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Yachting Australia Safety and Sea Survival Course

Created by Donk107 > 9 months ago, 28 Jun 2014
TAS, 2446 posts
28 Jun 2014 2:07PM
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Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has done one of these and what did you think of it

Regards Don

QLD, 880 posts
28 Jun 2014 8:31PM
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Hi donk
Wouldn't find , if there is a life raft deployment and all relevant training.
I have completed full training through Search & Rescue, it's great eye opener.
Hope never need it, but just in case, you know ....

TAS, 2446 posts
28 Jun 2014 8:34PM
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Hi Charriot

i assume there will be some practical in the water stuff because the second day of the course is held at the aquatic centre

regards Don

QLD, 12353 posts
28 Jun 2014 10:07PM
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Funnily enough it is usually the case that the more you train for these kinds of emergencies, the less likely they are to happen to you.

In the Navy it was training and drills, training and drills, training and drills. Never did get to experience the real thing but I was prepared for it.

If you do the course I am sure you will gain from it.

QLD, 880 posts
29 Jun 2014 12:14AM
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Yes Cisko, it's ridiculous one way, but lucky you don't need to use it.
Been to army, went through the same drill. But.
When something happen, adrenalin kick in, all that b... become second nature.

Today I had my first full rescue behind the helm. Two 300 HP pushing 25 knots,
12 miles offshore, 2.5 m short swell. Get new Haines Signature in tow.
How easy is to stuff up.
We had no radio contact, mobil number was wrong, coordinates related
through the passing boat very rough estimate. Guy couldn't connect tow rope
to trailer point and he screams I can't swim.
Took us 1 hour 45 minutes, full rescue, back in harbour.
That's the training for.....

WA, 866 posts
29 Jun 2014 10:59AM
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I reckon the sea safety survival courses are well worth it if you do sail out of sight of land. It is mandatory if you race offshore at a serious level (Cat 1 / 2)

And like you say, the better prepared you are, the less likely it is you will ever need it.

And of course we have done a video on these courses!!!

NSW, 123 posts
29 Jun 2014 7:39PM
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I have done a similar course and Best investment I made was for the missus to do the same. she got lots of experience and confidence on what to do if things go wrong. Takes a lot of the fear away. Fully reccomended for the first mate...

NSW, 2681 posts
29 Jun 2014 7:44PM
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I did it last weekend. First day theory, 2nd day am in the pool and afternoon more theory.

I had done numerous such training sessions in 26 years in the Navy and 14 years flying in the Fleet Air Arm. Annual dinghy, safety, equipment and winching drills. I was skeptical about doing the SSSC.

The two day SSSC was fantastic. I re-learned heaps, got to practice raft drills in a current environment and learnt a great deal I didn't know.

If you sail offshore, I highly recommend doing the SSSC.

866 posts
29 Jun 2014 5:55PM
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I did a similar safety at sea course as part of a Coxswain ticket at TAFE, could be an option as you also learn heaps of other good stuff, navigation, boat construction techniques & handling theory, marine diesel & radio etc etc.


Forums > Sailing General

"Yachting Australia Safety and Sea Survival Course" started by Donk107