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What do you do to keep seagulls of your boat

Created by alohahugo > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2014
NSW, 133 posts
31 Oct 2014 8:31AM
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hi all
I have recently started using netting to keep seagulls off my boat. The trouble is it takes about 20 minutes to set up, when i get off the boat or want to get under way.
Last year I had a dead seagull that I hung on the boom that kept his fellow birds away for a couple of months, I think when he eventually stopped looking like a seagull his mates came back.
Any one have any smart quick to set up ways of getting rid of these pests.
Oh yeah I seem to have the worlds biggest seagull rookery on an old sh@t trimaran about 30 metres away, the owner has been unseen for 3 years but the RMS won't do anything about this ****ter, despite complaints from me.
Any ideas apart from the obvious.


NSW, 605 posts
31 Oct 2014 9:13AM
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alohahugo said..
hi all
I have recently started using netting to keep seagulls off my boat. The trouble is it takes about 20 minutes to set up, when i get off the boat or want to get under way.
Last year I had a dead seagull that I hung on the boom that kept his fellow birds away for a couple of months, I think when he eventually stopped looking like a seagull his mates came back.
Any one have any smart quick to set up ways of getting rid of these pests.
Oh yeah I seem to have the worlds biggest seagull rookery on an old sh@t trimaran about 30 metres away, the owner has been unseen for 3 years but the RMS won't do anything about this ****ter, despite complaints from me.
Any ideas apart from the obvious.


I've resorted to netting as well. I have a dream of making covers one day. In the meantime I thought I might adjust my netting so that it's quicker. Currently use a couple of long rectangles of netting and some little open clips in a C shape. Occurred to me that I could shape the netting better and split it down the middle so that it wraps around both sides of the mast and add some better clips that stay in place and are easier to put on and off. I think I'll do that as an interim and look into making one of those covers that clips in at the toe rail, up to the bottom of the boom (over centre cockpit). Covers also take time on and off but at least they'll also protect the boat from UV and won't catch in my toes and trip me over.

Also have a deserted cat in the bay which has an open hatch and another neglected boat which serve as rookeries. Actually, Maritime here are keen to move people on so perhaps they will take a suggestion that a seagull rookery is evidence of a mooring minder. Thanks for the idea.

Hmmm... unseen for 30 years eh? Boat like that could come off its mooring in a blow. Just sayin'. (Okay, okay, calm down everyone. Joke.) Can you cover the hatch if it has one? Also interested in others' suggestions. Seagulls are literally sh1tting me - flying at me and dropping poo bombs.

NSW, 70 posts
31 Oct 2014 9:33AM
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Yep I had the same problem .Things that dont work are streamers ,owls, high frequency strings,cds, dvds ,rubber snakes (the sea eagles think they are the real thing.) So I have gone the netting way too we split the netting up the centre, and My wife sewed some velcro strips down each side so we can join it up around the mast, lazy jacks stays etc .It is still not bullet proof as the swallows still got in this year and raised two chicks in my sail cover. Still takes 20 minutes to re erect after each day out but has detered the seagulls so far.catch you later .catch you

NSW, 187 posts
31 Oct 2014 9:59AM
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+1 for the netting.

Used to give my crew the S**ts at the end of the day but then they wern't the ones having to deal with all the bird poop all over the deck and boom cover. Being the understanding skipper that I am and always wanting the best for my crew I improved the netting set up by shaping it to fit and replacing what were chord ties to the toe rail with plastic clips. This made it much quicker and simpler to not only get on and off but also to get it in the right place.

I actually have 3 bits of it. 1 = forward of the mast to the bow, 1 = from mast toend of boom and 1= joins the middle one to cover the cockpit. The forward and middle pieces are held up off the deck / boom by a central chord that remains attached to the netting and is tied at either end to mast / bow / end of boom. Once that is tied it is just a siple operation of going down each side and clipping the edges on.

Having the separate piece for the cockpit means that if I am just visitng the boat to do some work and not going for a sail I can remove just that bit. It gives me access to the cabin and cockpit without having to wrestle with the whole netting set up.

VIC, 5814 posts
31 Oct 2014 11:00AM
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Where I am they use fishing line over head and that keeps them away theres 4 line running along the marina piers that seems enough to deter the gulls from coming anywhere near the boats .to crap on them
I dont have a photo but below you can see four square steel post these keep the fining line running the full length of the marnia piers

So all thse silver post have runs of finish line running along them works OK in that application

NSW, 133 posts
1 Nov 2014 10:02AM
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Seems like every one is on the same page. There has to be a better way though. I still think that the mooring minders encourage the birds who find a safe place to nest. I just reckon something like a yearly road worthy by the BSo who can tell if a boat is being used would go a long way to getting rid of the problem.Has any one noticed the appearance of trailerable sized speed boats on moorings that now never move over the last few years. I reckon our bay would have 20% of the boats in this category. I don't have a problem with them if they are used but i reckon the moorings are becoming a cheap dumping ground for these toys.

