I have been looking for a while and my main problem has been the length of the original port lights and filling in the holes to fit opening port light.
The other day I was browsing ebay and cam e across some Trend port lights for sale and after thinking for nearly a week about it I put in a bid and won them
arft original port light the masking tape represents what the new port light wont fill approximately
The above is approximately the forward port light the tape represents the new port light where it would end.
Height wise there almost the same
But in saying that I will have to straighten the port lights similar to your boat . My original port lights dont have parallel lines
exterior trim
I have 4 of the longer ones.
So far there in transit should be here tomorrow.
But have been thinking how I will do it .
One of my thoughts is fit a piece of teak to the cabin side and inset the trim into this . Looking at the cabin side of my boat I am thinking it looks a little plain fitting some teak there and fixing and sealing to the cabin side would enhance the cabin side.
One of the things with these portlights will be the thickness that I have to work with . I may after looking at it for a while, laser the trim down this will reduce the thickness. I will be making a interior trim for the port light so it fits in with my interior cedar cabin sides so this also will assist in reducing the port light thickness.
So I am wondering what opinions are as far as adding an exterior teak timber to the cabin side will it look ok
I will add also the same seller still has 4 of the smaller port lights if any one wanted his contact details PM me
I might still get away with out cutting as the exterior shroud slides in and out on the port light
As long as I make a teak spacer for the inside and maybe one for the outside shroud
I might not have to alter any thing on the port light
If I can is rather not alter the port light what so ever
Hi Cisco
That's exactly what I'll use I will make a spacer the right width and use it as a jig for cutting
I think I should be able to trim the port light shroud as we'll so it's a good fit without any spacer needed
When it's time to line the cabin sides with the cedar I'll make a surround that fits around the port light frame just to hide the end of the cedar lining