how about those sun sails (ref. Bunnings) or boat awnings? Mos people seem to have them up here in Queensland, but ever wondered how effective those were. At some point, I suppose you would need a combiantion of shades/sun sails and an AC unit. How are those portable units?
And have full coverage boom and fore deck tents .
for the really hot stuff.
or the twelve volt 450mm fan, for circulation.
and just shower three times a day.
I use a wind catcher for the front hatch, good boom tents and shade cloth sides that can be easily clipped and moved to chase away the sun.
i also have a couple of camping 12v fans for night time . Breezeway which are the bomb 30cm and 1.5amp pretty quiet. There are similar ones that aren't as good.
Sit outside and have a colder beer.
I have an aircon, but except for 15 days in Darwin last year where it ran 24/7, it has only be turned on once a week just to ensure it still runs.
So is there some general prohibition with sleeping on deck, in the cockpit or a hammock slung under the boom???
If you can't go sailing without a/c, why not just stay at home.
By the way Lazz, evaporative a/c units are designed for dry climates like Tennant Creek. In a moist coastal area they just increase the humidity.
In S.E. Asia I got into the habit of taking a mandi two or three times a day.
Strip off, squat in the cockpit and and sluice yourself off with a bucket of fresh water.
That's what the locals do.
A boom tent drops the temp by about 10 degrees inside the boat. I use a portable AC in the marina. It's the only way to go on the hot still days. Covers or shade cloth to get the sun off the deck also makes a big difference.
I,m fairly certain that I would be dead without the aircon??
In the winter months I am longing for warmth, so in the summer months l enjoy the heat. Used to spend my days on deck otiosely appricating, soaking up the heat sipping hot tea instead of cold beer which makes me feel terribly sweaty and thirsty.
Can not stand air con and love to sleep on deck in a hammock, under the boom tent, there is no problem there.
In the evenings a mix of tonic and "mothers ruin" with lots of lime and no ice takes care of a good night sleep.