Have a nice day I am sailing down harbour today should be good

VIC, 234 posts
1 Nov 2014 1:20PM
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I park my boat in a shed 50 kms from the sea....has to be some benefit owning a trailer sailer

VIC, 5814 posts
1 Nov 2014 5:00PM
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madmission said..
I park my boat in a shed 50 kms from the sea....has to be some benefit owning a trailer sailer

Do the Galhas chew on your boat Madmision The tomatoes are doing great thanks

QLD, 2195 posts
2 Nov 2014 10:06AM
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In woodford bay there are hardly any gullls but now you guys mention it there are a few ****ters covered in poo and gulls. My boat totally left alone as are most in the bay. Church point had heaps of gulls and always had to clean boat

QLD, 994 posts
2 Nov 2014 4:42PM
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I find birds like to sit on my spreaders and have a crap on the boat so I have cable ties with the tails sticking up in the air and they can't land. Works a treat .

NSW, 1434 posts
2 Nov 2014 9:50PM
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No seagulls at Camden Haven..
But we do have the odd Pelican!!! Worth a 100 gulls!

VIC, 80 posts
2 Nov 2014 10:33PM
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Dayuum! And the cormorant be worth 30 gulls at that.
Living aboard tends to keep them away, soon as i spend a night somewhere, i count a handful of smit. Even just going shopping, i find one or two..
I wonder if we should shoehorn some homeless peoples into these mooring minders? Cant see why not

NSW, 133 posts
3 Nov 2014 6:51PM
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Hi all just to prove there is a god of sailing folk the trimaran **ter bird nesting boat has a sticker on it from RMS saying fix the boat or move on. I guess they send a letter to the owner I just hope the hillbilly can read . It would be a great day when they tow that piece of plywood crap away and burn it and its resident gulls

Sorry to rant


VIC, 611 posts
7 Nov 2014 11:10PM
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I hang a dead one between the shrouds.....

NSW, 1275 posts
8 Nov 2014 2:36PM
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HG02 said..
Where I am they use fishing line over head and that keeps them away theres 4 line running along the marina piers that seems enough to deter the gulls from coming anywhere near the boats .to crap on them
I dont have a photo but below you can see four square steel post these keep the fining line running the full length of the marnia piers

So all thse silver post have runs of finish line running along them works OK in that application

This seems to be the best idea I have seen so far. How fine is the line? Like 1 kg fishing line? Maybe could clip from backstay around the boat. That would just leave the spreaders and the masthead vulnerable.

NSW, 7584 posts
8 Nov 2014 6:52PM
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What about hanging a couple of your Cliff Richard CD's up with a bit of fishing line with swivels between them and a sinker on the bottom. Just a clip and a swivel hanging under the end of the boom.

NSW, 387 posts
14 Nov 2014 3:01PM
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Ramona said..
What about hanging a couple of your Cliff Richard CD's up with a bit of fishing line with swivels between them and a sinker on the bottom. Just a clip and a swivel hanging under the end of the boom.

The CD idea works well for me, although it could be they just don't like my music. I have a few along the foredeck and a fine line above the boom to stop the birds sitting there. Current problem (inside Middle Harbour) are the cockies - they sit on the wind instrument bar at the masthead and have chewed off one of the cups already. I'll probably put some form of pointy object up there to deter them. Spreader lines are essential.

The owl experiment was a dismal failure; I imagine the gulls looked down and thought "Hey - that owl looks pretty comfy, let's go and sit with him".

In general, if a seagull is born in a bay it tends to stay there; prevent or get rid of the nests and over time the problem will thin out.

Just my $0.02..

TAS, 194 posts
16 Nov 2014 7:11AM
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Seagulls love hot chips! What about a hot chip with a bit of ratsack in it !! They are just rats with wings!

