Some has reported Eero "Colombo " missing to the Queensland Police
Can you guys up in QLD keep an eye out please
Help needed to locate man who set sail for Inskip Point
CAN YOU HELP? Eero Tiitinen last spoke to family on the afternoon of November 17 before leaving a Hervey Bay marina on his way to Inskip Point.
Police are seeking public assistance to locate a missing man believed to have set sail from a Hervey Bay marina late last month on his way to Inskip Point.Eero Tiitinen last spoke to family on the afternoon of November 17.He was at a marina in Hervey Bay and said he planned to sail to Inskip Point for an overnight stay before heading south with the intention to stop at Moreton Island.Mr Tiitinen is an experienced sailor and usually contacts family and friends, but has not contacted anyone since.Numerous inquiries made by police have been unable to locate the man or his vessel at any marinas or points along his intended route.He is described as being Caucasian in appearance, around 185cm in height, having a solid build, short grey hair and a beard.His vessel is described as an 8.2m Herreschoff yacht with a white hull and a blue mast named Colombo7.Police are asking anyone that may be able to assist to please contact them.Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.
this is very sad and a little strange as well.. weather wasn't bad that weekend. I presume he had an epirb. hope it turns out ok, but its been quite a while since the sailing weekend so his been missing for awhile now.
I've just rang crime stoppers and advised them of Colombo's post on 17/11/15 he made on the Seabreeze Sailing Weekend thread that he had the waypoints and was preparing to cross the Wide Bay Bar.
Fingers crossed he shows up, but it doesn't look good.
**** Please see below more details about Eero's boat ****
Any help would be greatly appreciated - his family is very worried.
Good Morning..Could you or anyone please advise me if Eero Tiitenen was seen or made the meet on the 22nd November that you are all referring to..Many thanks
Hope Eero is OK.
Take a look at that recent photo of Eero and his dog and boat. There appears to be a lot of stores in the back of the cockpit, and the tiller is mounted athwartships, with some kind of connection to the rudder, maybe cable? Does anyone know about this arrangement? Would the cockpit drain still be open?
Hello there. We are moored next to Eero at Havey Bay Marina.
You asked the question as to the stores at the stern of Eeros boat.
Just to give U some insight Eero spent week a "Cleaning" out the boat!! prior to his leaving on his trip. He had a couple of rubber straps attached to the rudder to keep it on his choosen course.
We do know he drove down to Tin Can Bay to get update info on the bar crossing. He was a bit concerned about crossing the bar. We spoke to him and said he was thinking of sailing down to Tin Can Bay and maybe staying the night before crossing the bar subject to weather.
We have tried to contact him last week by mobile the phone stops dailing after the first ring tone.
We do NOT have a HF radio but Eero does. If anyone has a HF radio can they please try calling him on that. Our VHF does not have the range.
Our prays are with Eero.
Steve "Sandpiper"
This is just so very sad. I hope for a miracle and Eero and his little first mate and boat turn up somewhere safe and sound.
I guess Eero's movements have been investigated by the police and other authorities (AMSA??). Questions though? The post he made on Seabreeze at 4.59 p.m. on Tuesday 17/11/2015 stated, "G'ay I left Hervey Bay today try Wide Bay Bar on Thursday wish me luck. I got latest way-points from Tin Can Bay coast Guard so I think I'l be OK".
Where was he when he posted this message? One of the anchorages between Urangan and Inskip? Kingfisher Resort? White Cliffs? Garry's Anchorage? Inskip (Pelican Bay) itself? Did he communicate with any of the VMR or Coastguard along the Sandy Straits? If so, those communications might hold the key to whether Eero remained inside or ventured across Wide Bay Bar.
Despite it's horrible (and sometimes deserved reputation), Wide Bay Bar is a very busy piece of water. There is a constant flow of powerboats and commercial fishing boats. Surely someone remembers seeing Eero's boat?
I don't know Eero. However, I've been touched deeply by this. Maybe it's a Seabreeze thing? As I said, I hope for a miracle that he and his first mate turn up safely.
Kind regards
Eero didnt mention any issues with the boat. He kept the boat in good working order. Has anyone being able to use their HF radio to try and contact Eeero??
