The story continues. The owner of the trimaran got a lift from a guy in another boat to get some of his belonging from his wreck and that boat then ran aground and sank in the mouth of the Pioneer River in Mackay.
Thanks for the article. On anther site it said they were trying to get into the Pioneer river on a dropping tide about 1.5 hours after high in a moderate to strong lee shore breeze. Bad news about anyone losing their boats. Still, if you do stuff, like sailing north in summer, or try going into rivers on a dropping tide in a seaway, bad things can happen. I just hope to continue doing only minor range stupid stuff on my boat. I just looked up South Barren island where the first tri was lost - seems quite close to the Broadsounds - we usually keep pretty far out as the tides and currents are severe even further out, so they should be very nasty around South Barren. Bummer for the trimarans involved - I am a tri lover from way back.