NSW, 133 posts
16 Nov 2014 9:35AM
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Ok I have done a bit of research through a friend who is a biologist with an interest in birds of the ratlike persuasion.
He said the best way to get rid of these avian pests is to reduce their numbers in your direct area by disturbing their nesting habits. Whilst not being specific and or condoning violence towards these ariel pests. He basically said that you should target the boats that are never visited i.e. mooring minders. Get on board boot their nests into the ocean on a regular basis and they will move on to another perceived safer area. He said if you could stop them nesting for a season then you would halve the numbers in your bay 2 seasons would see them basically cleared off. He said that they would go somewhere else and nest and it would not lead to a decimation of bird numbers. As they are territorial ,the more they are disturbed they will force excess numbers off the mooring minders and out of the bay altogether.
The basic problem is mooring minders that are never visited.
Whilst I hate getting on someone else's boat uninvited in this case I think that it is the only way, these people don't give a stuff about their boats and the RMS don't seem to care enough to really do any thing about mooring minders.
Oh yeah apparently the owner of the piece of crap trimaran near me paid his overdue mooring fees and that is the end of the RMS interest in this rubbish boat. So it will stay to remain a bird haven.
Any way I now have a cunning plan Baldrick to see my bay free of sea pests within 2 years.

Hasta La Vista seagull

NSW, 1275 posts
17 Nov 2014 6:17PM
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I have never seen a nest on a boat. I think they are too smart. The boats are used as observation posts to spot fish and anything remotely edible.

VIC, 5814 posts
21 Nov 2014 7:10AM
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What would be a nice is a small solar panel powered sea gull noise repeller I know they made them for starlings a while ago

NSW, 133 posts
21 Nov 2014 8:08AM
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Whilst sitting on my boat contemplating the virtues of the seagull and how to come to a greater understanding between man and gull, I thought what do we have a lot of around here the is cheap and in abundant supply. Water I answered myself. How do we use water to repel seagulls. Water pistols I thought but that takes someone on guard 24 / 7. What about an automatic water spraying device that is movement activated to hose the sea pests off, or at least give them a hurry in the right direction.
What do we reckon can any of you incredibly talented gentlemen and ladies come up with a device that works of 12 volts etc ?

I can't wait to hear what you can come up with

VIC, 5814 posts
21 Nov 2014 1:02PM
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Maybe a recording of the last you tube and fit a timer to a play back device so it powers up every half hour and or a movement device
Using sea water in a small let say a computer water cooling might end up with corrosion problems

NSW, 133 posts
27 Nov 2014 10:21AM
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The scarer noise thing is great but can you imagine that noise going of in a small bay every half hour or so. The people who live there would get pretty annoyed at the noise and probably knock a hole in your boat. I like my idea as it is quiet and targets the pests rather than the people. Surely just a motion sensor to drive a 12 volt pump would work. It should be kept simple like an outside light sensor.


QLD, 2195 posts
27 Nov 2014 9:29AM
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use your boat alot.

QLD, 2195 posts
27 Nov 2014 9:31AM
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alohahugo said..
The scarer noise thing is great but can you imagine that noise going of in a small bay every half hour or so. The people who live there would get pretty annoyed at the noise and probably knock a hole in your boat. I like my idea as it is quiet and targets the pests rather than the people. Surely just a motion sensor to drive a 12 volt pump would work. It should be kept simple like an outside light sensor.


exaclty how i feel about car alarms that go off for hours because of a cat. i feel like smashing their windows...the irony of alarms. can cause a non thief to damage your vehicle while you are at work and your alarms going for hours...

NSW, 387 posts
27 Nov 2014 10:45AM
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Sectorsteve said..

exaclty how i feel about car alarms that go off for hours because of a cat. i feel like smashing their windows...the irony of alarms. can cause a non thief to damage your vehicle while you are at work and your alarms going for hours...

That's why this was developed...

QLD, 2195 posts
28 Nov 2014 7:14AM
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sydchris said..

Sectorsteve said..

exaclty how i feel about car alarms that go off for hours because of a cat. i feel like smashing their windows...the irony of alarms. can cause a non thief to damage your vehicle while you are at work and your alarms going for hours...

That's why this was developed...

hahahaha. see that would work.

VIC, 5814 posts
28 Nov 2014 6:56PM
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well they wont anchor to close to you will they

NSW, 133 posts
30 Nov 2014 12:21PM
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Hi All
Well commenced clearing of sea pests from mooring minders around my boat. Went on board this morning after about 4 days and one or 2 seagull messages on deck and thats all. Maybe there is something in my mates idea that if you make it as unpleasant as possible for them they will move on to safer spots. I will paddle around bay and continue my work later this evening.
If this works it will be a bonus, if only these people who own these boats would come down to them regularly we would not have this problem.


289 posts
27 Dec 2014 9:24PM
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I generally find that if the sails are up and there is forward motion that the seagulls tend to look for another boat to crap on.


Forums > Sailing General

"What do you do to keep seagulls of your boat" started by alohahugo