Going by Eeros note he said he left the Urangan Marina on the Tuesday but then he said he would try and cross the bar on Thursday. That would have meant he moored somewhere for 2 days!!!!!! Someone MUST have seen him in the area. He did tell me he was going to stay at Tin Can Bay but I am thinking that maybe he dropped anchor at possibly at Garys. Rather than going to Tin Can Bay then having to back track to the bar.
Hi Tracey..Thank you for your very kind in put re Eero....all your suggestions are very valid however, the police and marine authorities are well and truly involved and looking for him on the water and land.....I will post any and every update that comes to hand Regards Lillian
Hi Steve...Thank you for your input which is very a matter of interest when you were moored next to Eero did he possibly mention that he was going to travel with other boats??? There are conflicting stories he may have been travelling with other boast on this is a copy of a message sent to me inferring he may be travelling with other boats...Regards Lillian
Copied and Pasted message I received from another member ....
Hi Seabird/Vince.......Thank you so much for clarifying that Eero was NOT in attendance at the meeting...if I may be so rude can I please ask who, whom received what correspondence as to why Eero was not attending the meeting....Regards Lillian
Just had a chat with the Hervey Bay Water Police, and, and yes they're looking for info on what may have happened.
Police have asked that if you have any info, please contact one of these numbers:
Maryborough Police: 07 41238100 , or Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
Hi theselkie,
No he did say he was waiting for a Nephew to join him but the lad keep putting it of. He was a little upset as he was hoping to have someone else on board.
As for traveling with other boats he did not say anything as to going to Morten with other boats.
We did agree that Eero, myself and my wife were going to go "Boating Together" "One Day!!"
We were a little worried about Eero on his own we suggested that if he wanted to go at any time we would go with him on seperate boats as to safety in numbers.
We have a good relationship with Eero, we give him food from our property and he gave us advice to "Electronic" matters.
I think I should advise U that Eero had left the berth by the time we had returned from our Maryborough home. Which was surprising as we thought we might travel with him to Tin Can Bay or wherever he wanted to go. We were not able to travel any further as I had hospital appointments to attend to.
I hope we have added some more insight for you.
Our prayes are with a good friend and his little lady (dog)
Steve & Worn
As to the post U added to yr message.
Theres no way Eero would cross the bar to go north. He would be in big open seas.
If he was going north he would simply leave Urangan and go directly North East to the outer marker and then turn left to go up the coast via maybe Gladstone, Bundy.
This are my thoughts but what was in the message is just not done in this area. Speaking for myself and most of the other boaties we would'nt think to go south to the bar then having to back track the entire Frazer island. By leaving the harbour and go north he would have traved arounf 100ks. the other way he would have to travel 3 times that distance. That does NOT make sense to me. But this is my thoughts others may have a different view.
Steve & Worn
ps We have been in contact with the police and given them what info we have.
The other thing is the was blowing a pretty strong northerly (at least in Moreton Bay). It would make even less sense to cross Wide Bay and start heading north in a northerly.
Also, the whole Seabreeze weekend??? That's where he was intending on heading??
Islands off the coast??? If he were heading to islands off the coast, once again, up around the top of Fraser and out to the Bunker Group??
For all it's worth, I've printed off Eero's missing persons page. I'll head down and pin it up at the local chandlery, marinas at Scarborough, MBBC, and Coastguard (although I'm assuming they will be aware?).
Let's pray he didn't cross the Bar. If he didn't, it's the Sandy Straits for goodness sake! Calm, sheltered waters. More chances of him being somewhere.
Hi Thank you for your informative insight as to where and how Eero may have travelled..his family friends and I appreciate your help in posting at the marina...Regards Lillian
I feel horrible, he was sailing down to meet us Seabreezers.
I got halfway there, we turned around as the little one was sick, but it was a nice day the weather leading up to it was pretty good I thought.
Does anyone know how to contact the family?
Hi Shaggy
this is the link:
I talked to staff at Scarborough Marina and police had been in touch with them and made enquiries. They have put the poster up.
Also spoke to Fletch at Boat Harbour Marine who knows a lot of people, so he'll keep an ear out as well.