Forums > Sailing General

This time last year!

Created by southace > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2017
SA, 4762 posts
2 Mar 2017 8:07PM
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SA, 4762 posts
2 Mar 2017 8:12PM
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Can't seem to edit but great cruise through the south shame we didn't do tassie! My yacht next year hopefully!

WA, 393 posts
3 Mar 2017 5:16AM
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Hmmm, Backstairs Passage the roughest part of the trip. I remember seeing my Porterhouse steak for the second time

NSW, 908 posts
4 Mar 2017 1:38PM
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This time last year (the 2nd March) I left the marina and dropped anchor and have been on the hook ever since... woohoo!!

VIC, 122 posts
4 Mar 2017 5:56PM
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This time last year, I had just arrived in Chilean Patagonia for a week of walking in the mountains, before joining a sailing trip in the Beagle Channel and out around Cape Horn. Wonderful!
This has inspired me to sell the little trailer-sailer and buy a little cruiser. So I am now learning how to handle my Tophat - renamed as 'Kittiwake'. Yesterday's sail in southern PPB was great, with a chance to approach the Rip and check out the nav features. Next step: Bass Strait.

VIC, 611 posts
6 Mar 2017 2:16PM
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This time last year I sailed to Docklands from Blairgowrie, spent the week on the boat and the weekend attending Melbourne's White Night festivities and motored home via Mornington for lunch. It was a great week.
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Called into the dock at Fed Square for a beer:
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NSW, 1659 posts
6 Mar 2017 4:28PM
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This time last year Missus and I were venturing out into Pittwater and learning how
to hoist the sails. I know all about sailing now......

QLD, 1193 posts
7 Mar 2017 8:59PM
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samsturdy said..
This time last year Missus and I were venturing out into Pittwater and learning how
to hoist the sails. I know all about sailing now......

Thanks Sam for a good laugh. I know exactly what you mean. The leaning curve never stops........


Forums > Sailing General

"This time last year!" started by southace