propeller shaft would be very practical as I could use my aircon at anchor if need be.

I have always thought this a very practical solution. Gets the engine into a better spot in the boat.

Along with charging battery's more efficient than a alternator, quieter , 240v anytime on demand, one diesel rather than two, no gearbox, less couplings and engine lineups. I do think it's possible at present technology.

QLD, 477 posts
28 Sep 2017 9:16AM
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Ramona said..

southace said..
I think removing the main diesel and replacing it with a 5kv genset and a electric motor coupled to the propeller shaft would be very practical as I could use my aircon at anchor if need be.

I have always thought this a very practical solution. Gets the engine into a better spot in the boat.

5 kva is only 7 hp, bit small, and these big dc motors get ridiculously hot. They need water cooling or a huge (noisy) blower. The under water motors keep cool of course, but as far as I know no one has yet found a way to RELIABLY keep water out.
Bits of a Prius might work, but need some inventive engineering and still have the cooling problem. And there is the challenge to keep all those electronics safe from the salty environment.
If you need to get the engine into a better spot in the boat, the pinochette canal boats use a hydraulic drive that is very reliable.

SA, 4776 posts
28 Sep 2017 9:00AM
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PhoenixStar said..

Ramona said..

southace said..
I think removing the main diesel and replacing it with a 5kv genset and a electric motor coupled to the propeller shaft would be very practical as I could use my aircon at anchor if need be.

I have always thought this a very practical solution. Gets the engine into a better spot in the boat.

5 kva is only 7 hp, bit small, and these big dc motors get ridiculously hot. They need water cooling or a huge (noisy) blower. The under water motors keep cool of course, but as far as I know no one has yet found a way to RELIABLY keep water out.
Bits of a Prius might work, but need some inventive engineering and still have the cooling problem. And there is the challenge to keep all those electronics safe from the salty environment.
If you need to get the engine into a better spot in the boat, the pinochette canal boats use a hydraulic drive that is very reliable.

I see I didn't realise the 5kva would be converted to hp my thought would be to use the genset and battery banks to run a forward/reverse electric motor which is completely separate to the genset gearing. We do have a electric boat that runs around our Marina for the past 10 years or runs on battery alone charged from shore power alone.

WA, 1023 posts
28 Sep 2017 7:39AM
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There's a Solar Powered boat that does Croc Tours on the Daintree River.
The solar supplies enough juice for demand, so they just use the batteries through the cloudy bits.

Bit different to trying to power a yacht through chop and swell. But could be worked on

TAS, 2446 posts
28 Sep 2017 7:26PM
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When Varg was rebuilt she had an electric motor running off batteries but i believe it wasn't all that successful and was later replaced with a diesel

I started a thread on the rebuilding of her

Regards Don


Forums > Sailing General

"The perfect boat engine" started by HG02