I have put together a frankenboat as attached. Old Moth mainsail in old vj spruce mast as shown. Have sanded out mast groove for the bolt rope and moved batten plastic pocket ends aft to ensure not enchroaching but it is still stiff going up the mast groove. I don't want to sand out the groove any more as might not leave enough lip left. Does anyone have direct experience on using one of the below silicone lubes for Dacron mainsail bolt ropes in wooden masts - I don't want to spray some stuff on the bolt rope and make it worse. If one of these won't suit what else should do it? thanks in advance. rgds Rob
I use a dry lube on our boat such as Super Lube for the following reasons.
Silicone will work, but any excess that ends up on the deck will create an 'ice-rink' environment under foot.
On other items such as furlers, dry lube will actually clean out any crap as well as lubricate.
Also the other problem with the silicone is that no paint or varnish will stick to your timber spars, come time to refinish them.
Painters and panel beaters hate silicone with a passion! I think the dry lube would be less of a problem in that regard.
The only other suggestion is that with the dry lube just spray onto the boltrope and not the mast. They may leave a white coloured residue.
Good luck-CR.
CR Many thanks for input, on assessment think this would be the way to go, I now re-call SuperLube (cannot re-call when I used it before but did on something, its a worry.......) and whatever I used intended to put it on the sail bolt rope only as you advise. Yes nothing sticks to silicone once it is on........rgds Rob
Should work well. Dry lubes form a film and will generally last longer.
Makes a big difference on our mainsail hoist as the mast is over 13 metres off the deck.
Happy wife, happy life as they say!